Question: When does a "collection" become "clutter"?

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lcummins said:
I write this a fellow board member, and not as a Moderator. These are my own personal opinions.

One theme I find disturbing in this thread is the notion that just because most of his collection is "less expensive" toys, that it is somehow less worthy of collecting and displaying.

Don't jump down my throat, I'm not saying everyone feels this way, but it is definitely a trend in this thread.

There is no right or wrong to collecting! Collecting is a personal thing. People collect everything from old matchbooks to artwork by the "so called" masters, and every one of them has a "collection" they are proud of. Just because some collect "expensive" statues and 1/6 scale figures, doesn't make their collection any better than a collection of Hasbro 3 3/4 inch figures. And just like how everyone has a different collection, we all have different circumstances in life. Some of us are fortunate enough to be able to afford higher priced items and a nice place to display them; some of us may not be so fortunate. And before you come down and say, "if he isn't able to afford a bigger space or more expensive collectibles, then maybe he shouldn't collect", maybe he already collects what he can afford and likes to display his collection. Again, just because he doesn't mind covering the walls, doesn't necessarily mean he has "issues", doesn't have a social life, or needs help. Until you know everything about him and his situation, you are not competent to comment on him; only on your personal taste as to whether you like the collection or not.

This next part is more about the board in general, and not just this thread...
It would behoove us all to step back and reflect on our own situations and stop criticizing everyone around us. If you don't like an item, or a person's collection, or the price they are asking in the buy/sell forums or a new product, then just say, "it's not for me", "I wouldn't buy it", or something similar, and stop make judgmental statements like "that is gay", "he's crazy", "that company is stupid for putting that out", "it's a piece of crap", etc. It only makes you look foolish, childish and immature, and doesn't do anything to further the discussion along. If you have valid arguments about the nature of an item, then state them in an open, honest, and civil discussion. It gets really old to read every other thread and watch it deteriorate into a thread full of insulting posts. Have you noticed a lot of our once "post prolific" board members are all but gone now? There is a very simple reason… disrespect and discourtesy. It’s as simple as that.

This post has been building up for a long time in my mind, and this thread just sort of exemplified every one of the issues I’ve mentioned. I know many of you will say “f you” and move along, and that in itself is sad, but so be it. All I’m asking is for a little more respect and thought before you post… is that too much to ask?

You're quite right, but I think all of us though big collectors can agree that it is one messy collection! I think it's the case of being a fan of the nerdiest of shows. Star Wars, Strar Trek, Farscape, Buffy, I mean.... seriously there's not a lot that's really accessible to the casual viewer except for maybe Star Wars.

There's a lot of real gems in the collectiton but there's so much other stuff that needs not to be displayed, it really bogs everything down.

Shrines to Obi-Wan Kenobi and various other characters really don't need to be shrines at all. I think that's the biggest problem. The collection is all so scattered about that it's hard to really see what he really has.
IrishJedi said:
As the creator of this thread, I certainly hope none of that is directed toward me.

Nope Irish, you're not one of the a-holes I was alluding to. :)
IrishJedi said:
Like it or not, there HAVE been people who have lost their jobs, marriages, etc. over this stuff. :(

You're quite right Irish. There have been many marriages lost to collecting. Its one thing that helped ruin my aunt and uncles marriage many years ago. Except it was Sports Cards that did it not SW items.

Also I don't think anything bad said in this thread is directed towards you. You've been quite polite IMO in pointing out anything that could be wrong with letting a hobby go "too" far.
swabie2424 said:
2) There was a panel at C4 about "completists"... and Duncan Jenkins and Gus Lopez hosted it along with the woman that is the archivist for Sansweet's collection. It was an amazing panel. I cannot relate to collecting in that fashion... but I loved how much those guys loved being completists. They even talked about how Duncan would travel Europe and buy every single copy of every Star Wars book in every language he could find. Wow! They would take trips to Mexico for Star Wars ice cream wrappers and pinatas etc. They'd be stoked to find a pair of Star Wars sandals in a discount bin for .99 cents. It made them happy. So for them... I think it's great!

