Ye Olde PLO KOON Image Thread

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OK, here's his hood... and the back of his very detailed head:


Mine came today, ironically at the very begining of the stressful Obi-Wan PPO. :lol He is indeed awesome. I curently have him posed with the gauntlet on his right arm and him holding his other saber in the left. I'll try and take some pics tonight, along with the closest thing I have to a pic trademark (Kit looking puzzled with a new hand).
Is his lightsaber the same as Kit's? They look like different sculpts in the pics. I was wondering if he'd wind up with a re-used Kit saber, but it looks like that is not the case. Sweet!
pjam said:
I wanted to see him with his hood over his head... like that cool pic WG posted... :monkey2

I tried, there's no way that thick material is gonna hang right. The hood stands straight up on end. :lol Makes him look like a bad 1970's wizard.

I'd have to seriously hose Plo down to get it to stay, but when it dries it will just inflate again. Sorry dude.
Wor-Gar said:
I tried, there's no way that thick material is gonna hang right. The hood stands straight up on end. :lol Makes him look like a bad 1970's wizard.

I'd have to seriously hose Plo down to get it to stay, but when it dries it will just inflate again. Sorry dude.
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