Taka Corp Studio: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1:6

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Super Freak
Aug 8, 2010
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Taka Corp Studio said:
🎄Bonjour à tous 🎄

C’est le grand jour !

Top départ des festivités avec cette première annonce !

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer l’acquisition des droits de la licence :

🐢TORTUES NINJA (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) 🐢
Notre première statue sera issue de l’animé 1987 qui a tant bercé notre enfance !

Un concept 2D est déjà validé et ce dernier fait clairement partie de nos pièces les plus ambitieuses à ce jour !

Et vous, quelle est votre Tortue préférée 🙃?
Hello everyone

Today is the big day!

Let’s start the festivities with this first announcement!

We are pleased to announce the acquisition of the license rights:

NINJA TURTLES (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

Our first statue will be from the 1987 cartoon that rocked our childhood so much!

A 2D concept has already been validated and it is clearly one of our most ambitious parts to date!

And you, what is your favorite Turtle?


Mostly machine translated but validated by my limited high school French. :lol

Another licensee throwing their hat into the TMNT ring. Seems like a good time to be a Turtles fan.
Oh boy! How did I miss this. I like the look of the PCS 1/4 ones, but they're too big to get them all. I'll be keeping an eye on these.
Is this effort dead? I click on the TMNT icon and the page does nothing. I also don't see TMNT listed under the licenses tab.