Zombi U for Wii-U

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Super Freak
Jan 14, 2008
Reaction score
New survival horror game shown for Wii-U during E3. Makes use of the Gamepad's screen for a bunch of stuff.


E3 gameplay:


cg trailer:









Extra stuff from Trailer:





TWO SCREENS, TWICE THE FEAR – Feel the tension mount as you try to keep an eye on your TV and controller screen.

SURVIVAL-HORROR AT ITS BEST – Resources are in short supply while your enemies are legion; you never know when you will find more weapons, ammunition, first aid and food. Use them wisely!

DON’T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT YOUR BOB: The Wii U new controller becomes your Bug-Out Bag; the ultimate all-in-one survival kit for your tools, inventory, med kits, maps and more.

UNIQUE DEATH MECHANIC – If you die, you wake up to play an entirely new character who is another survivor in the same terrifying position. You will want to recover your old BOB, now worn by the last character you played...who is now a zombie!

HORDE AT YOUR DOOR – Prepare yourself for the inevitable onslaught. Stock up on guns, ammo and supplies, and lock down your Safe House! It’s time to defend your home against the ravenous, infected horde!

SURVIVORS VS. ZOMBIES – An adversarial multiplayer mode where one player takes over the role of Zombie Master (top-down view) spawns enemies and springs traps with a simple touch on the Wii U new controller; while a second player (first-person view) fights for survival with the Classic Controller!

MERCY KILLER – When your character gets infected, your online friends are alerted of your death and can come and hunt down your zombified character to loot the gear in your BOB and put you out of your misery!

BASED IN LONDON – A city steeped in grisly history, royal secrets and bloody tales, where the medieval fortress of the Tower of London and the stately Buckingham Palace contrast with the modernity of the world’s most cosmopolitan city!
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Trailer looked good during the Ubisoft conference yesterday...but what little "gameplay" we saw during the Nintendo one was a bit of a letdown. Probably because I'm not a huge fan of the whole tablet-thing Wii-U interface.
I am VERY VERY VERY excited for this, even tho the zombie craze will crash and burn soon, I think of this as a resident evil FPS. Real ZOMBIES!
I wasnt very excited for the new wii u but i can definatly see myself enjoying this. Ill be getting this one no doubt.
zombies in a video game? what will Nintendo think of next!

It's an Ubisoft game actually.

The game doesn't seem too bad, but I can't help but see the controller as a needless gimmick. Felt the same watching the Arkham City demo. Sure, you CAN use this weird controller to do this stuff, but do you really want to? I'm ok with hitting a button to bring up a map or inventory screen. It's been working for decades.
It's an Ubisoft game actually.

The game doesn't seem too bad, but I can't help but see the controller as a needless gimmick. Felt the same watching the Arkham City demo. Sure, you CAN use this weird controller to do this stuff, but do you really want to? I'm ok with hitting a button to bring up a map or inventory screen. It's been working for decades.

I do agree with this statement as well, and the last thing i need while playing a game is more eye strain from looking back and forth from two different screens 58 times in 6 minutes... hoping we are wrong and its alot of fun but only time will tell.
I do agree with this statement as well, and the last thing i need while playing a game is more eye strain from looking back and forth from two different screens 58 times in 6 minutes... hoping we are wrong and its alot of fun but only time will tell.

Yeah, the constant refocusing of my eyes is gonna hurt the gameplay on my end.
Yeah, the constant refocusing of my eyes is gonna hurt the gameplay on my end.

I have heard refocusing is actually good for your eyes. They say that if you are looking at something the same distance for a long time it's not good for you eyes. Like let's say you work in front of a computer all day, you are supposed to look away and focus your eyes on something either closer or further away every like 15 mins. At least that is what I have heard. So the second screen might not be as bad.

Does it change a game drastically? No, of course not. But I like having all of that information out of my way so that my full screen is into the game. Either way I don't know how the whole WiiU thing is going to work out in the end, but it should be interesting to see.

This game in particular sounds like it could be a lot of fun, or a lot of frustration. I am not one who likes to lose 3 hours of progress to something I feel is cheap, so it will depend on how they structure things I guess. If I feel like I died because I did something stupid, fair enough, if it's because I had to go into this building and a zombie falls from the roof right behind me and gets me instantly...I will curse the game forever and never touch it again :lol
I have heard refocusing is actually good for your eyes. They say that if you are looking at something the same distance for a long time it's not good for you eyes. Like let's say you work in front of a computer all day, you are supposed to look away and focus your eyes on something either closer or further away every like 15 mins. At least that is what I have heard. So the second screen might not be as bad.

