SoosooToys CW Arrow Figure

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Sep 3, 2010
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
Just saw this posted to Facebook, and I gotta say it looks fantastic and maybe one of the best they've made yet. And it definitely blows away that previous third party figure. I haven't watched the show in a while though so don't remember what season this outfit's from...

Edit: New photos






Just updated with new photos above. The likeness isn't the strongest, but it still works pretty well with the mask on, and overall the figure just looks much closer to HT quality than the previous one we got. So think I'll definitely be ordering one of these.

Looks like it's up on TNS now for $165.
Never seen the TV show so I couldn't care less about the likeness. It's a great looking Green Arrow figure with the mask. For $165 can't go wrong.

Hoping they reveal their Titans Robin soon and follow it with Nightwing.
Ok after doing a search it appears this is his final outfit from Seasons 5 thru 7. And also probably the coolest looking one, so glad now they went with that instead of the Robin Hood or sleeveless versions.
"Soosoo Toys, you have failed this likeness!"

/gruff voice

Outside of that, still a cool looking Green Arrow figure regardless.
Ok after doing a search it appears this is his final outfit from Seasons 5 thru 7. And also probably the coolest looking one, so glad now they went with that instead of the Robin Hood or sleeveless versions.

It's not his final outfit, he get's a new one for the final season (season 8) but at this point it's probably his most iconic outfit.
Ok thanks, I forgot there even was a season 8 (I stopped watching around season 4. Lol).

think i stopped half way through season 5 or 6, they just introduced way too many major character to keep my attention but being a fan or green arrow even before arrow started i oddly stayed up to date on the suit designs and changes.

I am seriously tempted by this arrow figure, would fit nicely with any Titans figure soosoo makes (fingers crossed Nightwing) but i would totally kill for a Smallville Green Arrow.
Yeah same thing seems to happen with every Arrowverse series. They keep introducing so many new characters with their own storylines that Flash, Supergirl etc all start to feel like supporting characters on their own show. Lol

As for the figure I was initially excited to order it, but given I stopped caring about Arrow a long while ago I'm not sure if it's something I really need...
Yeah same thing seems to happen with every Arrowverse series. They keep introducing so many new characters with their own storylines that Flash, Supergirl etc all start to feel like supporting characters on their own show. Lol

As for the figure I was initially excited to order it, but given I stopped caring about Arrow a long while ago I'm not sure if it's something I really need...

yeah it's not really a figure i need either and if it was Arrow alone i would probably pass, i am not really into superheroes tbh but with the new batman movie and some of the other cool stuff in the works it looks as if i will be setting up some sort of superhero display in the near future and an arrow figure would look really awesome next to a Titans Nightwing or Robin.

I am actually gonna try and rewatch the show and see how far i can get... maybe il finish it this time round, gonna see if the show can help me justify picking up the figure.
Just throwing this out there, i know the show might be a little dated now but i would totally be down for a Smallville Green Arrow since without Smallville i probably would have ignored CW Arrow altogether so it would be pretty cool to have them both xD.... But that will never happen.

Anyone know if any other Arrow cast are likely to happen?
This was a must-have for my collection! Mine arrived and it's definitely better in-hand. Not perfect, but it's well worth the price. I'm just not a big fan of the season 6 & 7 bow, so I swapped it out immediately.