RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Tangled - solid 7.5/10

the 4 year old loved it and the use of 3D was pretty good...there were a few moments where my daughter was reaching towards the screen which is the goal of 3D.

i thought it did a great job of balancing the action for the boys and the princess junk for the girls.
Blood Diamond [2006]

Blood Diamond (2006) - 9/10
- One of the best portrayals of Leonardo DiCaprio, probably one of his top 5! The impressive roles he has been picking over the last few years have become impossible to predict, and he's been nailing them left, right and centre. He is fast becoming an expert on playing ambiguous and conflicted characters! :clap
- Djimon Hounsou continues to demonstrate an impressive acting range
- Another controversial/politically-informative film that makes viewers aware of what is happening outside of their comfort zones (Rambo 4 is another movie like this).
- Jennifer Connelly never ceases to tantalize me! :naughty

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Messenger: 7.5 / 10. Great performances by Ben Foster and Woody Harrelson and some powerful moments during several casualty notification scenes, but it seemed that the movie dragged on towards the end.
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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Re-viewed "Watchmen" for the first time since it came out. I was able to get past some of my gripes I had the first time and enjoy it more.

One thing still sticks with me is the violence. The original story was not very gory until the 'event'. The movie is gory everywhere EXCEPT the 'event', and I thought it stole something from the end of the film.

I could understand getting rid of the squid, but Lori and Manhattan show up at the edge of a crater, shug their shoulders and teleport to the North Pole. In the comic they spent nine pages making the reader understand the magnitude of what happened.

But still, great casting. I even liked Silk Spectre II better this time.

I can't stop think the story might have been better served by a HBO mini-series.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Re-viewed "Watchmen" for the first time since it came out. I was able to get past some of my gripes I had the first time and enjoy it more.

I really enjoyed it more on a second viewing... I think there is so much difference from the comic to the screen that its jarring. But the second time around you aren't as surprised and it flows more naturally.

Toy Story 3: 9/10
No surprise, really enjoyed it. Still not my favorite Pixar, but a damn good flick even if its essentially the 3rd time the told the same story :lol

Boardwalk Empire Season 1: 10/10
Awesome, awesome series! Lot of great actors and storylines and the season finale really left you wanting more. Can't wait for this to return :rock
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia 8.5/10 very interesting documentary on a rather messed up family

The September Issue 8.5/10 Interesting documentary on Anna Wintour and everything that goes on behind the scenes of Vogue and putting out the Sept. issue.

Knight and Day 7.5/10 Entertaining - not as bad as I thought it would be...but definitely not as great as it could have been. The buzz kill for me in this movie was Diaz....just don't see what the appeal is with her.

The Girl Who Played With Fire 9/10 Great follow up to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Can't wait to see the final film in the series. The US films have some big shoes to fill.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice 6.5/10

This one was pretty boring. The cgi magic battles did nothing for me. Nic Cage was kinda okay in it though. The 3 main female roles are pretty one-dimensional, I noticed.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia 8.5/10 very interesting documentary on a rather messed up family

The September Issue 8.5/10 Interesting documentary on Anna Wintour and everything that goes on behind the scenes of Vogue and putting out the Sept. issue.

Knight and Day 7.5/10 Entertaining - not as bad as I thought it would be...but definitely not as great as it could have been. The buzz kill for me in this movie was Diaz....just don't see what the appeal is with her.

The Girl Who Played With Fire 9/10 Great follow up to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Can't wait to see the final film in the series. The US films have some big shoes to fill.

As much as I like Fincher I really don't see them filling them extremely big shoes you talk of
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I'm disappointed that Fincher (favourite director) has agreed to film a re-shoot of a recently released film.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I'm disappointed that Fincher (favourite director) has agreed to film a re-shoot of a recently released film.

Just like Let Me In, this isn't a reshoot or remake of a movie - it's going back to the novel and adapting it again.

And I don't see making a better film all that difficult. While the Swedish version is a decent adaptation of the book, with the exception of the actress that plays Salander, it lacks life. There's almost no character development (again, outside Lisbeth), and some of the actors are really weak, especially the guy who plays Blomquist.

They didn't change too much, and most of what they did change was to allow to get the whole story into a film, but some changes altered the characters themselves to drastically. I didn't like how they undermined the idea of Lisbeth's loyalty, something that is key in the books.

And while I enjoyed the books, I have found that by the third one, they aren't the end all be all that some have made them out to be. They seriously needed an editor, something that they didn't do since Larsson died. Much of the storytelling, especially in the third book but also to some degree in the second, is highly repetitive, and the jewel of this series - Salander - is pretty much squandered.

They were well worth the read, just don't expect the best novels ever. I've only watched the first film so far, but the only real issue I could see the American films having is getting the kind of performance they'll need out of Rooney Mara, who is playing Salander. She'll really need to step up her game, and Noomi Rapace, who played her in the Swedish films, really did a fantastic job.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Alpha and Omega - 4 out of 10. Average animation. Crap story, and some form of howling singing? Yeeesh.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

scott pilgrim vs. the world - 9/10

I liked it, but I can see why other people wouldn't if they didn't get the video game references
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Losers: 6.5/10
Pretty good. Just a fun flick. The story was very much like a modern day A-Team (the TV show--I haven't seen the movie yet).

Welcome to Collinwood: 6.5/10
Also pretty good. It was a fun, funny heist pic with quirky characters and great performances, especially Sam Rockwell. This is what I was expecting from In Bruges but didn't get (I suppose due to my own misconception of the movie).

Mike/Jen/Bullseye: I recently read (okay, I listened to the audiobooks) the first two books and am in the beginning of the third, and I think Fincher will do a spectacular job. I haven't seen the Swedish versions, but I intend to once I finish the last book. I've been picturing Daniel Craig as Blomquist throughout it, and imagining how Fincher would stage certain scenes.

I understand most people's objection to remaking a foreign movie that is just a few years old just for the sake of an American audience. If it was a lesser director, I would agree. But I have all the confidence in the world that Fincher will make a remarkable movie.

I agree with Mike that the books needed some serious editing. And I think because there is so much (IMO) filler in the books, the movies can be very concise and still be loyal to the books. My wife is listening to them with me, and she's been really impatient with so much exposition that doesn't seem to go anywhere. I agree to an extent, but I like when we actually reach the meaty parts of the story. Like Mike said, they could have used some serious editing.