The Force Awakens - Figure discussion (with SPOILERS!)

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I like Star Wars Toys. I get my X-wing and Tie Fighter and make them go "Pew Pew" and they explode real good. but not from each other, it's because the Slave 1 was waiting for them. I have to hold the Slave 1 in mouth to do that. It's easier with the older version that has the handle on the back.

And then sometimes, just sometimes, Darth Vader has to force choke a rebel. Except I lost my Vader figure with a force choking hand, so I have to use the force push hand instead. And my only rebel trooper is still in the package, so I usually have him force choke a random alien. It's usually Yak Face. You would think It would be Jar Jar... but nope, it's Yak Face.
This piece of entertainment was created by a giant multinational corporation in the year 2016 for a global audience.

It's not about "excluding white males" it's about including a global audience which, strangely enough, isn't composed entirely of white males.

Your problem seems to be with Disney's demographic and psychographic research that shows what's already there.

This is all assuming that one of your contentions is correct; i.e. that Disney was just checking boxes during casting.

Just because parameters exist doesn't mean there's no meritocracy. Boyega and Ridley appear to be fine actors that turned in objectively better performances than much of the cast in our beloved original trilogy.

And this quote from you:

" . . . Yet he turned out to be a cowardly, bitchy beta male, that fails all **** tests and gets instantly friend zoned by the main white girl."

How is a character that refuses to carry out orders within a brutal totalitarian regime, stages a daring escape and then goes on to fight, defend and rescue his friends in the face of probable to certain death, read as "cowardly"?

You also wrote:

". . . you cannot create a believable hero in a female form"

So you're either:

(a) Trolling
(b) Lack a great deal of experience
(c) Lack intelligence
(d) Have failed to employ critical thinking

But hey, enjoy your views.

all of the above!!!
That person is a racist sexist troll with a capital T. Put that person on your ignore list. You all should. stop responding to them. just makes it worse. :)
This generation lacks Alpha males in general. What's your point?

It seems he is pissed that an alpha white male wasn't the hero of the story. Luke skywalker wasn't an alpha male and neither was anakin- a whiney little ***** that let an old man completely brainwash him so I don't know why he likes the OT or the PT either.

I also don't agree that Hans was emasculated in TFA, he was the same scruffy nerf herder he always was just older... i am asuming your saying he is beta now because he showed emotion towards his family.

Nobody is being racist against white men here, I'm sure jj chose the best actors for the roles regardless of race, religion or creed- which if your not racist shouldn't matter or even bother you. Rey, a female is the alpha of the story, she doesn't have to be a male. Personality types have nothing to do with sex
Can someone with some authority just ban Jessup up there? He can take his "social" whatever commentary crap to yahoo or wherever else it's appreciated. Pretty sure most people here are regulars folks who like Star Wars, a movie that in part offers escapism from that sort of thing.
Note to DC1138:

First, you have way too much invested in this perception. When you die, what do you care? Enjoy your few minutes here.

Second, and most importantly: we are evolving, all of us, into a hybrid bioelectronic being past the small parameters of male/female. "Man" (as in "Mankind") has made a huge leap forward that it is not even truly aware of yet. More will follow soon when genetics are better understood. We are no longer -- and never shall be again -- what you have posted as the "convention of Mankind".

Granted, I'm several generations ahead of myself, but great change takes time. If you had children, their children's children would be unrecognizable to you.
I like coming here to talk about the movie. Is there somewhere else I should be?
I play by my own rules when I play with my toys.

What's a Mary Sue?
You know what would look good on you DC1138? A big, gigantic tin foil hat.

Your discussion already deviates from anything TFA related. You are doing nothing but projecting your conspiracy theories onto this Star Wars movie. You are not discussing the plot or characters of this movie. All your focus are on race and gender. You are on the wrong forum for your posts.

And please, aren't you just one big ****ing ***** for posting all this **** on an alt account. If you so truly believe in whatever it is you posted, why not just post on your main account? Oh please don't try to tell me you just happen to stumble across this post sideshowfreaks' forum and decided to create an account and post about all your alpha white male ********. Using an alt account is anything but "alpha male".
I like coming here to talk about the movie. IS there somewhere else I should be?
What's a Mary Sue?

Yah unfortunately this site is SideshowTrolls. Its really not about discussing anything fun. The trolls just take over. And this one is a racist sexist troll, so it just makes it even worse. If anyone who enjoyed the movie liked to talk 1 on 1, im very happy to. PM me :)
He wrote quite a lot and is just fired up about it to have it deleted...

One of the girls right after seeing it said there were too many females. I didn't think much of it, but I certainly enjoy watching pretty ladies more than the guys!
People have a problem with a stupid Agenda director using a great movie francise as a platform for spreading his own twisted ideology. Ok he likes feminism, ok he thinks america should be diverse etc etc. But why use a damn Starwars Movie to spread that message ?

Maybe because it's going to make a ****-bazillion dollars and everyone on the planet and their chimpanzee are going to go and see the movie?