Does that apply when you're looking from one screen to another :lol
I see the second screen being a HUGE plus to gameplay for a game like this. In other zombie games, you're being chased, and you hit pause to bring up the inventory screen. Everything stops, and that sense of terror is momentarily lost. With the second screen, that zombie isn't stopping and you better do what you gotta do FAST.

I'm not saying we won't get any gimmicky second screen games, but I'll argue that Zombie U doesn't appear to be one of those games.
Does that apply when you're looking from one screen to another :lol

Actually yes because it's about focusing your eyes on something that is a different distance away. So you go from looking at something far away to looking at something close, it helps keep your eyes sharp :)
I can see the whole Wii U experience getting very gimmicky feeling. Still see zero benefit from a tablet controller.

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Gametrailers updated with a few new gameplay videos:


The impressions have been fairly positive for this game.

Nintendo World Report said:
I saw a lot of people making the comparison to Left 4 Dead, based on it being a first-person shooter set in a Zombie Apocalypse. This game is definitely not that...ZombiU is a lot different from what I expected after seeing the trailer, and given how good it was I think that’s a good thing. You’re not running through this guns blazing, but carefully making it through tense situations. While we may have seen too many zombie games in recent years, I’m not sure I’ve played one quite as good as this.
IGN said:
In a show that's been very light on surprises so far, it's amusing that a zombie game, of all things, should be one of the biggest...At the entrance to Buckingham Palace, I cautiously take out three or four feeding zombies from afar, then scan the area. The scan pulls up no threats, but there's an ammo stash that looks promising. Whilst I'm examining what's there, though, five zombies burst out from the darkness behind me, nearly giving me a heart attack. I fumble pathetically with the controls, trying to equip the shotgun I just found, before one of them bears down upon me and eats my face. It's here that I discover that death is permanent in ZombiU - and I lose all the stuff that I've managed to pick up.The underlying concepts and the usage of the touchscreen controller are both impressive enough to shine through regardless.
The Verge said:
ZombiU is the exclusive zombie-killing simulator for Wii U shown briefly at the Ubisoft and Nintendo press conferences. It is also one of the show's best surprises and one of the most promising games announced for the upcoming console.
After finding the antibiotics, we bolted for the exit and promptly fell through the floor into a basement filled with viscera. An enraged zombified woman, possibly the babysitter, cornered us into a room, pacing back and forth between a hole in the wall and the only door out.

We emptied a cartridge, burying a few bullets into her clavicle, neck and chest. They briefly knocked her back, but with a lunge she got her arms around us and bit into our neck. 10:04 seconds. That's how long we lasted. We only finished off four zombies.
This is typical, we were told. This game is closer to a real zombie apocalypse simulation. People die. Constantly.
Kotaku said:
It's remarkable how intense it feels to look down into your inventory and then have to look back up to check your surroundings—it makes rooting around in your backpack during the zombie apocalypse feel like… well, rooting around in your backpack during a zombie apocalypse.At one point, things went totally bat____—the power went out, and my scanner and minimap stopped working.
I literally yelled twice from jump-scares. In fairness, I have had a TON of coffee today. But it was a whole lot of fun...Once I killed the nurse, I had to scan her with the controller screen… but she JUMPED THE EFF OUT AT ME THROUGH THE SCREEN and scared the bejesus out of me.
Sorry for the unprofessional all-caps. It was really cool, is all.
Gamespot said:
ZombiU is genuinely scary. The game is designed to be realistic; you can’t switch out weapons with superhuman speed like you can in many modern shooters. Instead you have to painstakingly dig through your backpack praying you have enough ammo that you won't need to resort to your cumbersome cricket bat. The game’s unique implementation of the Wii U hardware puts this title ahead of many of the other survival horror games released in the past few years.

Might be a sleeper killer-app for Wii-u.
It sounds like Ubi is doing everything they can with this game to take advantage of the controller gimmick, but we'll probably need real hands on time with these to decide for ourselves. It seems to be a very individual experience the same way motion control is. Milage will vary for everyone.
This looks ____ing awesome. I don't think I'd buy the console for it though, especially so close to the new consoles from Microsoft and Sony on the horizon. Hopefully it'll see a port onto those.