The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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____ing Nolancompoops. I seriously hope this ____ affects the box office to send a clear message how idiotic this ____ has gotten with these pathetic losers. Mother____ers shot a baby at close range. :mad:

Like, how is it Nolan fans KILLING fellow 'nolancompoops'? Wouldnt they kill Avengers or Spiderman fans or something you muppet? :dunno
I was going to come in here and talk about the film but I don't even know what the ____ to say now. What a world we live in.

I look at em in my local comic book shop, but theres other comics id rather buy and read before it. Im about to buy it and then I think, oh wait, I want earth one, or New 52 or something.

I picked up the trades on amazon for $38 shipped for knightfall & knightquest. I pre ordered knightsend, that ships in september

I wanted to re read the story & didn't feel like longbox diving
____ing Nolancompoops. I seriously hope this ____ affects the box office to send a clear message how idiotic this ____ has gotten with these pathetic losers. Mother____ers shot a baby at close range. :mad:

Wouldn't it be people who hated the Nolancompoops...rather them themselves?
Like, how is it Nolan fans KILLING fellow 'nolancompoops'? Wouldnt they kill Avengers or Spiderman fans or something you muppet? :dunno

I dunno lowbrow, you tell me. There weren't shootings at Avengers midnight showings, were there? :cuckoo:

Different level of fans. Avengers fans know how to have fun and just flamed negative reviews. Nolan nutbags are obsessed and posted death threats for negative reviews. Educate yourself a bit on what's going on so you don't seem so divvy next time you post.

Wouldn't it be people who hated the Nolancompoops...rather them themselves?

Sounds like it was an attendee who got frustrated with the crowd. Doesn't sound like someone who hated the film. He shot a baby point blank. :mad:
But, Nolan fans wouldn't logically kill people seeing the film they want too see.

I'm sorry, but you're taking this to another level. It's probably because i'm like...____ing 30 minutes from where this happened,'s a bit personal. But still. It wasn't a TDK fan.
But, Nolan fans wouldn't logically kill people seeing the film they want too see.

I'm sorry, but you're taking this to another level. It's probably because i'm like...____ing 30 minutes from where this happened,'s a bit personal. But still. It wasn't a TDK fan.

Why shoot a bunch of kids and an infant then?
Because the person who did it is a ____ing crazy _______.

Nothing more.

TDKR was going to bring a lot of people.

Maybe he had a motive. But it wouldn't make any goddamn sense for a fan of series, no matter how devote, to kill people seeing the film. It doesn't prove anything.

Maybe he was a Spider-Man fan. That's more logical then what you're saying.....:lol
Because the person who did it is a ____ing crazy _______.

Nothing more.

TDKR was going to bring a lot of people.

Maybe he had a motive. But it wouldn't make any goddamn sense for a fan of series, no matter how devote, to kill people seeing the film. It doesn't prove anything.

Maybe he was a Spider-Man fan. That's more logical then what you're saying.....:lol

Not really, because ASM fanboys, regardless of how douchy, don't post death threats about negative reviews. They just gang up, play limp biscuit with each other, cry and troll. The Nolan fans are the ones who took this ____ to a way different level. First RT has to deal with the death threat ____, and now this.
I expected a slow start with a 'building up' middle and action packed end. Bane though, is a weak villain in the comics. I mean, a whole film carried by Bane was always going to be a struggle. I believe Nolans hand was forced by ledgers passing. The exchanges with Joker in the Interrogation scene and at the end, set up for future meeting.

But Bane is a weak villain. I always look at Bane as a secondary villain. Cool, but like Scarecrow, Freeze, Riddler, Penguin.... side villain, a support cast. He isnt a Joker or Rhas or Twoface; a deep story and history between them and Batman. Jokers psychology etc, Rhas' teachings and upbringing of Bruce. Bane has none of that.

But, I expected that from this film in honesty. The score I listened to online and apart from two or three tracks, its just re-edited music from TDK.

But on the flipside, TDK music is alot of BB music re-edited. It was part of Zimmers theory; a theme building as Batman grows which to me, works.

IMO, Joker shouldve been the last film. Joker is THE ultimate villain. THE mental test of Batman, he tests every millimeter of what Batman Stands for. If Batman was broken physically and comes back, beats Bane, only to face Joker, who isnt physical, but psychological beats and nearly kills him through the loss of Dent, the death of Rachel.... Mentally breaking Batman shouldve been the last film, Him Rising through the torment and showing Joker that Gotham has spirit, and good people and ending on that note.

Bane and Dent wouldve been a good mix.

But yeah, nice thoughts on the film dude!

I agree with this completely.

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Not really, because ASM fanboys, regardless of how douchy, don't post death threats about negative reviews. They just gang up, play limp biscuit with each other, cry and troll. The Nolan fans are the ones who took this ____ to a way different level. First RT has to deal with the death threat ____, and now this.

This was planned out.

Those people used death threats out of defense. They attacked the film, and so they said stupid things.

The guy had this planned out. He wanted to shoot babies in the face. He picked tonight, because this was going to be a BIG BIG movie.

It makes NO sense. In any way, why a fan of this franchise, no matter how crazy, would shoot people for a film they have never seen yet. They didn't even finish it.

And even IF...he hated the crowed, it would've been a gut reaction, random, spur of the moment. They're saying he BROUGHT WEAPONS into the theater. He planned it out.

I don't know why we're blaming dumb movies fans.
Spoilers people. You have just given away the ____ing ending Jesus H Christ.
Jez. A whole new level of stupid.

Well no ____. You missed the ":lol" and took it to heart. It's a ____ing movie. Same with this flick. It's a flick that means nothing, and the fact that people were killed over it...and the fact that I COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED DURING IT (they said there was another dude running around Colorado with a BOMB) makes the entire idea of blaming a film fan doing this, incredibly absurd.
And even IF...he hated the crowed, it would've been a gut reaction, random, spur of the moment. They're saying he BROUGHT WEAPONS into the theater. He planned it out.

I don't know why we're blaming dumb movies fans.

Kids chatting and texting, baby crying, annoyed fan who's packing stands up and takes action, pulling the trigger on the crowd. Again, it's the level of "seriousness" fans are taking with this film, like their lives depend on it. Otherwise, why didn't this happen with Avengers, ASM or even Ghost Rider? :huh
What about it was forced? Your just saying vague things and not giving constructive criticism. Also his name is Nolan.

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