The Force Awakens - Figure discussion (with SPOILERS!)

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I dunno. She looks good.

But would I put that with Hawkeye & Green Arrow, or Furiosa & Rey?
Solo Bones - Good to chat with you again! I have returned to the forums because this is the best place for me to sort out my feelings. Ha

Definitely good to chat again, my friend. I've been gone for a while too. But I came back because I really do enjoy this little hobby and there usually isn't the sort of folks with mental disorders making their rants or appearances in this place, just good and decent people sharing a passion and their artistic talent.

I see a troll has managed to find yet another source for creating yet another conspiracy to avoid dealing with the world in which we live. The last guy who rambled like this shot up a movie theatre, targeting woman first.....cuz feminism.

Yeah, yeah, different Sci-Fi Universe, but come on, cut me some slack! Honestly though, any person who has just enough time, to dedicate to posting rants about a movie he hated, due to the fact that the main characters don't share the same sex and/or race with him, is... Well, he should take a long step back and examine his recent actions is all I'm saying...
I forgot to say, I was really impressed with Rey. She was played brilliantly and the character was totally loveable. It will be awesome to see a female Jedi!!!
I forgot to say, I was really impressed with Rey. She was played brilliantly and the character was totally loveable. It will be awesome to see a female Jedi!!!

All I'm hoping for is that she gets a wicked-cool "costume" next time. Truth be told, I wish that the Sequels would take note from the "Knights of the Old Republic" era as far as outfits go. The designs in those games/comics were brilliant, blending both the monk and warrior aspects of the Jedis/Sith. I'm just tired of the Black, White and Brown cloaks and tunics is all I'm saying...
Shame they torched the hard ass "sword of the Jedi" Jaina solo so they could have powerful force user rey skywalker?

Or the hard ass ex imperial warrior. Mara jade.

Or non human alien admiral thrawn
New Star Wars well diverse.

Sorry but the old Eu remains my Star Wars. The new film looked good but left a bad taste.
Shame they torched the hard ass "sword of the Jedi" Jaina solo so they could have powerful force user rey skywalker?

Or the hard ass ex imperial warrior. Mara jade.

Or non human alien admiral thrawn
New Star Wars well diverse.

Sorry but the old Eu remains my Star Wars. The new film looked good but left a bad taste.

Truth be told, I've only now started venturing the old EU. I mean, I had read KotR a while back and all, but I'd never read Crimson Empire or Dark Times. But yeah, it's a shame most characters were erased, though I'm certain we'll "them" pop up in the new continuity, just with different names. Jacen Solo is essentially Kylo Ren for example. I'm just hoping that we get some more info on the pre-TPM continuity. Darth Malak, Revan, etc, etc. Or even for folks like Kir Kanos and Carnor Jax, who are "set" post ROTJ.
I don't understand why they erased the whole EU. They could have kept stuff from before ROTS and all the way back at the very least.
Knowing Lucas, he'll just edit the hell out of ep7 to make anything fit. Han shot first?
Now they have 30 years of missing EU to rewrite. All those untold Han and Chewie adventures.

Though I have a hard time dismissing all of it. Some of it will still fit. As long as it doesn't mention Jacen, Jaina and Anakin, or any other key facts that no longer fit...

Marvel gotta publish them new #1s every year! Plus, the minis, events, "nothing will be the same" crossovers, yadda, yadda, yadda... I'm not a Marvel hater (most of my pull-list is Marvel themed). but the way they're handling their comic line is awful. The Star Wars line has been accessible thus far though. I just hope it stays the same.
Marvel gotta publish them new #1s every year! Plus, the minis, events, "nothing will be the same" crossovers, yadda, yadda, yadda... I'm not a Marvel hater (most of my pull-list is Marvel themed). but the way they're handling their comic line is awful. The Star Wars line has been accessible thus far though. I just hope it stays the same.

Or just reset the universe.
Or just reset the universe.

Coming soon: All-New, All-Uh, 2017-ish, All-Different, All-Unique Star Wars! Now with titles such as:

1) The Superior Skywalker, featuring Darth Vader hijacking his son's body and doing the nasty with his daughter.

2) Supreme Rebellion: Hey kids, remember all those boy scouts? Well, gear up, because they're going to commit genocide on the Wookies!

3) R2-D2 & C-3PO: Secret Empire Spies, Artoo and Threepio are on the run, rushing to transfer the Emperor's consciousness to Leia's body (featuring a Crossover with "The Superior Skywalker" titled "Sibling Attraction).

And many more! Now for only 5.99 per issue! Disclaimer: Most titles won't make it past 10 issues, but will still be advertised as ongoings.
During an interview with GQ Magazine, ‘Star Wars’ star Oscar Isaac revealed that ace pilot Poe Dameron was originally offed during the first half of ‘The Force Awakens’.

I wonder if he was rewrote into the 2nd half of the movie, where he suddenly appeared with the resistance.
Marvel gotta publish them new #1s every year! Plus, the minis, events, "nothing will be the same" crossovers, yadda, yadda, yadda... I'm not a Marvel hater (most of my pull-list is Marvel themed). but the way they're handling their comic line is awful. The Star Wars line has been accessible thus far though. I just hope it stays the same.

Tried to read some of the marvel stuff but it was frankly crap
Tried to read some of the marvel stuff but it was frankly crap

The only things I really liked were: Ultimates and Deadpool. I'm pulling Amazing Spider-Man and Doctor Strange due to liking the characters themselves, not the books. And I'm still waiting for them to get their heads off their asses and release Moon Knight and Black Panther, but that's it for me. Marvel has really gone downhill if you ask me. Hell, today they announced a new ongoing: Gwenpool....It's like Spider-Gwen, but she's Deadpool...Sigh...

And I tried lots of their books. Some were decent (Carnage, 2099, Howling Commandos, Hercules, Black Knight) but some were just bad (Invincible Iron Man, Squadron Supreme, Spider-Gwen). Not to mention the whole push certain characters are getting (Carol Danvers, FalCap) while others are left in the backburner to rot for all of eternity (Ghost Rider, Namor)...

Truth be told, I'd have preffered Star Wars remained at Dark Horse or, hell, at least be given to DC (if say, WB bought Lucasarts and not Disney). Marvel's after publicity stunts nowadays, not good stories. Not that DC is much better (only pulling Batman and Justice League from them), but at least they don't relaunch their flagship titles every year or so. SMH at all this damn mess. It's making me want to drop comics entirely. Hell, I'd save 80 euros per month if I did!