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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Lol the last Jedi thread never opened up.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

SW is dead.

Lol the last Jedi thread never opened up.

Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

JJ Abrams Star Wars Episode Nein a Lost Hope
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

KK hopes for more Mary Sues in other films. Says girls can't identify with male characters. So she pushes a character that no one can identify with.

Jar Jar Abrams says people who don't like TLJ females are sexist. Doubles down on SJWism.


Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

"Girls cant identify with Like Skywalker"... is there gonna be a jedi for every single race and gender? there are 30 genders now, are we gonna have 30 Jedis per movie? I cant identify with white heroes for example.
I mean, if we are gonna get a Brazilian or Puerto Argentinian Jedi then by all means, I will gladly support more Latino Jedis, maybe in star wars each Country can be its own planet, Brazil can be a planet, Argentina can be a planet, India can be a planet. that sounds good Kennedy
i would be kinda cool if we get a Jedi for every letter of the LGTBQ-TTTQQIAA Community, I would love that, Representation of the lgbtttqqiaa community should be the focus as well
There are no gay or trans characters in Star wars. Kennedy better fix that unless she wants to come off as not caring about their communities
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Crappy journalism....and click bait....

He selectively quotes him to support his inflammatory title....and since no one actually reads anything beyond that, they will believe it....

He says if your threatened by woman you could find an enemy is Star Wars.....

He does not say anything beyond that


What a trash article....

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Has JJ ever had a trans character in any of his works? he should be careful about what he says, if we use his same principles then he would come off as being threatened by non straight people... careful JJ....
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

"Girls cant identify with Like Skywalker"... is there gonna be a jedi for every single race and gender? there are 30 genders now, are we gonna have 30 Jedis per movie? I cant identify with white heroes for example.
I mean, if we are gonna get a Brazilian or Puerto Argentinian Jedi then by all means, I will gladly support more Latino Jedis, maybe in star wars each Country can be its own planet, Brazil can be a planet, Argentina can be a planet, India can be a planet. that sounds good Kennedy
i would be kinda cool if we get a Jedi for every letter of the LGTBQ-TTTQQIAA Community, I would love that, Representation of the lgbtttqqiaa community should be the focus as well
There are no gay or trans characters in Star wars. Kennedy better fix that unless she wants to come off as not caring about their communities

Bit of an over reaction wouldn’t you say?

I would be fine with a gay character...

I don’t think it’s really needed in this type of story.

But never bothers me either way.

Always felt this guy was gender fluid...


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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Bit of an over reaction wouldn’t you say?

I would be fine with a gay character...

I don’t think it’s really needed in this type of story.

But never bothers me either way.

Always felt this guy was gender fluid...


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so there are no gay or trans people in this universe? you got hairy dog giants and tiny frog like creatures and crystal cats and porgs and all kinds of nonsense....
but no gay or trans humans?
wtf bro.... how does a crystal cat needed to be in this story? or a squid rebel? or any of the nonsensical characters... but all of these different races of humans happen to be cisgender and straight?
JJ and Kennedy can go f themselves then. dont be talking about representation if you are not willing to represent the most unrepresented people in cinema.
this is absurd and you know it. you with a v for vendetta siggy should know better than that... dont forget about the roses...
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

What a tool Jar Jar is. One of my favorite movies is Kill Bill. If there was a 1/6 Bride figure that sufficiently resembled Uma Thurman I'd buy it. But this is as good as it gets.

View attachment 394593
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

What a tool Jar Jar is. One of my favorite movies is Kill Bill. If there was a 1/6 Bride figure that sufficiently resembled Uma Thurman I'd buy it. But this is as good as it gets.

View attachment 394593

I just have the 7 inch fig but the sword broke lol :lol

I do love her though
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I just have the 7 inch fig but the sword broke lol :lol

I do love her though

Sort of debunks KK's contention that people can't identify with the opposite sex. Or was she just saying women can't identify with men? Yes that is what she said. She said boys will be able to relate to their female characters.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I do understand wanting MORE strong female characters.
Wonder woman was a great and wonderful strong character.

But to act like theres never been a good strong female character is so disrespectful. I dont even understand if jj and Kathleen understand how big the disrespect is when they speak about this issue.
I wasnt even joking when i said that if they cared about representing under represented people they should be focusing on adding lgtb characters.
Its perfectly fine to add more females and to have a jedis, but the way they talk about it is so disrespectful to every other female character before them
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Strong characters are a must for any great story. Star Wars has Luke and Leia in the original trilogy. Characters can be strong regardless of gender and race. Aliens in these movies are strong and yet I haven't ever seen an actual wookiee or Mon Calamari. Agenda in this day and age has really taken a toll on all entertainment. Now everyone is so paranoid about offending someone else. Black Panther is a great movie but only the latest movie with a supposed agenda in it. I watch them for entertainment only. Everyone that makes these out to be something they shouldn't be are absurd from the viewers to the creators.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Kennedy said leia wasn't good enough for the original because she wasnt the focus like luke
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I've said this before but if they would do what they're doing and just shut up about it I don't think most people would bat an eyelid. It's the fact they specifically and deliberately call attention to it and expect praise that is the real problem IMO. At least half the people who react - who they would dismiss as right-wing - probably aren't right-wing at all - they're just ordinary people who are sick and tired of virtue-signalling, people sitting up on their high horses etc.
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I've said this before but if they would do what they're doing and just shut up about it I don't think most people would bat an eyelid. It's the fact they specifically and deliberately call attention to it and expect praise that is the real problem IMO. At least half the people who react - who they would dismiss as right-wing - probably aren't right-wing at all - they're just ordinary people who are sick and tired of virtue-signalling, people sitting up on their high horses etc.

You are absolutely right.

When you make something about only gender or race, about identity politics
Thats all everyone is going to talk about and how we will judge your projects
They will be judged by what they want us to notice about their projects