The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

And I expect TDKR to be better than TDK. Begins has more substance to the story, I feel, and TDKR looks to take that and round it out. I think it'll be more emotional and engaging than TDK, TDK was a fun film, but it lacked some of the mental and emotional stimulation of Begins.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I guess the point i'm trying to make is, is 1989 Batman considered to some the better film cuz of nostalgia? I used to rank TDK pretty high (still think its also better than 89' Batman) but Batman Begins is where it's at imo.

"IMO" so don't call for my blood 89' freaks :lol

Nostalgia isn't the key factor, or a main factor in why people enjoy certain things. It may be one, but that doesn't apply to everyone that likes a certain thing. They like it because it was/is good, meets their tastes and they enjoy it. Film has changed, times have changed, but so what? Does that instantly make films that we love like Star Wars, Terminator or Batman invalid or obsolete? No. Sadly, when there are new Batman films in the future I'm sure these current films will be seen in a different light and immediately deemed obsolete.

Was everyone shouting "NOSTALGIA" when this film was critically acclaimed and a huge success in 1989? Nope.

I've seen people reminiscing about TDK which is four years now. Like "the first time I saw it" or "remember Joker in the trailer". Nostalgia by definition is, "a sentimental longing for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations" or the "evocation of these feelings or tendencies, esp. in commercialized form." So isn't it possible that people who prefer the current films are being influenced by nostalgia as well?

I hate seeing these "89 vs TDK" debates because both sides usually participate in double standards and bias. Why must there always be something that's "the best"? I don't even know which film I think is the most superior. Sometimes when I'm in a TDK mood, I'll watch and prefer TDK. When I want to watch '89, I'll watch '89 and get into it and think it's the best. Same with Batman Begins. It just depends. Recently with the Batman Returns Ht announcement I found myself watching and finding info about the film and digging it as well.

you are right that even with the Dark Knight Nostalgia plays a part right now

but it is nostalgia that plays a big role with people saying 89 Batman is better, it also depends what was going on when you saw the movie, if you were with friends and had an amazing time, you don't think it matters but it does a little bit, just a little bit,

anyways, something that always makes me laugh is, what if Batman Begins and Dark Knight came in the early 90's lets say, for sake of argument,
and lets say the burton films came out around now, do you think it would change people's perceptions? would the fans of the 89 batman still say is the better one? without the nostalgia part of it?

I'm really asking that, I don't think people would consider the Burton films as good if that was the case, Im not saying is not a good movie, it is a good movie, and everyone's tastes are different,
I like both movies, I enjoy both, but If I had to choose between the old bat and the new bat movies, I would choose the new batman movies, always, not even hesitate about it, I enjoy the newer ones a lot more, they had a bigger impact on me, and, I have the nostalgia from watching the older batmans, That's how good the new movies are, because even thought I really liked the older movies, the new batman films had a much bigger impact on me, overall,
I'm just saying, Begins and Dark Knight did some things better than Burton did, people might say Batman sounds like a Gargoyle, but, Nolan did some amazing things,

What if the brunette dyed her hair blonde and the blond dyed her hair to brunette?

you know sometimes a celebrity looks the hottest when this happens, when a blonde goes brunette, I mean...
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

In TDK, Joker tells Batman in the interrogation room that all civilized people will tear each other apart.

I kinda see that as one of the themes in TDKR.

Well, that and Bane hates american football. :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

you are right that even with the Dark Knight Nostalgia plays a part right now

but it is nostalgia that plays a big role with people saying 89 Batman is better, it also depends what was going on when you saw the movie, if you were with friends and had an amazing time, you don't think it matters but it does a little bit, just a little bit,

anyways, something that always makes me laugh is, what if Batman Begins and Dark Knight came in the early 90's lets say, for sake of argument,
and lets say the burton films came out around now, do you think it would change people's perceptions? would the fans of the 89 batman still say is the better one? without the nostalgia part of it?

I'm really asking that, I don't think people would consider the Burton films as good if that was the case, Im not saying is not a good movie, it is a good movie, and everyone's tastes are different,
I like both movies, I enjoy both, but If I had to choose between the old bat and the new bat movies, I would choose the new batman movies, always, not even hesitate about it, I enjoy the newer ones a lot more, they had a bigger impact on me, and, I have the nostalgia from watching the older batmans, That's how good the new movies are, because even thought I really liked the older movies, the new batman films had a much bigger impact on me, overall,
I'm just saying, Begins and Dark Knight did some things better than Burton did, people might say Batman sounds like a Gargoyle, but, Nolan did some amazing things,

you know sometimes a celebrity looks the hottest when this happens, when a blonde goes brunette, I mean...

