RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Prove him wrong. Name 10 good horror movies to come out in the last 5 years.

Theatrical release only. Otherwise it gets too muddled in weird torture ____. :lol
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Prove him wrong. Name 10 good horror movies to come out in the last 5 years.

Theatrical release only. Otherwise it gets too muddled in weird torture ____. :lol

Drag Me to Hell, Cabin in the Woods, Zombieland, Piranha, and... I can't think of any other.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.


I'd pick those too by the way. I'd also add The Descent. Great flick. :D
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Cabin in the Woods, isn't a Horror film as much as a satire as one.

Calling it just a "horror film" doesn't really do it justice.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Horror-Comedy. It still has the basic lay out of a horror flick.

But at it's core, satire or not, it's a horror flick. Same with Shaun of the Dead. Even though it's a comedy.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Horror-Comedy. It still has the basic lay out of a horror flick.

But at it's core, satire or not, it's a horror flick. Same with Shaun of the Dead. Even though it's a comedy.

Horror-comedy still counts. Most horror is that way nowadays. It makes for a much fun and entertaining premise. I find a lot of strictly horrors (slasher films more specifically), boring. Over redundant. Too bad Jeepers Creepers wasn't in the past 5 years. I also enjoyed that one thoroughly. Its sequel, not-so-much.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Horror-Comedy. It still has the basic lay out of a horror flick.

But at it's core, satire or not, it's a horror flick. Same with Shaun of the Dead. Even though it's a comedy.

Yeah, it's definetely a romantic santire on the genre as a whole. That's why it's so awesome. It throws back to a paradic type of filmmaking. Very cool.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Horror-comedy still counts. Most horror is that way nowadays. It makes for a much funner premise. Too bad Jeepers Creepers wasn't in the past 5 years. I also enjoyed that one thoroughly. Not-so-much, its sequel.

I liked Jeepers Creepers too. I don't want to say underrated, but I know it's not well loved.

____ that sequel though. Ugh,
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Oh snap! REC! What a great flick.

And I realized he said Twenty Five years.

Not 5.

In that case, he's wrong. There's been a ton of great horror flicks to have come out.

But yeah, REC, 28 Days, great flicks. I also thought the sequel was kinda fun.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Prove him wrong. Name 10 good horror movies to come out in the last 5 years.
You misread. Tho ZaCHw117 asked for me.

Horror? Really? Oh well, if you guys says so...

Horror-Comedy. It still has the basic lay out of a horror flick.
Evil Dead II is a horror-comedy.

I watchin the horror movie = I need to fear.
With CitW I didn't at all, but I laugh my ass off cuz it's a great satire.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

But really man, when was the last time aside from a good 3 or 4 movies, have you been actually scared?

Horror movies aren't scary. It's not the fault of the filmmakers...its just...____ just ain't scary.

Ghosts are meh, monsters are just cool, and torture is just blech.

I dunno. I havent been scared in a long time from a horror movie.

Save for Rec. :horror:
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Yeah, except Jeepers Creepers is not as entertaining.
Still 100 times better dan Friday13 and Nightmare remakes altogever.
It was a great movie. Wait, it still IS for me :lol

But really man, when was the last time aside from a good 3 or 4 movies, have you been actually scared? Horror movies aren't scary. It's not the fault of the filmmakers...its just...____ just ain't scary. Ghosts are meh, monsters are just cool, and torture is just blech. I dunno. I havent been scared in a long time from a horror movie.

Actually THIS IS the fault of the filmmakers.
Of the ppl w/o a taste in the genre.
And that's what's CinW about.

Closer to the end it's pretty similar to the old "Waxwork" which is, in fact, also raised the subject but in a more traditional way.
For me this is not a horror movies at all but a good satire/parody of a dying genre.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

28 Days Later, REC.......

28 Days Later was over 5 years ago. Haven't seen Paranormal Activity. I hear they are good flicks. Sorry, I read off of Celtic's post. His said 5.

Oh, and Jeepers Creepers is damn good. I prefer it to your Jason flicks.. Oh yeah, I went there.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol 7.5/10

Lost Boys 9/10
Have you seen Session 9 or Martyrs? Pretty scary flicks. Martyrs is more on the torture side at the end, but that movie really moves you.