SilentSurfer Salvation: Terminator 4 figures that make sense.

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Good Enough Never Is!
CF Supporter
Dec 16, 2008
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Here are a couple mods I did to character I hated in the movie but had a better vision of as figures.

I also posted pics of these in my customs thread (link in signature with loads of other stuff), but there doesn't seem to be as much traffic over there as here for people who might find these interesting.

First up:
Here's a small, but dramatic detail change I wanted to do on my Marcus for a long time, but I wasn't sure (like usual) if I had the ability to pull it off or the guts to try. While waiting on a new airbrush compressor to arrive so I can continue the Na'vi Sapien Pred I'm doing, I decided to use the time to make my Marcus vision a reality.

It's probably common knowledge by now that I hate the story in Terminator Salvation. I think everything about every character is so wrong. But, I love the figures. While I can't stand the Marcus Wright character, the thought of using his battle-damaged head to create a totally un-Salvation-related custom T-800 Model (not 101) was intriguing.

Inspired by the Franco Columbo T-800 scene in T1, I wanted this T-800 to be hauling some heavy firepower, but finding an exact duplicate in 1/6 of what Columbo was firing wasn't happening. I also didn't want the weapon to be too real-world, but more like the plausible but fictional Cameron/Winston weapons I love, so I decided to find a Smart Gun from either the Drake or Vasquez Aliens figures. I found Vasquez's first.

That part I've had for a while now. The detail I'm talking about changing is the left eye. I hated that Marcus's face was burned off on the left side, yet his friggin' eyelids were still intact.


I imagined how cool it would be if the eyelids weren't there and you could see the Endo eye. And here you go:




I used a small Dremel bit to carefully grind away the existing eye and hollow out the eye socket. Then I sculpted an Endo eye inside and painted it. I also repainted the right eye so that both were looking slightly left and up.

I was thinking of lighting it up, which is part of what took me so long to go ahead with this project because I knew it would take time to figure out, but in the end I figured I would probably only ever turn it on to take pics for this thread and never display it like that. Instead I decided to paint the lighted effect on so that I could get a sense of it without worrying about figuring out the wiring, or running down batteries. That way this figure doesn't have to sit with darkened eyes or have eyes that are too bright to be in visual scale anyway like the other Terminator figures. I also liked the camera-esque eyes of the T1 Endo with adjustable pupil/aperture. So that's the effect I wanted to paint.

So, what do you think?


I have posted this one also in the T-600 thread, but I'm not sure if anybody actually goes there much anymore and this might have gotten missed by the regulars here.

Reposting here:
I absolutely hated the way McG treated the idea of the T-600s. Skynet would not build giant humanoid machines and then try to pass them off as human with crappy rubber masks. That is not what Kyle was talking about in T1, and that's not what Cameron was thinking of. To me a 600 is just an 800 Endo with foam latex rubber or silicon skin like Hollywood uses in movies. For me a 600 should look as good as Arnold's puppet stand in did in T1.

That said, I loved the idea of giant machines used to terrorize and lay waste to human survivors. The T2:3-D thing at Universal Studios has a giant T-70.

So, what I wanted to do was make a variation of the T-70 using the Martin Laing T-600 figure because it had the cool looking ammo pack which also doesn't have straps. I wanted my machine to look as little like it was trying to pass itself off as human as possible. No clothes, no mask, just ultimate machine badassery.

The T70s have a gunarm on the right side. So, using parts from the lame ass Laing gun, and the T3 futuristic cannon, I made this.







Marcus looks awesome! Already commented on the "T-70" in another thread but shall repeat that it looks pretty cool. Nice work :clap :rock
Thanks guys. I'm never sure how my ideas will come over, but it seems that you guys approve. I'm glad. Thanks for the high praise. That's what keeps me wanting to try new things. Thanks for the encouragement.:hi5:
I love the way marcus's endo eye blends so well with the rest of the sculpt. The blood and endo colors match perfectly.:clap
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I think I need to steal that Marcus gun idea Nathan. Thats awesome work as usual.
cool figures, but i don't see how a bulky T-600 makes any less sense than a liquid metal terminator.
my guess is skynet wasn't sophisticated enough to make perfect human analogs or knew the difference at that point.
hence the T-800 showing up at the end.

i think the best course of action here is to just send those figures to me and forget about the whole thing.
Love the Marcus custom, looks official. And is it me or does that T-70 resemble the ABC robots in Judge Dread?
Yeah it sure does, but in green.

cool figures, but i don't see how a bulky T-600 makes any less sense than a liquid metal terminator.
my guess is skynet wasn't sophisticated enough to make perfect human analogs or knew the difference at that point.
hence the T-800 showing up at the end.

i think the best course of action here is to just send those figures to me and forget about the whole thing.

:lol Nice try.

For the sake of argument, I don't consider McG's T-600 to be a Terminator at all. Kyle said, "the Terminator is an infiltration unit..." There is no way that the 600s in Salvation were infiltrators. No way. To me, and the reason why I did what I did to mine, is that this machine is a bi-pedal Hunter Killer.
You know what would be cool on Mr. Wright? Add a flap of skin going across his head. Kinda like Jonah Hex....add more gore. :D

But I love them both. Incredible badass.
For the sake of argument, I don't consider McG's T-600 to be a Terminator at all. Kyle said, "the Terminator is an infiltration unit..." There is no way that the 600s in Salvation were infiltrators. No way. To me, and the reason why I did what I did to mine, is that this machine is a bi-pedal Hunter Killer.
what i'm saying is skynet probably didn't know the difference before it created the T800.
even though it's an AI, that doesn't mean it thinks like a person. but it eventually learned to. THEN it made T800.
i think the T600 just shows how dumb the AI thought people were. then it just improved on the prototype.