Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Got the Christmas blues or something? No wonder you call yourself The Drizzle. Did I quote you? Did I call you a fan boy, specifically? I just mentioned Hot Toys fan boys, meaning in general.

Your statement I replied to addressed the term "nitpicking", which was my supposition, no one else's. Little wonder I felt it directed at me.

Could you please explain what you mean by my trolling? So you meant well about the mix 'n match, as did I about warning of the possibilities that others, not as 'in with the in crowd', or as knowledgeable as you might be, might encounter, should the scales between the two companies be off. Sorry to put some input into the conversation and for being a longer standing member here than you. Why you brought that up is really another cry of desperation. You seem depressed. See a doctor or get your medication revised. Denial is the last barrier to recovery.

I see this as little more than a misunderstanding and I apologise, sincerely, for having rubbed you the wrong way. :peace

It seemed obvious you were provoking me, calling me out, as does the "medication" quote above which is totally unwarranted and ugly. One one hand, you seem to be trying to meet on common ground, on the other, you seem to pull that right back, and lash out. Which is it? No animocity, just curious. Your replies seem to be calculated to push buttons. No one else's posts seem to do that.
BTW, you're not a longer standing member than me. We joined on the exact same month. I just don't post as much.
Maybe we can try and keep the BS back and forth crap out of this thread. It would suck for it to be locked because of it.

Merry Christmas Ape Freaks!!!!
Angel, I am getting the Captain and I'm also going to adjust/tweak him. Very minor changes it will be, too. Hot Toys did such a great job on him that the tweaking will be super minor.
I don't have a problem with the way they are looking now. I think that they all are outstanding pieces!:monkey5
That Ursus is to die for... I can't look away! :monkey5 I was never able to find a SS Ursus but I think I can live without one now. I plan on picking up 1 of each, too bad I can't afford to army build with these. Fortunately I think the SS gorillas are outstanding and will make excellent fodder.

Merry Christmas all and may 2009 be prosperous for Apekind.
Angel, I am getting the Captain and I'm also going to adjust/tweak him. Very minor changes it will be, too. Hot Toys did such a great job on him that the tweaking will be super minor.

Jess, I totally agree with you. The Captain and the foot solider will get very little tweaking should I actually get these. Three gorillas released at once is what concerns my pocketbook.

Ursus definitely made the list for me. Not sure about the other ones just yet. (I just love the hunt leaders bandolier with the gorilla glyphs, the backpacks and the jailors key.):monkey5:monkey5:monkey5

Jess, I totally agree with you. The Captain and the foot solider will get very little tweaking should I actually get these. Three gorillas released at once is what concerns my pocketbook.

Ursus definitely made the list for me. Not sure about the other ones just yet. (I just love the hunt leaders bandolier with the gorilla glyphs, the backpacks and the jailors key.):monkey5:monkey5:monkey5

Hey Angel, quit drooooooling!:monkey5 I was looking at those same great items!:monkey5
Hey Snickertown and Matt Sotis. where are You guys? I think that the haired Gorilla that Chris has would be complimentary next to the Hot Toys haired up Apes. I would love to have a small Army of those new Gorillas. Obviously, the Gorillas depict Military Gorillas since they carried Brown Rifles and the Police Gorillas carried Black Rifles. The designation of Captain is of course a given.:monkey3
Ursus is a must have. The Captain is a must have, too. The other gorilla is another must have. Somebody (not the Captain) needs to be a flag-bearer as they march towards the Forbidden Zone!! I'm going to be sculpting gorillas heads etc. and will build my army up this way on other 12" bodies. Can you just imagine if Hot Toys made horses?
Ursus is a must have. The Captain is a must have, too. The other gorilla is another must have. Somebody (not the Captain) needs to be a flag-bearer as they march towards the Forbidden Zone!! I'm going to be sculpting gorillas heads etc. and will build my army up this way on other 12" bodies. Can you just imagine if Hot Toys made horses?

I allways thought about having the Movie Version Horses with the correct saddle bags, Blankets and such. They were all the Darker brown color. I allways have wondered why the Humans had darker hair as well as the Horses.:confused:
I allways thought about having the Movie Version Horses with the correct saddle bags, Blankets and such. They were all the Darker brown color. I allways have wondered why the Humans had darker hair as well as the Horses.:confused:

Someday I may have enough horses. For now I want to make a good solid gorilla army going. :banana:banana:banana
And just how are all those heads you were working on coming along? :monkey5

They're still waiting patiently to be completed. I am happy with Virgil and Dr. Maximus. I want to smooth out your Burke's face with some more Apoxie, but I have already toasted the head so the curls are permanent now.

We have guests staying over for the holidays, so no crafting until Monday night. :monkey4:monkey4
I forgot to tell you guys that I bought my husband a $20 shirt marked down from $150. I forget who makes it, but it is one of those travel shirts with hidden and zipped pockets etc. The reason why I got it was not only because it was cheap, but because it came in the wonderful gorilla plum.
They're still waiting patiently to be completed. I am happy with Virgil and Dr. Maximus. I want to smooth out your Burke's face with some more Apoxie, but I have already toasted the head so the curls are permanent now.

We have guests staying over for the holidays, so no crafting until Monday night. :monkey4:monkey4

More great POTA news!! Can't wait to add them all in.
They're still waiting patiently to be completed. I am happy with Virgil and Dr. Maximus. I want to smooth out your Burke's face with some more Apoxie, but I have already toasted the head so the curls are permanent now.

We have guests staying over for the holidays, so no crafting until Monday night. :monkey4:monkey4

Well, based on all those in-progress photos, I'm sure they're looking great! I can't wait to see the finished pieces!
I have turned my cell phone off for the holidays (I use it as my alarm clock). Anyway, today I went to the movies and decided to turn it on just in case. I got a text message from Cornelius! He said, "Merry Christmas, Zira"

Soooooo funny and cool.
I just pre-ordered General Ursus (his description translates as "Generals of monkey") and the gorilla soldier. The soldier's description translates as "gorilla sergeants of monkey." Sergeant? Either a mistake or an explanation for his more elaborate bandolier.

The release date is in late June so I have a lot of time to save the cash. The prices were 14,400 yen each, marked down from 18,800. So I'm paying roughly $159 US. That could change a million times between now and June with the economy flux!

I'm happy! Soon I will possess a magnificent planet. A planet... of the apes!