Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

The same source that spoiled Obi Wan first defeating Vader on a volcano (later the lava planet of Mustafar) being how Vader gets the robotic parts had already dropped that bomb (I can't remember if it was Hyperspace or not) shortly after ESB for those that didn't make the connection when seeing the film.
I'm actually pretty chuffed to say, that back in 1984 / 85 (can't quite recall).. my mum bought me the novelization of ROTJ - complete with the two hands holding the lightsaber with the 'space' background on the cover.. :cool:

I specifically remember reading a section where it mentioned the battle between Anakin & Obi-Wan at the mouth of a volcano - with Anakin ultimately falling in & being disfigured.

Ahh.. memories!! :yess: :rock :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

As an eleven year old you thought, "On Dagobah Yoda told Luke to sacrifice Leia but then advised Ben that if Luke failed in rescuing Leia and fell into the clutches of Vader that they still had a last hope...Princess Leia who was also in the clutches of Vader." Right. :cuckoo:

So your preteen assumption must have been blown even further when the SW Annotated Screenplays and interviews with Gary Kurtz revealed that George didn't work out the details of who was related to who until ROTJ after having them make out on Hoth. :cool:

All I know is that when Leia was revealed as Luke's twin sister...I was all "Oh ****! Luke kissed his sister!" :panic::lol:panic::lol:panic:
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Nope, Luke had the strongest bond with and even romantic feeligns for Leia in ESB, hence her being the recipient of his telepathic cry for help. It's just something Jedi can do. Obi-Wan wasn't siblings with all six billion people on Alderaan when they screamed in terror and he wasn't siblings with Luke when he communed telepathically from beyond the grave.

Of course the "saga overhaul" presented in I-VI indicates that everyone in the galaxy is directly related but you'd have to be drinking some serious kool-aid to believe that that's how it was layed out from the beginning. Lucas did have the idea of Luke having a twin sister but it certainly wasn't Leia until the last minute because he just wanted to quickly wrap everything up at that time.

I suggest you read some more, start with J.W. Rinzler's Making of Empire Strikes Back. It was discussed between Kirshner and Fisher, why would they discuss it then? Its all in there including Kirshner's discussion with Ford about the famous I Love You scene and his fight with Lando. It wasn't decided before Empire but during as Lucas adjusted his story to be finished within 2 further episodes.

Obi-Wan's connection with the force tells him someones died not who or where, Leia's got no Jedi training and never even had any inkling that she would be a force user. Yet Luke can communicate with her and not Obi-Wan who he has a much stronger and stable relationship with after his time on Dagobah, also is the fact that he's asked someone he thought only capable of needing rescuing, why?

As to your Yoda quote, don't you think both Yoda and Obi-Wan are scared of losing both Luke and Leia to the Emperor? if they had this spare stashed away in another part of the galaxy then "matters" couldn't have been worse as Obi-Wan says. "There is another" is purely a tool by Lucas/Kasdan/Kirshner to distract the audience for the big reveal in RotJ, no more no less. Why doesn't Yoda say "there is another Skywalker" then instead of just "another"?
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I'm actually pretty chuffed to say, that back in 1984 / 85 (can't quite recall).. my mum bought me the novelization of ROTJ - complete with the two hands holding the lightsaber with the 'space' background on the cover.. :cool:

I specifically remember reading a section where it mentioned the battle between Anakin & Obi-Wan at the mouth of a volcano - with Anakin ultimately falling in & being disfigured.

Ahh.. memories!! :yess: :rock :lol

The Obi-Wan vs Vader fight over a volcano is actually described in the Official Star Wars Movie Program, which i own a copy :yess: :blissy in it it describes how whilst fighting Obi-Wan, Vader fell into a molten pit. Fans then sort concluded that it must be a volcano as Vader was described by Lucas from that time as living on a volcanic planet in a dark castle surrounded by sea's of molten lava.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

The Obi-Wan vs Vader fight over a volcano is actually described in the Official Star Wars Movie Program, which i own a copy :yess: :blissy in it it describes how whilst fighting Obi-Wan, Vader fell into a molten pit. Fans then sort concluded that it must be a volcano as Vader was described by Lucas from that time as living on a volcanic planet in a dark castle surrounded by sea's of molten lava.
There you go! :) I think it did say lava pit in the book..

