[WIP] "Doom 3" Hell Knight - BUST

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How does the wind ever get in here?
CF Supporter
Oct 25, 2009
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Hey, guys! This is the first thread I've actually started in this section of the board, which might be obvious by how newbish this post seems :monkey3, but I wanted to share a new side-project I'm undertaking during my breaks from collecting, modding games, sculpting my P2 Elder Predator mask, and drawing (links to these upon request; some of their threads aren't on SSF yet).

Whatwith the larger-scale Elder head I'm working on, I wanted to try something different by sculpting a smaller object. This Hell Knight is a work in progress, so I'm still getting my bearings, but I like the way it's going so far.



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Oh My God! Its Daikatana! :horror


Nope. You're close... sort of.

Well, I guess the reality's more interesting than the mystery, so I've posted clear pics of the project so far. It's the Hell Knight from the third Doom game and I've already sketched out a few poses for his other demon buddies. I know the first Doom is a true classic, but I felt D3 fit more into the collectible world than previous installments. More updates to come!
I have always wished that some one would make collectibles from the Doom 3 game, they could really make some awesome busts or statues.

I always wanted some nice statues from Doom 1 or 2 or even Quake 2. Did not really care for Doom 3, a let down on many levels.

If you ever do any classic Doom piece, I would love to buy some from you. I would love a Cyberdemon, Baron of Hell, or Cacodemon and of course the Doom Marine.
Together with the base I'm thinking of doing, the whole thing will probably be 5.5 to 6 inches tall.
I started some doom figures don't wanna step on anyone's toes tho, maybe I should start a new thread.
didn't make these but thought I would post


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Going to be sweet when its all done! Looking forward to final pics.
Got a chance to work the sculpt a little more today. Just testing things, seeing how the pose I have in mind will play out...




Any updates?

Also, anyone know of any Doom 1 or 2 sculpts?
Sorry for the lack of updates. I can honestly say I've forgotten about this little project during the last (good lord, four years). So much has happened since then, but during a recent move, I came across this bust from yesteryear and decided to keep it going.
It's still in "sketch" form, though I've made a few changes tonight: added some torque to the pose, figured out what that pose is going to be, added a right arm, a head, and modified a few other anatomical things (rib cage height, shoulder positioning, etc.).

I tried putting some quick horns on it just for fun and I actually really like it. Kind of a Doom 2.5 look. Now I'm wondering if I should keep it this way and/or if my time would be better spent doing something in a larger scale.



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