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Civil War: 8/10

Terrific, terrific comic book movie. This is how it's done.

As for giving movies 10, like JAWS, there are a smattering of movies I've seen that are so well done, I consider them just as perfectly executed as I could ask for, across the board. Any flaws are so minor that they're hardly worth mentioning. They are movies that make you appreciate the human condition more having watched them. Jaws, Citizen Kane, Casablanca, Double Indemnity, North by Northwest, Dr. Strangelove, the Godfather (1 and 2), Alien, Raiders, Raising Arizona, Miller's Crossing, Terminator, Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, Die Hard, Big Lebowski, A History of Violence, these are some that, on a given day, I might rank as a 10. But there aren't going to be too many of these for me. I'm not sure any comic book movie I've seen warrants this (unless you count Violence), even the Nolan films (which are the best out there IMO).
Still haven't watched the Big Lebowski yet, don't know why.

Kara, I count A History of Violence as a comic book movie, just like Sin City or Ghost World
Ant-Man: 8/10
Still high on my MCU list

Fantastic 4 ROTSS: 6/10
I still like the lighthearted nature of it. But it is a bit cringey :lol

Fant4stic: 5/10
First time watching it. Yeah, it's not good, but I didn't think it was nearly as bad as people made it out to be. I decided to watch it out of curiosity and to maybe have a good laugh, but I was let down.
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Civil War - 8/10
Witchboard - 4/10
Smokey Bites the Dust - 3/10
Battle Beyond the Stars - 7/10
The Warrior and the Sorceress - 6/10
Behind Enemy Lines - 7/10

The Fly II - 3/10

I hold the 1986 film above all other sci-fi films, and to see it get this absolutely terrible sequel gives me a sad. What's even more heartbreaking to me, FOX turned down Cronenberg's script for a sequel sidebar film.
Life Of Pi Excellent movie. I only had it on
because I was checking out what was going to be on FX
today, and it had just started. I expected to be bored, but
it was rather engaging, and visually appealing. The ending
was beautiful, but a bit sad.

Yeah, there never seem to be any happy movies about resorting to cannibalism.
Avengers - 2012
Excellent. I hadn't seen it in a year and a half.
I'd even forgotten some bits in it. Still love it as much
as I did when I first saw it in the theater.
Good to see that movie still get some love. One of my favorite movie experiences and I've enjoyed Avengers just as much each time I've seen it. Also, I think the musical score is a bit underrated.
FF reboot... Yikes

Think the cast worked just poorly done, doctor doom was awful

I just saw it 2 days ago, and it's really not that bad. Casting certainly wasn't fitting of the characters, and Doom was too schizo; but I don't think it was horrible. It's a twist thats very realistic at this point in reality, but having kids, well that just didn't do it for me. They should have been older.
I still need to get around to watching that dumpster fire.

The first two films were a decent attempt I think. They were a little hokey and had a weird air to it, but I didn't hate them. I would of liked to see Galactus in the third film.