My point was, not everyone that would happen to prefer the older films to the newer ones are "blinded by nostalgia".

Let's put it this way. Okay so, it's because of nostalgia that would make one think that the Elfman score is as good or better than the current films? It's because of nostalgia that Keaton's performance is held in such high regard, sometimes thought to be better than Bale's? What about it's themes and symbols, are those just contrived from nostalgia as well? Does nostalgia also have an impact on the design of the Batmobile Or the art direction and set design for which the film won an Oscar for?

It just can't be better or as good because of those attributes? It has to be because of nostalgia or rose tinted glasses?

I don't think that's fair at all. I think it says a lot that we still see the impact and significance of a film that is 22 years old and it can still be used as a counter point against it's successor.

If someone has a legitimate cause for preferring '89 to TDK, or preferring Begins to TDK than that's their preference. To my knowledge it isn't written anywhere that one is this end all be all film. I mean, I hate seeing someone go into a thread and swat somebodies preference away like it's laughable to even suggest that something they like is superior. I mean it's not like The Dark Knight, '89 Batman, Batman Begins or The Dark Knight is Batman and Robin here. Good films are being put up against good films.

I probably seem biased to '89 Batman, but I'm not. I remember when people were ripping Batman Begins during TDK I felt this desire to defend it. I'm sure it'll happen with TDK once TDKR is hyped up even more. I don't know, it's sort of hard for me because I don't think in terms of "what's better". They're pretty much all on the same level to me and I can find just as much good in one as I can in the other. Why do people think they have to choose "teh bestest"?

In TDK, Joker tells Batman in the interrogation room that all civilized people will tear each other apart.

I kinda see that as one of the themes in TDKR.

Well, that and Bane hates american football. :lol

Makes me wonder where the Joker is during all this.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I like that keaton batman doesn't talk about not killing people and he kills people. Looking at it now, it's kinda looking back on like first appearance batman in the comics. except instead of breaking peoples necks with his foot and using a handgun he just drops you off of buildings mostly.

I really like the nolan movies but I don't like that he accidentally kills off or 'doesn't save' a major villain in each of the flicks while talking about never crossing that line throughout both of them.

I like nostalgia and modern classics!

I do like that Batman's rule is applied to Nolan's movie as apposed to killing people. A makes him different from the rest of civilians, as he does have discipline to do the right thing. But also makes it more powerful and shock value when he does throw them off buildings in Maroni's case. I won't kill you, but I will push all boundaries upto that point.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I like that they implemented the "no kill" rule but I don't like how they don't follow up on Batman's view at the end of TDK when Batman kills Harvey Dent. They sort of just gloss over the fact that Batman just broke his one rule in exchange for an innocent child's life. Maybe they'll touch on that in TDKR.

There's also that matter with Ra's Al Ghul and letting him die on the monorail. Let's remember, Bruce Wayne is supposedly compassionate. It's what "separates us from them", right? Well that's a direct contradiction to letting your enemy die on a monorail you knew was in for a collision course to hell.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I've never really understood why more people haven't realized the Joker won at the end of TDK. He DID get Batman to break his own rule. He set himself up to win no matter what - the boat passangers blowing each other up, Harvey Dent falling from grace, or Batman breaking his one rule. He had to get at least one of those, and he did.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I probably seem biased to '89 Batman, but I'm not. I remember when people were ripping Batman Begins during TDK I felt this desire to defend it. I'm sure it'll happen with TDK once TDKR is hyped up even more. I don't know, it's sort of hard for me because I don't think in terms of "what's better". They're pretty much all on the same level to me and I can find just as much good in one as I can in the other. Why do people think they have to choose "teh bestest"?

Close the thread. DiFabio said it all in that paragraph. :goodpost::exactly:
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I've never really understood why more people haven't realized the Joker won at the end of TDK. He DID get Batman to break his own rule. He set himself up to win no matter what - the boat passangers blowing each other up, Harvey Dent falling from grace, or Batman breaking his one rule. He had to get at least one of those, and he did.

I'd like to think that's one of the reasons Batman chose to take the blame, not just for the city's sake but because he killed Harvey Dent as well. I guess you could kind of say Batman owed it to Dent for killing him as well as owing it to Rachel and the city.

