SSC General Hawk

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he was no rah just mentioned him being as important as colton only think of hawk as the commander

I know he's the one who started it all in the oldschool Joe line of 12" but where did he come in during the RAH brand? :confused:

blah!!!! colton may be in the rah but he only came around at the end of marvels last issues he may be the reason g i joe existed but where was his pansy ass when they fought.

He was retired. in Devils due, he came out of retirment, but most people tend to not include that. in the original Larry Hama Comics

Comics - Original Continuity

[edit] G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero - Marvel Comics

The character General Joseph Colton made very few appearances during the original series. He appeared in issues 86, 127, and 152.<sup id="cite_ref-3" class="reference">[4]</sup> In issue 86, he is working with his old colleague Jane in a secure level in the Chrysler Building. The laboratories are attacked by Cobra forces, which desire the 'Star Wars' weapon system hidden inside. Joe, Jane and a small squad of official G.I.Joe forces (such as Repeater and Lightfoot) defeat the Cobra soldiers. <sup id="cite_ref-4" class="reference">[5]</sup>

And if memory serves, he stomped a few cobra soldiers in that issue.
Considering, that He's part of the reason we've got GI joe AT ALL, he deserves some sort of representation in the Sideshow line.

however, given what i anticipate to be Niche appeal, I'd expect him to be done as a Convention ex.

Hey, atleast unlike CCC, he was in the comic :lol
I'd take an updated version of Joe Colton. I saw my Dad's version he had as a kid so it would be cool to have an updated version.
He was retired. in Devils due, he came out of retirment, but most people tend to not include that. in the original Larry Hama Comics

Was that actually meant to be Joe Colton, or was it just "Joe Smith" originally and DDP continuity made him Colton? That'd be an interesting question to pose to Hama.
yea like at first firefly was no ninja then all of a sudden he had back ninja history they change the story as it goes adding colton in later like he was always there
Please don't ever mention this again. Thanks.

THANK YOU for mentioning it.

Sideshow should receive a petition for FIREFLY ninja variant. Just put his head on a STORM SHADOW body with outfit and gear, but with a different color. While they're at it . . . they can make a SNAKE EYES in ninja garb variant as well.

DAMN . . . they can easily crank out at least two or more variations per figure to easily meet six or more figures a year quota.


Before you know it . . . NINJA DUKE . . . NINJA FLINT . . . NINJA DUSTY . . . NINJA DUSTY in desert camo w/ exclusive sai . . . NINJA FLINT in red camo w/ exclusive ninja sawed off shotgun/crossbow.
Flint was the only ninja/environmentalist on the Joe squad, I believe.

You are right, COMICS FTW!!!!! I see the ninja skillz, here in the office :lecture

Good luck shooting a ninja with a gun :lol

So you have yet to see NINJA ASSASSIN where the INTERPOL strike team raid the ninja base gunning down ninja after ninja w/ G-36s, machine guns, and rockets? Granted, a lot of ninjas gets mowed down, but then so does the strike team with throwing stars and swords by the ninjas. *

In no way I am stating that NINJA ASSASSIN was an awesome film. Just a ninja action film showing ninjas being mowed down by automatic weapons fire.

Back on track to the subject . . . how about ninja variation of GENERAL HAWK?