I also remember owning the larger size ROTJ comic book back then too. :lecture

Anyone remember that??
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I suggest you read some more, start with J.W. Rinzler's Making of Empire Strikes Back. It was discussed between Kirshner and Fisher, why would they discuss it then? Its all in there including Kirshner's discussion with Ford about the famous I Love You scene and his fight with Lando.

A fair source to put your faith in however, given that it was published in 2010, 30 years after ESB, it unfortunately isn't the most credible source of information that has been notoriously inconsistent over the years. When you have conflicting reports of any historical event typically it's the report stated closest to the time of the event that is the most likely to be true.

Case in point, George's claims all throughout the late 90's to the first decade of the 21st century that SW was always about the "rise, fall, and redemption on Anakin Skywalker," even though the first trilogy was clearly about Luke and Mark Hamill himself stated in a 1983 interview with Maria Shriver that George told him he had plans for Luke to return in the Prequel Trilogy in 2011 or so. Fast forward to today and suddenly Lucas has "story treatments" related to a sequel trilogy that coincidentally seem to line up with what was first reported way back when.

You get me something a little less recent and I'll be inclined to give it more weight.

Obi-Wan's connection with the force tells him someones died not who or where, Leia's got no Jedi training and never even had any inkling that she would be a force user. Yet Luke can communicate with her and not Obi-Wan who he has a much stronger and stable relationship with after his time on Dagobah, also is the fact that he's asked someone he thought only capable of needing rescuing, why?

Ben told him on Dagobah that he wouldn't be able to interfere. We don't know exactly why on film because it isn't stated. The Annotated Screenplays indicate that a deceased Jedi only has a limited number of "interactions" they can have with the living before they become one with the Force. That would give sense to Ben's comments on Dagobah but again since it wasn't spelled out on screen we'll have to just interpret it how we want.

Leia responding to Luke is not inconsistent with what we see happening in the saga prior to that moment however. They had already established that Force users can project their powers over great distances to non-Force sensitive individuals when Vader choked Ozzel from a separate starship.

And everything else between Luke and Leia to that moment point to them being part of a love triangle. "She's beautiful," their two ANH kisses, massive smooch on ESB and so on. When a director has a notion about two characters' relationship prior to their own knowledge he doesn't typically sent them up as potential romantic counterparts unless he's doing it for laughs which of course never manifested.

As to your Yoda quote, don't you think both Yoda and Obi-Wan are scared of losing both Luke and Leia to the Emperor?

In ESB? No, I don't. Yoda said as much. If you honor what Leia fights for then she is an acceptable sacrifice. Harsh but that's where he stood. Now if one hope goes to rescue the "other" hope and fails, then they're screwed. No need to close a conversation on the topic with an optimistic, "no there's still someone else."

"There is another" is purely a tool by Lucas/Kasdan/Kirshner to distract the audience for the big reveal in RotJ, no more no less.

Nope, that's not what the line was there for:

"My feeling about Luke being the last hope was really done in an effort to make sure that he was in some jeopardy, that he might not succeed. I was trying to set up subliminally in the audience's mind that something is going on here, that he could fail. And if he does fail, 'there is another hope.' So the audience is saying don't go, finish your training." --George Lucas, Star Wars the Annotated Screenplays, pg. 200, 1997.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Leia kisses Luke in Empire solely to make Han feel jealous, Vader and Ozzel are both on the Executor when he chokes Ozzel and Obi-Wan's statement about interfering is interesting one seeing that those scenes were filmed at the end of the shoot and could mean anything without George Lucas' interpretation. But then GL does have a reputation for changing his mind and claiming he always planned to do it that way.

