Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Since I finished painting my new "reconditioned" Ursus heads I thought I'd also throw some clothes on them as well. Notice the color of the brown clothing is now a little purplish? I experimented with these 2 sets of clothes.

I can see that I need to darken up those bandoliers. They are way to light.

Hey Angel! Those Gorillas are very distinguished looking. Very unique style of facial features.

I have a question for you. I checked out AMOKTIME and it appears that they do not have the Ursus six pack available anymore. Is it possible that someone here has bought them out. Let me know please. I need a couple of them. Thanks, Kent.:monkey5
Hey Angel! Those Gorillas are very distinguished looking. Very unique style of facial features.

I have a question for you. I checked out AMOKTIME and it appears that they do not have the Ursus six pack available anymore. Is it possible that someone here has bought them out. Let me know please. I need a couple of them. Thanks, Kent.:monkey5

You can still buy SINGLE ones at AMOKTIME. I don't see any 6 packs anymore. I'd suggest calling them. They redesigned their on-line catalog.
Exciting news about Armando. Can't wait to see how it progresses.

Angel, beautiful outfits for the gorillas. The colors look great on those uniforms.

I did it. I ordered 2 General Ursus figures from Amoktime. I was getting too nervous--would hate it if when I finally ordered they were out of stock. This gives me 2 cuirass to play with--I will extend the cuirass as I have seen it done on this fantastic thread and open up my General Ursus and change out his armor.

One Ursus will become Gorilla #5, and I will just sew together the vest and gauntlets. Another Ursus will become the Hunt Leader, and for one brief second, I couldn't remember why I ordered 2. I still have to order that sculpt, but I will. This is my Valentine's present for myself. I am such a romantic!

I also bought a 10" doll on Ebay to fit that ugly doll's head that I will customize into a Qin Warrior--that should be coming any day now. It cost me less than $10 after shipping and handling, so I think I did well.

I loved your Zira and love your Ursus even more!

It's time to make some leather flaps for his helmet.
I have a question on kneck posts! What other Sideshow figures had the same neck posts as our beloved Apes?

Also, I would like to talk to Angel, Stickman, or anyone wanting to talk Apes. Just PM me your number and I will call:chew. Thanks, Kent.
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I visited Toy Anxiety today! Really a pretty nice store!
I also went to a toy show.
Calling all Simian loyalists.
Continue the March.:monkey1:monkey1:monkey1
I have a question on kneck posts! What other Sideshow figures had the same neck posts as our beloved Apes?

Also, I would like to talk to Angel, Stickman, or anyone wanting to talk Apes. Just PM me your number and I will call:chew. Thanks, Kent.

No other Sideshow figures used them that I can think of, but I have adapted the ape heads to BBi G3 and G3.5 bodies using their neck piece which is similar enough to make it work on those figures. Human Wave also uses a neck piece like BBi's. I have also used old Krazy Glue outer tubes to adapt the ape heads onto the bodies of figures from Dragon, Twisting Toys, Drastic Plastic, In The Past Toys and Eversparkle. The only other bodies I've seen with a molded on neck similar to Sideshow's that would accomodate the POTA heads is the body I posted a few days ago from Yamato.
Hope this helps. :monkey5
Hi ,
this is my work in progress .......!!! The General Ursus .....!!!
The h.s is entirely repainted with acrylics .
All comments are welcome !!! :monkey3

It's not Finish ....!!!

Frickin' gorgeous. Great job. Can't wait to see the finished piece.

That is one incredible chore to do every bar on that wagon to get those results. No wonder it took you so long to do! Attention to detail is the key to an outstanding product. I am looking at one now. I really look forward to this piece being finished. I can see Sideshow drooling at the pictures you may send them.:monkey5:monkey5:monkey5
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Since I finished painting my new "reconditioned" Ursus heads I thought I'd also throw some clothes on them as well. Notice the color of the brown clothing is now a little purplish? I experimented with these 2 sets of clothes.

I can see that I need to darken up those bandoliers. They are way to light.

Wow so much has been going on in this thread. It's getting hard to keep up. :eek:

Snickertown Great job on that bandolier. It really looks cool. Your ape collection is top notch! Please show more. :monkey5

PZ- I'm glad you're going to the SDCC again this year. That is a nice photo you have of Mat Falls. Maybe you can get a little info out of him regarding the ape line? :naughty

Ange, amazing work on those sculpts, they're coming along nicely. I love you're customizations. I love seeing the courtroom scene in it's raw phase.
Sticks, KFog, Jessica and Ironman: Your ape heads are in the mail. Please let me know when they arrive.

I spent about 4 hours today finishing up these jail bars on the ape wagon. The bars no longer look “manmade”. I roughed them up quite a bit for a more rugged of look. You have to look closely at these pictures to see the irregularities, they now look much better because they look like a bunch of gorillas built these jail bars.

JJ would be so proud.

Thanks a bunch Angel. I will surely let you know. I love what you have done to the bars.

JJ does have to give the ape stamp of approval :chew
Thanx KFog, I want this project to look really great once I'm done. I don't want to look back and say, "I wish I'd have done this, or I wish I'd have done that." It's these small types of minor details that are going to put this thing over the top!

By the way, I shaved the corners (of every single bar) on all 4 sides! You should have seen all the wood shavings scattered about my living room after doing just one (1) panel of bars. Each panel took me between 3-4 hours. I'm so tired of whittling wood bars.
Thanks a bunch Angel. I will surely let you know. I love what you have done to the bars.

JJ does have to give the ape stamp of approval :chew

Welcome back STICKS - you've been away for quite a long time it seems. What's going on buddy?

JJ - suggested I rough up those bars several months ago... finally had to "git'er done". Now your bars will look fantasic when I cast these things. :)
Exciting news about Armando. Can't wait to see how it progresses.

Angel, beautiful outfits for the gorillas. The colors look great on those uniforms.

I did it. I ordered 2 General Ursus figures from Amoktime. I was getting too nervous--would hate it if when I finally ordered they were out of stock.


Good job Jessica. You won't regret it.

I read that KFOG and Angel said that Ursus is no longer being sold in a case. :confused: When I made my order I could have sworn that he was still up.

Kfog, You asked if someone in this thread bought the last of the cases, I can say it wasn't me this time. :lol
Welcome back STICKS - you've been away for quite a long time it seems. What's going on buddy?

JJ - suggested I rough up those bars several months ago... finally had to "git'er done". Now your bars will look fantasic when I cast these things. :)

A brother has stopped by to stay with me for a while. He's taking up my studio. I haven't been able to take any photos.:monkey2 I have two day long tests to do on Monday and Tuesday so I'm getting very anxious to get back to building my city.:monkey5