Star Wars: Ahsoka

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So we have:

The final season of Rebels with a real ending (possible)

The return of Hayden finally able to redeem his acting with some real great scenes.

Pretty much solid acting, effects, score, sound and world building.

New characters that are interesting and intriguing.

Live action Clone Wars.

Decent kid actors.

A story with mystery and interest.....

But we are still gonna cry woke and too many girls.........geez cant we just have nice things?

What I really hope is F&F conjure up a great arc to lead to the ST. All the plot holes people like to pick at could have some really cool answers. And just at this series is saving some of the PT for those if us who hated it, maybe some of the ST can be salvaged and have added depth to the thin story we have.

We could get to see why the New Republic fell so quickly, and perhaps the real story of how Luke got damaged so that he fell to dark side temptation. Thats a story I wohld
love to see,
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Been reading some wild fan theories about these two.....The ages would be about right.


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MyenShi assigned me this series as homework, so I started watching. [just kidding, he didn't really].

Rama's very succinct Ahsoka episode 1 review:

*NIce production values. The soundtrack is serious and pleasing.

*Women are talking. So many women. Talking, very seriously.

*A non-obnoxious droid assistant. Refreshing.

*Ahsoka looks very good. This is good character design.

*Ah, Sabine. So, so perfect. An -edgy- Mandalorian badass. So rebellious! You will not tell her what to do. A 19? year old GENERAL, mind you. With AtTiTuDe. She also fights Force users with a lightsaber. This is breaking tradition; I thought Mandos used slug-throwers to combat pesky Force users. Jango would not approve.

I am gonna call the US Navy high command tomorrow morning and DEMAND to know why a nineteen year old chick is not commanding the USS Nimitz. They better have a good answer.

Sabine looks nice, good character design.

*We have two Sith characters here. Both seem like they are kicking @ss and taking names. Very no nonsense. Then Shin Hati runs Sabine through with a lightsaber. Well you know what they say, FAFO Sabine. Good for you, Shin. You did that with much less posturing and smack-talking than Maul would have. I can respect that.

*Come to think of it, they said Ezra was a general, too. I want to hurl myself about the room, laughing.

We'll see how episode 2 goes. 2.5 of five stars.
I don't know but that Hera's kid is starting to get on my nerves for some inexplicable reason.


Been reading some wild fan theories about these two.....The ages would be about right.

I haven't read any of those theories, but the name Jacen made me think of a connection to Leia and Han's children. Jacen and Jaina were the twins, and the youngest was Anakin.

While Hera's Jacen doesn't look remotely half Twilek, he was born in 1BBY which was before Han and Leia met. The name was just a coincidence, but I guess the theories are saying he'll follow the same path as Jacen Solo / Ben Solo.
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There’s been ST connections in most of these D+ shows including this :lol

Nothing so completely and directly explicit, in my opinion.

In fact, apart from showing the New Republic to be quite weak and open to fierce opposition (which isn't really an unavoidable direct link to the ST IMO), I actually can't think of any ST links in the Disney+ shows so far.
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Nothing so completely and directly explicit, in my opinion.

In fact, apart from showing the New Republic to be quite weak and open to fierce opposition (which isn't really an unavoidable direct link to the ST IMO), I actually can't think of any ST links in the Disney+ shows so far.
Those weird instant meals that Rey uses

Wait, so Ahsoka actually bested and got Anakin's lightsaber from him? :lol

That was definitely just a dream sequence, right? Right?? :dunno

Or yet again we're beat over the head with a certain catch phrase.

Thanks for that. Once again, I am back to not wanting to watch this anymore. :slap More fanfiction.
Wait, so Ahsoka actually bested and got Anakin's lightsaber from him? :lol

That was definitely just a dream sequence, right? Right?? :dunno

Or yet again we're beat over the head with a certain catch phrase.

Thanks for that. Once again, I am back to not wanting to watch this anymore. :slap More fanfiction.
It has been stated many times in this very thread since the episode aired that it's Ahsoka's version of Luke's test in the cave which isn't about being able to "defeat" Anakin but whether you choose to strike him down or not.
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Wait, so Ahsoka actually bested and got Anakin's lightsaber from him? :lol

That was definitely just a dream sequence, right? Right?? :dunno

Or yet again we're beat over the head with a certain catch phrase.

Thanks for that. Once again, I am back to not wanting to watch this anymore. :slap More fanfiction.
I mean if you actually watched the episode and had all of the context then you'd understand what it's about. It's not about beating Anakin.
It has been stated many times in this very thread since the episode aired that it's Ahsoka's version of Luke's test in the cave which isn't about being able to "defeat" Anakin but whether you choose to strike him down or not.
Finally. Someone who watches SW that GETS SW. Hurr durr Disney SW bad.