I'd put a bit more faith in Rinzler over Kurtz at this time due to the fact that he was pretty much fired from the saga before the end of filming Empire, and wasn't present for the final weeks of filming when the decision might have been made. Off the top of my head all the drafts of RotJ that ive read have Leia as Luke's sister, but i'll have to have a look to be certain. So we'll have to agree to disagree for the moment then until Rinzler releases his Making of Return of the Jedi next autumn.
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Leia kisses Luke in Empire solely to make Han feel jealous,

Oh come on, you think that if General Rieekan were in the room with them and not Luke that she would have just grabbed his face and planted one on him? Come on. :lol

You're right about Vader and Ozzel being on the Executor, but my point still stands about Force users projecting their powers toward non-Force users.

Off the top of my head all the drafts of RotJ that ive read have Leia as Luke's sister, but i'll have to have a look to be certain.

According to the SW Annotated Screenplays there was a "rough draft" of ROTJ where Luke reveals to Leia that she is his sister at the Ewok Celebration and then a "revised rough draft" where Yoda's apparition appears to Luke while he's captive in the shuttle heading to the Death Star and states that Leia is his twin sister. Also in the revised rough draft Vader doesn't read Luke's thoughts to realize Leia's identity, instead Ben's apparition appears and tells Luke that he's not alone and has many allies and that's what gives Luke the strength to put Vader down and cause him to lose his hand. So all versions of ROTJ were written with Leia in mind, but that's not what we're discussing because that only points to Luke and Leia being siblings beginning with ROTJ story meetings (the same story meetings that determined that Ben and Owen Lars were brothers before being retconned out by AOTC.) The issue is whether or not they were siblings in ANH and ESB.
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Oh come on, you think that if General Rieekan were in the room with them and not Luke that she would have just grabbed his face and planted one on him? Come on. :lol

Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Oh come on, you think that if General Rieekan were in the room with them and not Luke that she would have just grabbed his face and planted one on him? Come on. :lol

She'd have to be pretty blind not see there was at that time that both Luke and Han were competing for her affections. And thats the key at that time. By the time Luke was hanging off the weather vane Leia had commited to Han and Luke had commited to the Jedi.:lecture

Khev; said:
According to the SW Annotated Screenplays there was a "rough draft" of ROTJ where Luke reveals to Leia that she is his sister at the Ewok Celebration and then a "revised rough draft" where Yoda's apparition appears to Luke while he's captive in the shuttle heading to the Death Star and states that Leia is his twin sister. Also in the revised rough draft Vader doesn't read Luke's thoughts to realize Leia's identity, instead Ben's apparition appears and tells Luke that he's not alone and has many allies and that's what gives Luke the strength to put Vader down and cause him to lose his hand. So all versions of ROTJ were written with Leia in mind, but that's not what we're discussing because that only points to Luke and Leia being siblings beginning with ROTJ story meetings (the same story meetings that determined that Ben and Owen Lars were brothers before being retconned out by AOTC.) The issue is whether or not they were siblings in ANH and ESB.

Hold on wasn't it you who claimed it was a last minute decision by Lucas to tie things up quickly? It must've been some meeting "right Mark you're going to finally face the Emperor but Vader intervenes and throws him down the shaft.......oh and Leia's your sister":rotfl

At the time of the preproduction of RotJ Lucas still planned to make another film (Episode VII). Lucas also came up with the idea of Obi-Wan returning from the dead to fight the Emperor (2nd Draft?), was this wishfull thinking that Guinness would also return as he had to be pursuaded to return for Empire only at the last minute?
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

She'd have to be pretty blind not see there was at that time that both Luke and Han were competing for her affections. And thats the key at that time. By the time Luke was hanging off the weather vane Leia had commited to Han and Luke had commited to the Jedi.:lecture

How did the weather vane confirm that Luke was commited to the ways of the Jedi at the expense of a relationship with Leia? That's literally in no way stated. As far as we know up to that time Jedi *do* have wives as evidenced by the very existence of Luke Skywalker. What we do see is him *calling out to her.* As far as "at that point in time" is concerned, the last minute of the movie where Luke puts his arm around her and she doesn't know if she'll ever see Han again points to the jury still being out as to who she thinks she's going to end up with. Everything in ROTJ points to them changing relationships established in ESB just as ESB changed Luke's father the Jedi murdered by Vader into Vader himself. Sometimes it works (Vader), sometimes it doesn't (Leia). Yes I know Lucas toyed with the idea of having the hero be the son of the bad guy early on but that wasn't what he had commited to until after he saw that ANH was a massive hit and that he would get to continue the story.

