Who actually liked 95' Batman Forever?

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Did you like/enjoy Batman Forever?

  • yes

    Votes: 192 53.9%
  • no

    Votes: 164 46.1%

  • Total voters
I agree that there's no need to "remove" any of the Batman films from existence. As i said in my other post, while i find that i really cant get into Batman Forever, others enjoy it and thats fine. Each to their own. I loved it when it came out. I came out of the cinema thinking it was the best yet. But i was 12. Having tried to watch it a few times lately i found that i just cant enjoy it. I still absolutely love 89, Returns, Begins and TDK. I love them all for their own reasons. Just cant get into the Schumacher ones. I guess it just the way i like my Batman. I am a big fan of the comics too and i like them kind of dark and gritty too. As i said, to each his own. The campy stuff just isnt for me.
Managed about half an hour of this last night on bbc3 before putting DAVE on (best channel ever) and now I remember why I dislike it. Tommy Lee Jones is ridiculous, so is Jim Carrey, so is the set design. Sorry but Kilmer is abysmal, pouting in the batsuit and so is Robin. It has the potential to be a good movie it's just aimed at kids way too much hence why is makes me go... eeeeuuuuurrrggghhhhsdrhaerharnamtgnmsgseurghhfghkjzsdhfakhjb.kjdfba.dk;j
I agree that there's no need to "remove" any of the Batman films from existence. As i said in my other post, while i find that i really cant get into Batman Forever, others enjoy it and thats fine. Each to their own. I loved it when it came out. I came out of the cinema thinking it was the best yet. But i was 12. Having tried to watch it a few times lately i found that i just cant enjoy it. I still absolutely love 89, Returns, Begins and TDK. I love them all for their own reasons. Just cant get into the Schumacher ones. I guess it just the way i like my Batman. I am a big fan of the comics too and i like them kind of dark and gritty too. As i said, to each his own. The campy stuff just isnt for me.

I feel much the same way with a couple of exceptions, though. One, I really can't get into Batman Returns. It feels more like Beetlejuice/Edward Scissorhands/Sweeney Todd with respect to it being far more Tim Burton than Batman. I was extremely excited to see Danny DeVito as the Penguin and was very disappointed. It didn't ring true to the character to me. Penguin soldiers? Really? Same with Catwoman. Cat burglar? Hardly.

Second, I do like the camp, but only the Adam West series and movie as opposed to the Schumacher stuff. The Adam West Batman was campy because it didn't take itself seriously. The Schumacher stuff at times tries to be serious and it comes off very poorly. Almost like it is a bit too self-conscious. '60's Bats is just plain fun and a good time. "Some days, you just can't get rid of a bomb" and "They may be drinkers, Robin, but they're still human beings." Classic stuff.

The reason I like the Nolan films (and '89 Batman as well), is that there is more too them than Batman beating the crap out of outlandish villians. There is a lot more psychologically going on in them than what you see in the others. You have a lot of Jungian stuff going on with the villians being shadows of Batman (Joker being his complete opposite in pretty much every way thats important, Ra's being Bats if he had gone too far in a quest for "justice", etc.). Two-Face is literally a man fighting with his shadow-self and this is shown with his scarred head split down the middle. Just some pretty cool and deep stuff.

That, and you get Batman beating the crap out of some pretty awesome (and outlandish) villians (I love the scene in the parking structure with the meeting between the Russian and Scarecrow, awesome and classic Batman stuff).

Now, if we could only get back to Batman being an "urban legend" in the books and movies...
It didn't ring true to the character to me. Penguin soldiers? Really?


sorry but i think TDK sucked. i mean what the hell? it was way too serious, the so called "hype" was only cuz heath ledger died a few months before. i just didnt like the movie either, not only was i boring but it didnt feel or behave like a batman movie should. just didnt like it. i didnt like begins either, but at least it felt something like what a batman film should. ras and scarecrow looked and acted nothing like the comics versions, not even cool costumes. cillian murphy = MISCAST. liam neeson was aloright but pretty forgetable as a villian.

i blame nolan though. and the studio. why they decided to make batman so serious is beyond me. where there once was fun and excitment and now turned to humdrum lameness. at least thats how i see it. its seems the days of the fun cool batman movie are gone for good, unless the next director wants to bring back the batman of the comics. we need to ditch this ultra-realism stuff, its really dragging the films down now. TDKR is bound to be more of the same lameness. wheres the fantasy? where the cool vehicles? where the amazing superhero score? its all gone....pfft.

and somehow people love this lameness. i dont get it.
I'm not jaded, but Batman Begins was the finest portrayal of Bruce Wayne ever put on a screen.

thats funny, cuz to me bale is the ____ing lamest batman/bruce wayne ever. first he got the lame voice, then youve got the most wooden bruce wayne ever. hes like the boring version of kilmer. just cant wait till bale is through embarassing us with his lousy acting, its like he sleepwalks through the role. i really dont get why ppl like him, hes so boring to watch! and that line "its what i DOOO..." uuugh. david goyer sucks ass.

