Red Sonja PF!!

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This can easily be fixed with a brush

I think it might need something more then a brush....

Thanks Transient!!! looks really cool from the side, since it's going on my desk I think its gonna look good for its place~@!!
Yeah it's a bump, already sent replacement request for it, but other than the bump it's not bad, if I were going to send it out for a repaint it's just simply sand it down and then repaint anyway.
I think it might need something more then a brush....


Haha no it ain't that bad. It's still a statue I never thought I'd see Sideshow make....and as far as the pose/decapitated head goes it's the most dynamic PF I've ever seen.

Just sadly typical that it looks drastically different from the proto. Higher prices, lower quality. Welcome to Planet Goat.
Canceled my WL... wasn't converted but didn't want to have to deal with making the choice to keep her or not. Gotta prioritize and only order characters I really love (esp at these price points)

Congrats to everyone getting her. I think she came out great, minus losing some facial details..
There is a 'first world problems' meme in here.

Given the cost of these guilty pleasure items, I'd say everyone on this forum is automatically a "first worlder"!

I rushed back from dinner after spending a whole day waiting for Sonja to arrive. Cutting to the chase: It's a drop-dead gorgeous statue that is only slightly diminished by the offbeat paint job. As everyone and his brother and sister have said, the gray/bronze skin tone seems unnecessarily dark for a red-headed girl (especially when we see how beautifully the pale skin worked in the prototype), and not bringing out the lips... well, go figure. But the piece is indeed spectacular. It's a pain in the neck to get her belt and cape in place, of course, so just be patient. Sure, an expertly repainted version of this statue would be beyond belief. But, all bad photos and hysterical reactions aside, I'm fully satisfied with what's out of the box.
The eyes are dead and face expression is ugly

I will claim for sure when I receive mine,the same ugly song of sideshow. This sucks!!

Give me da money

am I the only one his order still says "shipping soon"
Nope, mine has said that for over a week. Turns out one of Sideshow's containers was stuck at the port due to a fire, so they say. They said they might get it this week, if not, next week. Don't hold your breath, I won't.
Nope, mine has said that for over a week. Turns out one of Sideshow's containers was stuck at the port due to a fire, so they say. They said they might get it this week, if not, next week. Don't hold your breath, I won't.

thanks for the heads up :)
I must say this because i do the same thing:
People are trying to see what they want to see. This has been a highly anticipated piece and people want a great statue. After the first set of bad pictures, people panicked. So now with transient's pics they look a little better. But you can tell that the same issues are there as in the bad pics. The skin tones and shading look bad and the face is off. Transient did a great job of lighting it with a spotlight and dramatic lighting. It's made it look much better but still not as good as advertised. People want to believe it is though because they just dropped 400 on a statue they wanted to love. In the end I think this is a mediocre statue.

I had the same issues with apocolypse PF and JSC spidey. I was so excited for these pieces but was very letdown when I got them. The paints apps were poor. Under the perfect lighting conditions they could look decent, but in standard light, they were very boring. Everyone I had come over, didn't like those pieces and said they were the weakest I owned.

Btw I still love sideshow. They can put out some phenomenal stuff. Hellboy is frigging awesome and so is all the Star Wars mythos and conan fury dio.

There's no denying that red Sonja is a lackluster statue. Some people will love it, but I think the factories dropped the ball on this one and they could have hit a home run.
UPS didn't show up until 9 pm. Here are some quick iphone pics. Completely out of lighting, so these were taken with light from a lamp. She looks much better in person.
