What is the major malfunction with women today?!?!?!

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I became single again as of last month. That's how I suddenly am under less pressure money-wise and am no longer praying for toy delays, instead complaining about them. I was with her for almost 7 years and yes its depressing, if I let it be, I try not to think about it.

Damn A-Dev, weren't you about to get hitched?
Damn A-Dev, weren't you about to get hitched?

At one point it would have been next month but that had to be cancelled. We hadn't yet rescheduled. She came to the conclusion that she really ought to have been more upset about that cancellation than she was. That she wasn't all that upset told her that things just weren't right between us (and objectively speaking, no, they weren't). I won't go into major details but it was a mutually agreed split and we parted on as good terms as people can. Nevertheless that doesn't make it hurt any less. I would describe it as the worst experience of my life.

Sorry for the thread hijack Timo. This was intended more as an empathy thing about the ending of a relationship.
I became single again as of last month. That's how I suddenly am under less pressure money-wise and am no longer praying for toy delays, instead complaining about them. I was with her for almost 7 years and yes its depressing, if I let it be, I try not to think about it.

****, Andrew...for real?!
I don´t wanna sink to deep in it, but...I´m really sorry.
Especially since you had plans and it seemed very serious.
Hang tight, brother...

Sounds like this girl came with a heap of baggage that she's still working through. That rarely works out. Good luck - go do something just for yourself maybe. Lift heavy things... learn to tango etc.

Appearently, yeah...

I will...when when the weather is right...first shopping groceries, then riding my bicycle and train later.

Thx, pal...appreciate it.
Sorry to hear that A-Dev :(

...then riding my bicycle and train later.

As long as men keep treating woman like they're all the same, the same results are going to happen. Unlike what some of these posts suggest, they aren't all the same.

In a nutshell, you haven't found the one for you yet. Women go through the same things as you are. I have.

If you keep going through relationships like this, you have to ask yourself what YOU can change. I know I had to change because I was sabotaging my relationships by not being myself and worrying too much what HE thinks and does. I've never treated a guy badly, I just was a lump of boredom and insecurity I think. :lol

Now, I could give a ****. This is me take me or leave me. I have to be happy before I can make anyone else happy. Love myself then others will love me.

So, go through the usual "woman suck" period then move on. Maybe the next one will be the one.

Yeah, you´re right...I guess.

The thing is...there are certain problems with both.

Both sides complain there are only ******** out there, but both types of gender really breed ******** in terms of that they behave the way that they don´t wanna be treated too, right?
I don't think it's so much about different genders as different types of people. Homosexuals have to deal with the same s **t.
****, Andrew...for real?!
I don´t wanna sink to deep in it, but...I´m really sorry.
Especially since you had plans and it seemed very serious.
Hang tight, brother...

Sorry to hear that A-Dev :(

Thanks chaps and condolences of course to you aswell Timo. The end of a serious relationship really feels like a death almost.

As long as men keep treating woman like they're all the same, the same results are going to happen. Unlike what some of these posts suggest, they aren't all the same.

Mine was probably one such post. Sorry for the generalisation.
Yeah, of course.
But isn´t it a strange coincident that always the people get all the **** and kinda never find those who also want to be treated nicely?!
Thanks chaps and condolences of course to you aswell Timo. The end of a serious relationship really feels like a death almost.

Thx, man...really...
Well...it wasn´t too serious...but...we were contemplating making it serious for a long time and now that you know?!
So...it´s complicated, but hard nevertheless...
Yeah, of course.
But isn´t it a strange coincident that always the people get all the **** and kinda never find those who also want to be treated nicely?!

Did you word that right or am I just not able to comprehend this? I do have a headache right now. :lol
The ween said it best you need to be happy with yourself before you can
Make anyone else happy. I also like to add atleast for me I keep it simple
When I let someone into my life is to make it better not bring me down.
So you have to ask yourself by allowing this person in your life are you happier positive affect oh the opposite negative & not happy
At one point it would have been next month but that had to be cancelled. We hadn't yet rescheduled. She came to the conclusion that she really ought to have been more upset about that cancellation than she was. That she wasn't all that upset told her that things just weren't right between us (and objectively speaking, no, they weren't). I won't go into major details but it was a mutually agreed split and we parted on as good terms as people can. Nevertheless that doesn't make it hurt any less. I would describe it as the worst experience of my life.

Sorry for the thread hijack Timo. This was intended more as an empathy thing about the ending of a relationship.

Hey brother, I'm sorry to hear this news, that's a long relationship you had there and I'm deeply sorry to hear you guys parted ways:( I remember trying to give you very male shovenist pig type advise about being the man and not giving the woman the power when it came to buying dolls:lol You responded with a very mature answer and had the situation well in hand, Anyway I don't want to ramble on buddy, just wanted to say sorry to hear is all:1-1:

@Endosickness sorry to hear about your situation as well, I have had some heart breaks myself in life, some of them can really sting, but the right one is just around the corner. In the mean time have fun and bang as many chicks as you can before you get locked down:naughty
At one point it would have been next month but that had to be cancelled. We hadn't yet rescheduled. She came to the conclusion that she really ought to have been more upset about that cancellation than she was. That she wasn't all that upset told her that things just weren't right between us (and objectively speaking, no, they weren't). I won't go into major details but it was a mutually agreed split and we parted on as good terms as people can. Nevertheless that doesn't make it hurt any less. I would describe it as the worst experience of my life.

