The Matrix 4

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I enjoyed it but felt it relied too heavily on flashbacks. Half this movie is the other movie. Like damn movie, just be yourself.

"Remember how this scene is sort of like this scene?" "Yes, I remember." "Remember how thi-" "YES! I REMEMBER!!! šŸ¤¬šŸ˜¤" "Not having to pay to film a scene in your movie because you already payed to film the scene in another movie is TIGHT!"

I would love to see a fan edit with all the flashbacks taken out. I liked the idea of him having to get Trinity out of the Matrix but wanted to see more from her perspective. I kept waiting for them to give her a phone and have her sneak out of a PTA meeting or a grocery store, while Agents are looking for her.

None of the gun fights were interesting because it felt like all the characters had God mode on. I was never worried about any of them, so there were no stakes. And they said he recreated all the past events in a videogame, but why are all the clips they show in live action? Why don't they look like an actual videogame? They should've just used that Unreal Engine 5 matrix tech demo they released
And they said he recreated all the past events in a videogame, but why are all the clips they show in live action? Why don't they look like an actual videogame?

The "game" came out in 1999-2003. They should have used these graphics instead. :lol


Someone should do an edit using these graphics. :LOL:
I still have no idea how they really quantify their profits on a movie with direct to streaming... unless its pay-per-view type thing.
Agreed as it serves two purposes - make short term money and long term platform content. Hard to quantify the latter, but looking at first to views then new subscribers that view. Can be an easy write off with a big corporation. But they take all the money as opposed to splitting with theaters.
Agreed as it serves two purposes - make short term money and long term platform content. Hard to quantify the latter, but looking at first to views then new subscribers that view. Can be an easy write off with a big corporation. But they take all the money as opposed to splitting with theaters.

I just can't see amortizing so many huge films across the annual subscription fee as adding up. I still feel like some of these are loss leaders and in time, when the long-term subscribers are better understood, many big-budget films won't get made if they are straight-to-stream.
Matrix Resurrections reminds me of how I felt about Terminator 3 and the Terminator franchise 20 years ago. It's what I call the aging athlete syndrome. When T2 came out in the early 90's, it more or less set a new standard for blockbuster action films. From the special effects to the stunt work and set pieces, it was truly the definitive action film for most of the 90's, until that is, The Matrix came along at the very end of the decade like a new young athlete or fighter and redefined things by setting a new standard for action choreography, fighting, and special effects that would influence films to this very day.

When T3 came out twelve years after T2, in the summer of 2003, it came out two months after The Matrix Reloaded, and I remember thinking, how in the world is Terminator 3 not only going to live up to T2, but also keep up with the current champ of action films, the Matrix franchise. It was like a past his prime athlete coming back. And that's kind of what T3 was, a past its prime franchise, delivering a greatest hit package. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't as good as T2 or the competition, The Matrix or even Matrix Reloaded.

Twenty years later, the past its prime former champ Matrix comes out of retirement, trying to compete with MCU films, countless CGI blockbusters, and even another Reeves franchise, John Wick. :lol Just like T3, I don't think the film is bad, but it does fail to match the first two Matrix films, and the action in it, is not only subpar to previous Matrix films, it's also not on the same level as the current coopetition. So many similarities between Terminator and The Matrix.
I just realized that in the third act of Resurrections, Trinity meets the Analyst and forced to make a choice between Neo or the "exit" door which leads to staying in the Matrix. It mirrors how Neo had to make a choice Reloaded between Zion and Trinity. Both Neo and Trinity chose each other over us, those bastards. Poetry. :lol
I just can't see amortizing so many huge films across the annual subscription fee as adding up. I still feel like some of these are loss leaders and in time, when the long-term subscribers are better understood, many big-budget films won't get made if they are straight-to-stream.
Perfect example is Netflix. They burn through more cash than they have, but keep it going. But what movies have they made that come to mind that are incredible? None IMO. Half of the Defender shows are quality, Witcher is meh. Idk if there is anything else I am dying to revisit.
Perfect example is Netflix. They burn through more cash than they have, but keep it going. But what movies have they made that come to mind that are incredible? None IMO. Half of the Defender shows are quality, Witcher is meh. Idk if there is anything else I am dying to revisit.
The only good thing I ever watched out of Netflix was daredevil season one and two and parts of three lol
I never get the whole 'The CGI looks like a PS1 game'. Have you seen what PS1 games look like?
Even so. It's more a comment about the animation than anything else and that's not a 'graphics' issue.

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