Pity we'll never get to know how the Joker felt about the outcome. He was, after all, the one that orchestrated everything in the final act.
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'd like to think that's one of the reasons Batman chose to take the blame, not just for the city's sake but because he killed Harvey Dent as well. I guess you could kind of say Batman owed it to Dent for killing him and to Rachel as well.

Pity we'll never get to know how the Joker felt about the outcome. He was, after all, the one that orchestrated everything in the final act.

I've always wondered why there wasn't that last 10 second scene, where it raps up exactly what happened to Joker. Even if you just saw him in his cell during the final monologue. That would have been pretty cool. And good closure.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I've never really understood why more people haven't realized the Joker won at the end of TDK. He DID get Batman to break his own rule. He set himself up to win no matter what - the boat passangers blowing each other up, Harvey Dent falling from grace, or Batman breaking his one rule. He had to get at least one of those, and he did.

lol hahaha you are right, he got 2 out of 3, that right there is a clean Win!
and the passengers blowing themselves up, I don't think that was as important as Batman breaking his own rule or Dent. so not only did Joker won 2 out of 3, but he won the 2 most important ones....
Joker totally definitely Won, :)

I've always wondered why there wasn't that last 10 second scene, where it raps up exactly what happened to Joker. Even if you just saw him in his cell during the final monologue. That would have been pretty cool. And good closure.

That would have been soo good... Specially if he still smiling at the end, as a prisoner but knowing that he won, I would have loved that

I really wish there is at least a mention of him in the new movie, or a letter from the joker, Something, anything
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

My point was, not everyone that would happen to prefer the older films to the newer ones are "blinded by nostalgia".

Let's put it this way. Okay so, it's because of nostalgia that would make one think that the Elfman score is as good or better than the current films? It's because of nostalgia that Keaton's performance is held in such high regard, sometimes thought to be better than Bale's? What about it's themes and symbols, are those just contrived from nostalgia as well? Does nostalgia also have an impact on the design of the Batmobile Or the art direction and set design for which the film won an Oscar for?

It just can't be better or as good because of those attributes? It has to be because of nostalgia or rose tinted glasses?

I don't think that's fair at all. I think it says a lot that we still see the impact and significance of a film that is 22 years old and it can still be used as a counter point against it's successor.

If someone has a legitimate cause for preferring '89 to TDK, or preferring Begins to TDK than that's their preference. To my knowledge it isn't written anywhere that one is this end all be all film. I mean, I hate seeing someone go into a thread and swat somebodies preference away like it's laughable to even suggest that something they like is superior. I mean it's not like The Dark Knight, '89 Batman, Batman Begins or The Dark Knight is Batman and Robin here. Good films are being put up against good films.

I probably seem biased to '89 Batman, but I'm not. I remember when people were ripping Batman Begins during TDK I felt this desire to defend it. I'm sure it'll happen with TDK once TDKR is hyped up even more. I don't know, it's sort of hard for me because I don't think in terms of "what's better". They're pretty much all on the same level to me and I can find just as much good in one as I can in the other. Why do people think they have to choose "teh bestest"?

Makes me wonder where the Joker is during all this.

well I could see why someone would love 89 batman, I never said it was bad, because I did love it once,
I'm just thinking, is not about what movie was the best, just like you said,
to me is about what movie i enjoyed more, even though i liked 89 batman, I liked BB and TDK more, so as batman movies they replaced 89 batman, and became my favorite movies even replacing other movies that are not related to batman at all,
so I guess to me that's why TDK is better than 89 Batman and the joker from that movie, because I liked the old movie, but the new movie kinda blew me away, which the original did not.
but if the original blew you away, that I understand, because I don't hate the old movie, i still like it a lot, I just prefer to watch TDK,

but I do think nostalgia has a little to do with it, even if is just a little,
even though the old batman is a good movie, the nostalgia adds a little,
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Batman 89 is glorious. It looks great, sounds great, and feels great.

I'd rather watch it then TDK. Only because the fans have partially ruined the film for me. Once I woke up...of course.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I've never really understood why more people haven't realized the Joker won at the end of TDK. He DID get Batman to break his own rule. He set himself up to win no matter what - the boat passangers blowing each other up, Harvey Dent falling from grace, or Batman breaking his one rule. He had to get at least one of those, and he did.

:cuckoo: Batman had already broken that rule when he killed the dozens of League of Shadows members in the ninja temple. :lol
FU void, you're wrong! /o/
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

And that poor Garbage truck driver now that I think about it. I'd hate to see what he looked like when Gotham's finest tried to use the jaws of life only to find a crippled, pancaked body in there. :lol
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