Hold on wasn't it you who claimed it was a last minute decision by Lucas to tie things up quickly? It must've been some meeting "right Mark you're going to finally face the Emperor but Vader intervenes and throws him down the shaft.......oh and Leia's your sister":rotfl

I consider turning a love triangle upside down and connecting two unrelated characters as siblings for the third act of a trilogy to be changing things at the last minute. I didn't mean that for the three year production process that they went back on their script in the last 60 seconds of shooting. :cool:

Just like they changed, "join me and we'll overthrow the Emperor and rule the galaxy as father and son" to "that is why you will not take me to your Emperor now," "Sorry Luke, I must obey my master...." And people thought Bane turned soft at the end.

Keep your ROTJ contrivances out of ESB. :lecture Next thing I know you'll be stating that little orphan Ani was the "maker" 3PO was referring to from the very beginning. :monkey1
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I think you're just mad because you look naive for not seeing the forest for the trees. You're essentially twisting what we all watched, to fit a conclusion nobody but you came to, and ignoring obvious facts to favor your flawed POV. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

State the facts that I'm ignoring or go home. ESB, George Lucas, and Gary Kurtz have all stated that the "other" line was to make Luke seem expendable and not to hint at it being "Leia." Dispute that Nam. Go ahead.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

State the facts that I'm ignoring or go home.

They were already posted and your reply was, "I'm going to ignore that source and go with my own. Show me something older and I might consider it" And the only reason you posted that is because the clearer evidence didn't back your POV.

Your argument for the past several pages is effectively nothing short of going, ":ignore:" to maintain a faulty conclusion.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Yep, a 2010 publication that contradicts everything that came before it, from the movie to Gary Kurtz to George Lucas himself. Try again. You knew it was all layed out from the beginning from the time you were 11 years old so feel free to state any "proof" supporting your assumption prior to 2010. You holding up that recent book would be no different than me using Lucas 1990's interviews about it always being a six movie saga about Anakin to trump prior interviews that said just the opposite.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Yep, a 2010 publication that contradicts everything that came before it, from the movie to Gary Kurtz to George Lucas himself. Try again. You knew it was all layed out from the beginning from the time you were 11 years old so feel free to state any "proof" supporting your assumption prior to 2010.

Who else is agreeing with you though? :dunno From what I've seen in this thread, you're the only one who didn't pick up on it. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Who else is agreeing with you though? :dunno

Apophis for one:

Yes Lucas explains " no, there is another" from ESB was to make the audience believe that Luke can be killed at any stage of the film and that there is another... That "other" was never written in as leia... And in ROTJ Luke asks Ben of that "other" that yoda referred to and it is in ROTJ that Ben explains to Luke that it is his twin sister.....

Why would everyone else who agrees with me feel the need to chime in with endless "me too's?" You've got one other board member supporting you and a book that came out in 2010. I've got the same amount of support plus the movie itself, Kurtz, and Lucas. Looks like Magpie7 is backing a loser on this one.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Apophis for one:

Why would everyone else who agrees with me feel the need to chime in with endless "me too's?"

K, I'll give you that. ONE person agrees with you, ONE. And it sounds like he's going off the dialogue alone, without looking at the bigger picture. :lol And don't you think, given most consider me a troll, woudn't hesitate to jump in my **** for being wrong here if they disagreed with me? Seems to be the motto on SSF. :huh :lol The only loser here is the one who couldn't add 2 + 2. :wink1: