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Character design, character depth, and all-around bad-@$$ery.

Plus Lucas doesn't think that anything morally "good" is extreme in behavior, such as Anakin slaughtering the Sandmen, Boba wearing wookie scalps, Jabba being a brilliant glutton...
The good guys are more interesting if their flaws are more extreme, or if they're funnier and/or wear cool armor, even if they admit that it's just because it 'looks cool'.

Yoda is awesome because he's a little guy that thinks big. He's the most extreme good guy besides.... umm... Jar-Jar.
Basically Lucas is bad at making meaningfully memorable good characters. Yoda is it. I like Jedi Luke, but again... Yoda is the only non-villain that everyone wants to have around in real life.
Thank you for all your replies. I find this discussion very interesting.

I suppose that if Sideshow moved further into the EU (yes, I know some of you hate the idea) they would have more to choose from. I mean, many of the EU authors have expanded on the various ideas and themes. Diving into characters that move along the edges of good and evil. Say, Cade Skywalker, Delilah Blue and Jariah Syn (yea ok, I just read Legacy ;) ).

But I will be looking forward to the new line of figures that you mention, SilentSurfer. Sounds like something I want. ;)
However, a villian is still awesome without a hero.

And let us not forget also sometimes a hero is purposely not made to be overly "awesome" looking or seem to badass, (luke as an example) purposely so we can imagine ourselves as being in that position of a regular person against incredible odds, while the other purpose is being served by making the opposing force hence villian (vader) more of a unstoppable force being more of a parallel to overcoming great odds in our own life.
The majority of the good guys in the Star Wars universe are mostly plain looking humans. Where the bad guys look like cool looking demons or just have a unique look about them that says bad ass. I would much rather hang out with the Siths then the Jedis who in my opinion have no personality and are stuck up.
By the way I cheered in the theater when Darth Vader chopped off Luke Skywalker's hand. :lol

On top of this, Sideshow generally has not been able to get the paint work on the human characters to look as good as the non-human (this also holds true for 1/6 figures.

So taking in the cool factor and the (generally) better finished product its not surprising the bad guys come out ahead.
The original Leia PF is one of the best they've ever done---in any license---but, I've never been impressed with any other hero in the Star Wars line.
It also seems like its easier to nail a bad guy piece from a development perspective. How many debates here have been about human likeness vs, say a zombie, robot, or other random non human bad guy likeness.
Because . . .

1. They're bad@$$ & look cooler than most good guys.

2. They can kick the good guys @$$ for the most part.

3. Inside every one of us is an evil character just wanting for the right opportunity to reveal ourselves . . . it's whole how we all have a little bit of the dark side or can succumb to the dark side BS.
Heroes are almost always cooler than their respective villains. Why? Because the villains cheat and yet are still defeated by heroes who adhere to a much more strict moral code.

Villains don't have much going for them other than looks.
Because villains normally wear Black & pretty much anything looks cool in black & dont write that on HT Facebook page or we'll be getting aload of Black Iron Mans.
GOOD is our default nature (the ending of ROTJ supports this conclusion), therefore, we already know how 'GOOD' goes innately, so GOOD=Hohum.

EVIL/DARK SIDE on the other hand is an approach that is always 'new' to us so it piques our curiosity all the time, so EVIL/DARK SIDE=More interesting/always exciting/very seductive.