Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I'm starting to wonder if Iron Man is suffering from TPM syndrome where people loved it when they first saw it but now are starting to hate on it because it's the hipster thing to do post-Avengers.

I think with TPM, so many people WANTED to love it that they pretended they did. And there were enough pretty awesome moments that you could kind of get away with it, for a while at least.

I remember sort of feeling that way after coming out of the theatre, I will admit it. Talking about the Darth Maul scenes, etc... but feeling kind of empty inside at the same time. :)

It took some subsequent watchings to admit to myself that it sucked, lol. I didn't know that was a "hipster" thing to do, though.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Letting yourself be suckered in by wishful thinking associated with the bloated and superficial "polished poopie" that is the Star Wars prequels = being a "hipster" I guess.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Letting yourself be suckered in by wishful thinking associated with the bloated and superficial "polished poopie" that is the Star Wars prequels = being a "hipster" I guess.

I don't think "hipster" was even a word back then... at least not one used with any great frequency!
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

There's a difference between letting your enthusiasm for a movie you watched a few year ago wain and deciding a movie is teh suck.

Lots of people recently seem to be hating on the first Iron Man film now that the new car smell is gone.

"Hipster" goes back to the '60s, and probably before.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Peope's tastes also change as they get older/mature. I dont like everything I liked when I was a teenager. I remember liking Nightbreed alot when it came out, years later I bought the disc and showed it to my wife. I felt embarrassed that I had told her how great the movie was and found myself cringing throughout the entire movie. The movie I saw that night on DVD bore almost no resemblance to the memory of the movie I had watched years before in the theater. Obviously the movie didnt change, I did.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Peope's tastes also change as they get older/mature. I dont like everything I liked when I was a teenager. I remember liking Nightbreed alot when it came out, years later I bought the disc and showed it to my wife. I felt embarrassed that I had told her how great the movie was and found myself cringing throughout the entire movie. The movie I saw that night on DVD bore almost no resemblance to the memory of the movie I had watched years before in the theater. Obviously the movie didnt change, I did.

That's a shame. Nightbreed's still a great flick. Regardless of how the movie aged, the message is still there. Maybe you'd just forgotten the message? :huh
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

"Hipster" goes back to the '60s, and probably before.

That's right, but I was 21 when TPM came out, and if you used the word "hipster" back then, you were an old fogey. ;)

Everything comes back, I guess. :)
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

The main things that stood out in 2008 when I watched Iron Man in the theater:

1. RDJ was *the* definitive Tony Stark

2. It seemed to copy a lot of initial scenes from Batman Begins without matching or improving on them (taking his licks in a third world country before returning to his home city to start building cool suits, even Stark's walk to his plane was almost a carbon copy of Bruce meeting Alfred in BB.)

3. A massively mediocre final battle between robotic dudes in a city after the first Transformers set the bar incredibly high the previous summer. In fact I remember that so much that I was fearing that Avengers might be similarly lackluster after following Dark of the Moon. Thankfully that wasn't how it played out.

4. The whole movie was very "paint by numbers" but it just didn't do anything badly, so was just solid all around.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

That's right, but I was 21 when TPM came out, and if you used the word "hipster" back then, you were an old fogey. ;)

Everything comes back, I guess. :)

The first time I really took note of the word was in 1997's Austin Powers. "There's nothing more pathetic than an aging hipster." :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

The first time I really took note of the word was in 1997's Austin Powers. "There's nothing more pathetic than an aging hipster." :lol

Oh yeah! Forgot about that line...

I'm sure I heard it before then, here and there, but it was always in reference to the '50s or '60s.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

The main things that stood out in 2008 when I watched Iron Man in the theater:

1. RDJ was *the* definitive Tony Stark

2. It seemed to copy a lot of initial scenes from Batman Begins without matching or improving on them (taking his licks in a third world country before returning to his home city to start building cool suits, even Stark's walk to his plane was almost a carbon copy of Bruce meeting Alfred in BB.)

3. A massively mediocre final battle between robotic dudes in a city after the first Transformers set the bar incredibly high the previous summer. In fact I remember that so much that I was fearing that Avengers might be similarly lackluster after following Dark of the Moon. Thankfully that wasn't how it played out.

4. The whole movie was very "paint by numbers" but it just didn't do anything badly, so was just solid all around.

Don't you mean, "is?" :dunno

And BTW, the Iron Man origin was faithful to the comic, with the move from Vietnam to the Middle East pretty much being the only difference (clearly done to reflect the times). So if anything was copied, BB copied IM. :wink1:
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I still find it weird when I step back and think of Stark as this witty banterer. That is the definition of RDJ, but it wasn't Stark in the comics. Hawkeye? Sure. Kind of a role reversal in the movies.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

That's a shame. Nightbreed's still a great flick. Regardless of how the movie aged, the message is still there. Maybe you'd just forgotten the message? :huh

Things change. The movie was enjoyed at one point in my life, the memory is still better than the reality in many ways, just now when I watch it things bother me or just don't connect with me the way they did before. Who knows, maybe if I was in just the right mood and caught it on tv, it might still be enjoyable.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

The main things that stood out in 2008 when I watched Iron Man in the theater:

1. RDJ was *the* definitive Tony Stark

2. It seemed to copy a lot of initial scenes from Batman Begins without matching or improving on them (taking his licks in a third world country before returning to his home city to start building cool suits, even Stark's walk to his plane was almost a carbon copy of Bruce meeting Alfred in BB.)

3. A massively mediocre final battle between robotic dudes in a city after the first Transformers set the bar incredibly high the previous summer. In fact I remember that so much that I was fearing that Avengers might be similarly lackluster after following Dark of the Moon. Thankfully that wasn't how it played out.

4. The whole movie was very "paint by numbers" but it just didn't do anything badly, so was just solid all around.

I'd agree with this. It is a good movie. I'm not hating on it after "Avengers" has come out. I've always felt this way about the movie. Find a post of mine where I gush over it and contradicts my comments above. In fact all my gushing for Marvel Cinematic Universe films has always been over "Thor." I'm in the minority that ranks that above all the rest ("Avengers" included). That makes me a hipster? :dunno

Anywaaaaays, I honestly don't care who the director of this new movie is. Anyone is a better director than George Lucas when it comes to getting actors to act. Natalie Portman has the potential to be an AMAZING actress but it's not very often I see her being one in movies. So whoever the cast is, I want the director they pick to make them do their absolute best and not just have phoned in performances like we saw from a lot of people in the PT...
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

In honor of the (old) news that Star Wars will be graced with a new movie...I have begun another Star Wars marathon.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I was thinking about Gaurdians of the Galaxy... I wonder if it might just be a cover for the production of Star Wars.

Almost everyone is scratching their head about why Marvel would make such a film. Only moderate enthusiasm for it.

It might be a smokescreen.

Just a thought.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Good luck in getting through AotC :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

Made it through both AOTC and ROTS tonight without committing it is on the ANH, TESB, and ROTJ for a reminder of what is truly wonderful about the whole story!