Table top RPG's

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Super Freak
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
Augusta, Georgia
out of curiosity, any other pen and paper RPG geeks among the freaks?

Dungeons and dragons?
Vampire the masquerade/Dark Ages? or any other Wod game?
West end Games D6 legendary system?
Me, at least I used to be until I went to live in a small rural town and couldn't find players.

I think I'd kill to play V:TM or CoC again. Those games are so much better than video games...

Edit: oh, and Deadlands! To think I was forgetting about this gem! And All Flesh Must Be Eaten, to which the Walking Dead borrowed so much, including the prison concept!

Ahhh! Good ol' sweet nostalgia!:)
out of curiosity, any other pen and paper RPG geeks among the freaks?

Dungeons and dragons?
Vampire the masquerade/Dark Ages? or any other Wod game?
West end Games D6 legendary system?

Changeling the Lost
Legends of the 5 Rings 4th
Unhallowed Metropolis (talk about great game and worse support/talking to people that spend money on their ****-ever-i mean worse lol)
out of curiosity, any other pen and paper RPG geeks among the freaks?

Dungeons and dragons?

Played a fair amount of D&D back in the day, 1st and 2nd edition. Greyhawk Iuz campaign was fun. Great way to piss away time with friends, even if you only get 10-20 min of actual gaming an hour. Some Gurps too.
Used to play a lot of D&D as well as Star Wars, Star Trek, and Marvel. Haven't played in a few years though.
So there is a few of you around. Recently picked up the 20th anniversary version of vampire, and the kickstarter for th dark ages deluxe edition just wrapped up.

so cool that white wolf is print to order only now. So easy to get books.