Wow. Strongly disagree.

go ahead then, im not hear to change opinions, im just stateing mine. back when batman forever came out, i guess since that was the most popular film at the time, people would bash me cuz i didnt think val kilmer was a better batman then michael keaton. i dont care whats popular, i care about what i like more. the first 3 batmans rock, the 3 afterwards fail for me.
Toilet paper? :acme

thats funny, cuz to me bale is the ____ing lamest batman/bruce wayne ever. first he got the lame voice, then youve got the most wooden bruce wayne ever. hes like the boring version of kilmer. just cant wait till bale is through embarassing us with his lousy acting, its like he sleepwalks through the role. i really dont get why ppl like him, hes so boring to watch! and that line "its what i DOOO..." uuugh. david goyer sucks ass.

Well, you have lots of Adam West and Burt Ward to keep you happy.

Enjoy. :wave
yep toilet paper, as in i can wipe my ass with comic books. thats how much they mean to me. i mean who reads them anyway besides little kids and comics nerds? i love the movies though, but latley the movies have been sucking.

just adam west? what makes you think i only likie campy crap?" thats cool when i want the old school batman, but if i want the real batman the way hes supposed to be, michael keaton and val kilmer. but sadly thats where it stops george clooney was lame and christian bale is boring. i am hopeing though that one day they will get it right again.
I think it's good that Batman can be portrayed in so many different ways...gives us variation and creates films to suit different tastes. Look at the films they come in pairs...The Keaton films are dark and gothic, creepy and chilling. The Schumacher films are bright and vibrant, more "hollywood" and stylised - very "superhero". The Nolan films are 'realistic' (or at least as realistic as a Batman film can be), they follow the rules of the real world, are very modern focusing on story and character in the setting of a crime drama. None of them are right. It's down to the viewer to choose which he or she enjoys the most. If you love Nolan but hate Schumacher that dosen't mean that a Schumacher fan should be put down. Personally, I'm glad we have so many different styles to choose from, otherwise we may have had six films all by the same director which become more and more mundane and boring each sequel.
just adam west? what makes you think i only likie campy crap?" thats cool when i want the old school batman, but if i want the real batman the way hes supposed to be, michael keaton and val kilmer. but sadly thats where it stops george clooney was lame and christian bale is boring. i am hopeing though that one day they will get it right again.

Supposed to be? According to whom?

Do you look at the sky through the big end of a telescope? :lol

Myopic Batfreak said:
yep toilet paper, as in i can wipe my ass with comic books. thats how much they mean to me. i mean who reads them anyway besides comics nerds? i love the movies though, but latley the movies have been sucking.

Oh. Ok then.

I wouldn't wipe my ass with your idea of what Batman is supposed to be. My _______ has higher standards than that.
not looking at the big picture. you dont want anyone to disagree with you. you just want to be right. good luck with that.:cuckoo:
just adam west? what makes you think i only likie campy crap?" thats cool when i want the old school batman, but if i want the real batman the way hes supposed to be, michael keaton and val kilmer. but sadly thats where it stops george clooney was lame and christian bale is boring. i am hopeing though that one day they will get it right again.

The way you feel Batman should be. I prefer the one that has been in the last two movies to the ones before.

Different strokes for different folks is all...
yep, i guess so.

The only thing that matters is more Batman, and it definitely appears that is what we will be getting for the foreseeable future.

Hopefully, we can find one that satisfies all Batfans...*

*this seems about as likely as me growing wings out of my back over the weekend though...
i found this article in a review of batman begins and i think it pretty much sums up how i feel about nolans films in general:

"I cannot believe the ratings this film has received. It is a good example of what happened in "The Emperor's New Clothes". Long story short, two con men convince everyone that they've made luxury clothes for a king when in reality, they have made nothing. According to them, only those worthy enough can see the clothes. Everyone fakes that they can see them, including a very naked king, so that they can feel worthy. My God this fable fits Batman Begins perfectly."
Ok so you don't like Begins or Dark Knight - messaged recieved. Back to the purpose of the thread...Batman Forever. I think it had a lot of potential, it was just poorly envisioned and badly cast. I'd love to see a decent film representation of the Riddler - Carrey was pretty much Ace Ventura in a skin tight suit.