Sorry for the thread hijack Timo. This was intended more as an empathy thing about the ending of a relationship.

I totally understand, buddy...not taken false as a highjack whatsoever, don´t you worry. But be sure, man...mutual splitting´s way better then the POS plit I had now and always had in the past.

But to condolence us both, here is one of my favorite move/TV quotes of all time, spoken by Charlie Dixon, from the Sarah Connor Chronicles:

"That first week, I kept seeing her. I go to the market. She'd be there. And for a second, my heart would stop. And then I'd realize, hey that's...that's not my wife. That's just some random woman who wears her hair in a ponytail the way Michelle used to. For a while, I stopped shopping there. But, a man can only live on convenience store burritos for so long. So, I go back there now. It's getting better."

Skip to 1:30, there it is...original is always better:



Hey brother, I'm sorry to hear this news, that's a long relationship you had there and I'm deeply sorry to hear you guys parted ways:( I remember trying to give you very male shovenist pig type advise about being the man and not giving the woman the power when it came to buying dolls:lol You responded with a very mature answer and had the situation well in hand, Anyway I don't want to ramble on buddy, just wanted to say sorry to hear is all:1-1:

Well spoken...

@Endosickness sorry to hear about your situation as well, I have had some heart breaks myself in life, some of them can really sting, but the right one is just around the corner. In the mean time have fun and bang as many chicks as you can before you get locked down:naughty

Thank you, Skull.
Appreciate it, buddy.
This does sting in a different manner, you know?!
Having spent a year on this...and then this way out...this HUGE disappointment.

But like my quote: "It´s getting better".

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Hey brother, I'm sorry to hear this news, that's a long relationship you had there and I'm deeply sorry to hear you guys parted ways:( I remember trying to give you very male shovenist pig type advise about being the man and not giving the woman the power when it came to buying dolls:lol You responded with a very mature answer and had the situation well in hand, Anyway I don't want to ramble on buddy, just wanted to say sorry to hear is all:1-1:

@Endosickness sorry to hear about your situation as well, I have had some heart breaks myself in life, some of them can really sting, but the right one is just around the corner. In the mean time have fun and bang as many chicks as you can before you get locked down:naughty

Thanks Skull, I remember that conversation. She didn't mention my toys among her reasons for wanting to end it. In fact when she did mention them it was to say that she'd actually miss them. Having said that I do consider them (and my, y'know, addiction to them) to tie in with her reasons for leaving. I meanwhile had my own reasons for just letting her go. So she'll be my new 'what if'. I hope, when all is said and done, that I haven't made a terrible mistake. Last night, only a month on, I foolishly looked at photographs and it certainly felt like I made a mistake. She was suddenly the most beautiful girl in the world again. Today I'm just trying to tell myself that that's just my own inclination to fight against change talking - I had stopped fancying her, she had stopped fancying me and that's a relationship killer if ever there was one.

I totally understand, buddy...not taken false as a highjack whatsoever, don´t you worry. But be sure, man...mutual splitting´s way better then the POS plit I had now and always had in the past.

But to condolence us both, here is one of my favorite move/TV quotes of all time, spoken by Charlie Dixon, from the Sarah Connor Chronicles:

"That first week, I kept seeing her. I go to the market. She'd be there. And for a second, my heart would stop. And then I'd realize, hey that's...that's not my wife. That's just some random woman who wears her hair in a ponytail the way Michelle used to. For a while, I stopped shopping there. But, a man can only live on convenience store burritos for so long. So, I go back there now. It's getting better."

Skip to 1:30, there it is...original is always better:


That really rings true. It is getting better but there's been some painful reminders - get this, one of her favourite songs - 'America' by Razorlight, a song which I came to associate with the early part of our relationship and we would put on whenever we were nostalgic for those beginnings - I ****ing never heard that song in public places while we were together. If I wanted to hear it, as I said, I would have to put it on myself at home. I never hear it being played in public and its a song from 2005 or something. And yet twice now - since we broke up, since I'm trying to eliminate every reminder at this painful time - I've heard that song while I'm out. First in the pub and then today again while in the doctors waiting room. And it was the last thing I needed to hear after my emotional relapse last night. Just ****ing typical.
Women are masters at positioning in a relationship. If you are not dominant and have a plan, they will outmaneuver you. I don't mean you have to be a bastard, but you have to set the pace. Most girls don't have an innate protective instinct for men that men do for women so when they feel like taking advantage they can be utterly ruthless.

You need to read the signs better and you probably need to reassess the type of women you attract or are attracted to. Nasty manipulative women have a knack for picking out men who will put up with their ****.
Women are masters at positioning in a relationship. If you are not dominant and have a plan, they will outmaneuver you. I don't mean you have to be a bastard, but you have to set the pace. Most girls don't have an innate protective instinct for men that men do for women so when they feel like taking advantage they can be utterly ruthless.

You need to read the signs better and you probably need to reassess the type of women you attract or are attracted to. Nasty manipulative women have a knack for picking out men who will put up with their ****.

This is the best post in this thread.
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