The Force Awakens - Figure discussion (with SPOILERS!)

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Lol in 5 years this will end up bashed like Titanic and Avatar. The writing is already on the wall with the negative comments becoming more and more common.

The proof will be in the second viewing. If it holds up it'll be fine. It'll also be judged on the films to come.
Lol in 5 years this will end up bashed like Titanic and Avatar. The writing is already on the wall with the negative comments becoming more and more common.

I really hope not. It's so easy to bash things and the internet makes a lazy forum for bashing.
It seems sometimes there's a bunch of SW fans out there that basically want their childhood back.
After the mediocre prequels, I really want to move on from the negative vibes that were around SW for years.
Too many issues with the film soured my enjoyment of TFA, but I found it entertaining enough and it had some great parts. Good in a way because now I'm not tempted to buy any figures from it apart from Luke, if he gets made.
That is a very strong point. Most of these people just overestimate the OT, denying any flaws; they have always the childhood glasses on. :dunno
That's kind of an unfair call. Just as easy to say some fans are so blinded that they think something mediocre is great. Just using that as an example. Not trying to ruffle feathers.
Hey was Landos planet destroyed when the shot the beam?? I remember watching and his planet had the red looking sky and high rise buildings.
That's kind of an unfair call. Just as easy to say some fans are so blinded that they think something mediocre is great. Just using that as an example. Not trying to ruffle feathers.

My point is that not all OT is flawless, ROTJ in particular. Nevertheless, some people (some people, not everyone) mythicized OT as a whole. And when something is mythicized, there's just nothing comparable...
The red herring is the fact that we are all discussing that she is a Boba Fett equivalent as far as narrative goes. That is beyond intentional. It creates mystery and curiosity to the fate of the character; it's no mistake that they didn't show her die. By delivering her as a Boba Fett-esque entity, we are all supposed to be "surprised" when she returns as a main antagonist. Plus, Christie is a big name now, you don't hire an actress like that for a one off lackey role. It doesn't make sense.

i guess no one read my spoiler tag below. i dont think Phasma is the Boba equivalent. its someone else...
Don't get me wrong, I loved TFA and if I had unlimited funds and space, I'd buy them all... but keeping it OT is a way of controlling the spending... from a certain point of view.

I could agree to that, but we haven't watched episodes 8 and 9 for us to pick the definitive figure to buy.
I'll have 2 shelves for TFA
Rey, BB-8, Finn and Poe in one.
Klo, Phasma, Snowtrooper Officer and Stormtrooper in the other.

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Some of you guys are just sad. Lol
Forever stuck in the past.
A past formed by a child's perspective.
Like someone said,"child glasses"
My point is that not all OT is flawless, ROTJ in particular. Nevertheless, some people (some people, not everyone) mythicized OT as a whole. And when something is mythicized, there's just nothing comparable...
Right there with ya man and agree fully about ROTJ.
So, saw TFA last night. First of all, my theater was only half full, and I'm right outside Manhattan. Thought that was strange. Anyway, I'm old enough that I saw ESB in the theater. It is still to date my favorite movie. Now, TFA, I enjoyed. The Good: Casting. Really enjoyed all the performances and the chemistry the actors had with one another. I thought Ford was much better then in the last Indiana Jones movie. Loved the "real" sets and secondary/background characters. Also loved Ren as the spoiled, rebellious, troubled villian. Favorite scene; Rey discovering her powers, blocking Kylo's mind reading abilities, using it instead on him and revealing that Kylo is just a weak, scarred little boy. He'd be nothing if he wasn't force sensitive. Both actors very convincing IMO during that scene.

The Bad: Lacking heart. Dont get me wrong, it had some, but not enough. And maybe it will even grow on me b/c I liked Rey & Finn's chemistry. Scenes with Han & Chewie. Again, Ford did a nice job. And Mark Hamill, wow! Does so much with just a look. But, disappointing we didn't see more. #1 character I wanted to see. I thought he may save Rey from Kylo. As, I mentioned, I think Kylo is weak, but, I don't know if Rey would beat him at this early stage...?

Overall, glad to see Star Wars back. It's fun. And it will never live up to my childhood memories. I've come to terms with that. Looking forward to the future films.

Figures to be had: Rey & BB-8, Luke (hope he's made) and maybe Han if he's made and how well he turns out.