Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Hi Angel! I send you a PM in regards to your question. Later, Kent.

Jessica, I also sent you a message!:naughty
Snick, I can make the leather jacket for Caesar from Conquest. That would be a fun thing to do. Anybody who's sewn these outfits for 1/1 scale knows they are really complex, and when you make them for 1/6 the size adds another notch to the difficulty scale. The Sideshow ape suits (except for the colors) are thankfully movie-accurate, so they make a good base to work off of.

Alright. That could be a cool project. I'm in.

Attached are the wagon pix. I'm still working on it but the pix show you what I've completed.
Jess, I am unaware of any opening 1:6 umbrellas. The Product Enterprises John Steed figure came with a closed umbrella but the handle also produced a sword when removed. Cool, but not POTA.
Glyphs, glyphs, glyphs.....maybe once school starts up I'll find some free time and try my hand at them. I gotta have them.
Snick, that wagon looks ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!! I so wish I had the spare chimp change to get one. I am truly envious.
Angel, your pix are always inspiring. Your gorillas totally rock! and those Mendez busts!!! Need a 1:6 hallway full of those bad boys!!
Michaels, AC Moore, Rag Shop (do they still exist anywhere?) used to all carry tiny 1:6 like buttons and snaps.
Jess, are you creating a "paper" pattern for the Cornelius suit just in case a need for suits pop up again later on?
Snick - Your ape wagon is really coming along buddy, and it'll look so much better once all that black color is covered under your drybrushing. How much money to you expect to spend using those paints from Citadel/Gaming Workshop? Just curious. Keep going! Work faster human, faster! :whip
Snick!!! The wagon freaking rocks!! I LOVE THAT!!! I knew it was a great wagon, but painted, and it's not even done...WOW!!!! Angel, that truly is a masterpiece!!! Bravo, guys!!
Snick - Your ape wagon is really coming along buddy, and it'll look so much better once all that black color is covered under your drybrushing. How much money to you expect to spend using those paints from Citadel/Gaming Workshop? Just curious. Keep going! Work faster human, faster! :whip

Should the black paint be covered? I'm using the dvd as a guide and it looks like the bars are only partially brown. The frame appears to be black. If you have any color pix saved please email them.

The paints weren't that expensive. I think everything cost around $10-$15.

JESS - Thx! Painting this thing is taking up a large part of my life and I've never been happier!
Ironman--I have a "pattern" of the Cornelius suit in clear acetate. It helps me to make sure the checks match before I cut out the pieces. I just have to remember to put them away in a safe place. If you can believe it, there are only four pattern pieces to the suit: two for the sleeves, one for the front, one for the back and the collar.
Ironman--I have a "pattern" of the Cornelius suit in clear acetate. It helps me to make sure the checks match before I cut out the pieces. I just have to remember to put them away in a safe place. If you can believe it, there are only four pattern pieces to the suit: two for the sleeves, one for the front, one for the back and the collar.

Only 4??
You truly are a master seamstress!!
Ironman/Kfog--I thought it would be cool to photograph the main apes in director's chairs with an opened umbrella sipping some margaritas by the know...for when they are relaxing between shots. Kfog found a really cool one on Evilbay, but it's $75...don't have that much chimp change to throw around. THAT SUCKS!!
I've looked at Michael's, Ironman. They don't have buttons that tiny...But Angel is going to send me some from another 1/6 shirt that he will not use. I was thinking of having to make some with sculpey clay and baking them in the toaster oven.
If you ever look at an umbrella, they are not that hard to replicate. You just need to find the right metal rods that will spring back into shape. Someday if I ever find the right materials, I'll surprise you guys.

I just logged on and saw that Snick has already received his wagon. What ever happend to mine? Why was it abandoned? What gives?

I just logged on and saw that Snick has already received his wagon. What ever happend to mine? Why was it abandoned? What gives?

Hiya Sticks. How have you been?

--I think he's still working on them. Check out post #9403.
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I have seen tiny buttons on Mego scale suits, and they suck. Whoever uses those buttons on Mego stuff should stop. They need to use 3D paint. But for these 1/6 scale clothing, there are real buttons. Just haven't seen them sold anywhere.
Great, thank you for the update.

Jessica, I've been very busy helping my parents out. I ttok a few of my nephews and nieces into NYC yesterday so they could meet up with their cousin. We ended up eating at Carmines on 91st and Broadway. Great food, we had a load of fun. I'm extending my visit back east till October 18th.
Cool! I think those buttons would work! They just have to be painted. Shank buttons are more appropriate for suits. But how about the regular buttons with the eyes? I'm on a lookout for those...I know Angel's going to send me 10 buttons...but what if I needed more?
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