Succession - HBO

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Super Freak
Mar 23, 2010
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Just started this series and halfway through the first season. I don't think I have ever watched a series with so many despicable characters. They're all just so awful, but you can't stop watching lol

It seems after 3 seasons it's become very popular with critics, with Golden Globe wins and multiple nominations for SAG this year.

Those who are watching, what are your thoughts on the series?
I haven't watched it cause I figured it's the same case that usually happens when "TV critics" pee their pants over whatever new thing they're watching and think it's the best thing to ever grace TV.

But I like Brian Cox a lot.

I didn't know it was on HBO. Do they show boobs and swear a lot?
I've been watching since the very first episode. Definitely my favourite "currently airing" show. Going back and watching S1 Kendall versus S3 Kendall is like two totally different people. Strong really deserves his wins and I hope it translates to a bigger career for him. Everyone's bringing their A game in general. I thought I'd started a thread, but apparently not. Billions is like its discount version. I still watch that too, and it came out earlier, but it's not on the same wavelength. I like shows/stories about power struggles, what can I say.
I haven't watched it cause I figured it's the same case that usually happens when "TV critics" pee their pants over whatever new thing they're watching and think it's the best thing to ever grace TV.

But I like Brian Cox a lot.

I didn't know it was on HBO. Do they show boobs and swear a lot?

It's really well written and acted, but I think it's the 'watch once' kind of series. I can't imagine wanting to watch it through again. I thought that about Mad Men though, and occasionally I have the urge to as my memory of it has faded.

Lots of swearing, and not a lot of boobs as I remember - though Brian Cox probably got his out at some point. :lol
One of the best shows on TV at the moment, with the best writing and performances especially from Brian Cox and Jeremy Strong.

Season 3 flew by, I'm looking forward to season 4.

But yeah I would never rewatch it.
Glad I gave this a's fun to binge through it since there are already 3 seasons to burn through with no waiting for new episodes.

I wasn't totally sold with the pilot, but I stuck with it and it really picked up a few episodes in.

I'm halfway through season 2 now, and I'm actually enjoying the Roman character the most, even though he's probably the most stereotypical.

The daughter's slimy, pathetic, spineless husband is fun to detest, too. What a piece of human garbage.

They all suck, but they all also show some glimpses of humanity/vulnerability as well, so that's a good recipe for drama.

I'm also impressed with the budget. They really went out and spent the money for sweeping shots of New York from the top of skyscrapers, helicopter rides to mansions in the Hamptons, the whole nine yards. Really makes "Billions" look cheap by comparison.
Glad I gave this a's fun to binge through it since there are already 3 seasons to burn through with no waiting for new episodes.

I wasn't totally sold with the pilot, but I stuck with it and it really picked up a few episodes in.

I'm halfway through season 2 now, and I'm actually enjoying the Roman character the most, even though he's probably the most stereotypical.

The daughter's slimy, pathetic, spineless husband is fun to detest, too. What a piece of human garbage.

They all suck, but they all also show some glimpses of humanity/vulnerability as well, so that's a good recipe for drama.

I'm also impressed with the budget. They really went out and spent the money for sweeping shots of New York from the top of skyscrapers, helicopter rides to mansions in the Hamptons, the whole nine yards. Really makes "Billions" look cheap by comparison.

We're all TomCats here. Shivsimps get out!
Greg is MEGA ANNOYING. But I get it. He's supposed to be annoying as ****.
Greg is MEGA ANNOYING. But I get it. He's supposed to be annoying as ****.
Greg's turning into a mastermind and he's gonna win at the end. We're looking at around 5 seasons IIRC. I'm not saying anymore, go finish the rest of the seasons. And you better be a TomCat, a Conhead, or at least a KenBro by the end. I'll even accept a Romagenerate. LoGANG's an interesting place to be, but too OP; better pick a rival to be "inside the fire", so to speak.
Well, I figured the fact that the series opens on this bumbling annoying doofus was telegraphing that he could possibly "win" in the end, but that's awfully obvious, isn't it?

Honestly, I care very little about who wins. (Just like Game of Thrones.) I'm just in it for the journey and the despicable characters.

But so far, I'm a Romagenerate, but also a little KenBro, but only when he's acting really high and stupid and not all sad and mopey.
Jye should watch this cause I think he'd like Shiv. She's my least favorite character but mostly cause of the actress' limited range. She only has two expressions...a narrow-eyed scornful look and a wide-eyed surprised look. It gets really repetitive when you binge three years worth of material in one weekend.

But Jye would dig her cause her ass just gets fatter and fatter every episode.

By season four she's gonna be like 75% ass.
Jye should watch this cause I think he'd like Shiv. She's my least favorite character but mostly cause of the actress' limited range. She only has two expressions...a narrow-eyed scornful look and a wide-eyed surprised look. It gets really repetitive when you binge three years worth of material in one weekend.

But Jye would dig her cause her ass just gets fatter and fatter every episode.

By season four she's gonna be like 75% ass.


Shiv is LITERALLY built for hatesex.
Imagine being Tom in that scene and having to stop yourself fro- Yeah, we all know what I'm gonna type.

Just finished my binge of Succession seasons 1-3.

Overall I give it a B- or C+. Hardest part was getting any kind of read on Logan and I suppose they left him ambiguous for a reason. Our TWO clues into his backstory were whatever happened to his sister Rose, and the scars on his back presumably from his abusive father.

I enjoyed the production values....Kendall at the top of that NYC skyscraper was a breathtaking shot. And they spared no expense on helicopters and private jets, but notice the actors are never actually seen departed from an actual landing helicopter. All camera tricks after that guy got his head cut off back in Twilight Zone the movie.

Overall, despite it's ludicrousness, I prefer "Billions." The cat and mouse game between Chuck and Ax was so much fun. No idea if it'll even be worth watching now that Axl decided to leave the show but I'll give it a chance.

As for Succession, it's a fun little diversion if you've got the time and it's always fun to see how the elites live and pretend we can be like that someday.
OH, and PS.......Shiv's ass if that's your bag, baby....Jye knows what I'm talking about!!
I think I have 3 episodes to go to finish season 3. Roman is such an annoying character, watching 3 seasons in such a short time period is a bit of a chore with him being so involved. Kendall is also just ridiculous in season 3, can't stand him!

I think the show has floundered a bit in season 3. Tom and his incessant whingeing about what prison will be like. I don't know why Shiv puts up with such an annoying man as her husband! Greg is also such an annoying character in season 3. Trying to sue Greenpeace for his Grandfather's money? He's just such a clown and I don't even know what he actually does lol. Why is he always involved with all the important decisions within the company when he is just some low family member?

I've dragged out the last few episodes to watch just because I needed a break lol
Am I the only one watching this show?

Final episode airs this week. Season 4 has really stepped it up back to its best. Phenomenal performances across the board this season. I will be shocked if it doesn't sweep the awards at the Emmys this year.
I am ready for the whole Roy family in 1/6 to fill out a penthouse office styled detolf shelf. C’mon HBO! I already know how I would pose Roman against the glass window lol.