Was that the one where they went into living with your colection, or was that a seperate one? They showed all types of collections, ones like this, some worse some better. They also showed Steve's which looked like a warehouse with lots of big boxes.
My 2 cents:

Everyone in this world has their opinion on what is beautiful and excessive for themselves. I myself like a clean looking collection and have limited my spending to only LOTR, Star Wars, and Marvel PF's. I am closing on a home this coming Monday and have plans for a dedicated home theater which will display what I currently have. Looking at the pictures which started this thread I was taken aback by the size of that collection and the amount of room it occupied in that home. The person who owns that collection is clearly passionate about Star Wars so I wouldn't belittle him for that. What would trouble me about a collection of that nature is the obsessiveness it took to get to that point. I imagine to that collector buying a new Star Wars item is like a drug and like any drug it can take over a person's life personally and finacially. I currently have 11 PF's but the amount I've spent is nothing compared to that collection. I imagine those items consume much of that individual's income and if the choice between food or a toy is a hard decision then maybe it's time to evaluate your collecting habit. The collector on that board mentioned it was hard to meet girls for fear of them seeing his home, it could be a long lonely time until the right girl comes along to appreciate that collection.

It's great to own collectibles, I just don't want to be owned by them!
jlcmsu said:
You're quite right Irish. There have been many marriages lost to collecting. Its one thing that helped ruin my aunt and uncles marriage many years ago. Except it was Sports Cards that did it not SW items.

Also I don't think anything bad said in this thread is directed towards you. You've been quite polite IMO in pointing out anything that could be wrong with letting a hobby go "too" far.

I'm interested in some of these comments about how obsessive collecting has ruined marriages and led to divorces.

What kind of things was the obsessed collector doing that was so bad it eventually led to his wife walking out on him?

Was he plundering their joint savings in secret or spending all his time on the net discussing it and ignoring her?

I just don't get how something like obsessive collecting can lead to the break down of a marriage where two people love each other.

Josh, if you don't want to share your aunt and uncles story with us I totally understand, but I for one would be really interested to hear it.
Kookie said:
My 2 cents:

Everyone in this world has their opinion on what is beautiful and excessive for themselves. I myself like a clean looking collection and have limited my spending to only LOTR, Star Wars, and Marvel PF's. I am closing on a home this coming Monday and have plans for a dedicated home theater which will display what I currently have. Looking at the pictures which started this thread I was taken aback by the size of that collection and the amount of room it occupied in that home. The person who owns that collection is clearly passionate about Star Wars so I wouldn't belittle him for that. What would trouble me about a collection of that nature is the obsessiveness it took to get to that point. I imagine to that collector buying a new Star Wars item is like a drug and like any drug it can take over a person's life personally and finacially. I currently have 11 PF's but the amount I've spent is nothing compared to that collection. I imagine those items consume much of that individual's income and if the choice between food or a toy is a hard decision then maybe it's time to evaluate your collecting habit. The collector on that board mentioned it was hard to meet girls for fear of them seeing his home, it could be a long lonely time until the right girl comes along to appreciate that collection.

It's great to own collectibles, I just don't want to be owned by them!

Very well said.
I'm interested in some of these comments about how obsessive collecting has ruined marriages and led to divorces.

What kind of things was the obsessed collector doing that was so bad it eventually led to his wife walking out on him?

Was he plundering their joint savings in secret or spending all his time on the net discussing it and ignoring her?

I just don't get how something like obsessive collecting can lead to the break down of a marriage where two people love each other.

Josh, if you don't want to share your aunt and uncles story with us I totally understand, but I for one would be really interested to hear it.

He basically spent a lot of their money on sports cards and sports memorabilia. He just kept buying because he was an obsessive person and had addiction problems in the past. The sports cards where his first obsession/addiction and like I said led to other things as well. That's basically the jist of it. This was also like 15 years ago as well so no internet to really be on.
I have to admit my G/F keeps me grounded at times with collecting, she does support and take an interest in my hobby. But will also advise me when I'm going too far or my priorities should be elsewhere with the amount of cash we have available.

She never orders me what to spend my money on, but helps me out with good advice that I usually end up listening to.

That's why we've set a date to marry this October, well one of many reasons in any case:D
My aunt tried but my Uncle was kind of too far gone. There's a lot of things that caused it to fall apart but the habbits of my uncle helped.
jlcmsu said:
My aunt tried but my Uncle was kind of too far gone. There's a lot of things that caused it to fall apart but the habbits of my uncle helped.

I think the healthy way to collect is to make sure the bills are all paid and you have some money to do other things with. Like maintaining a decent social life with friends and your partner and then if you've any other cash left spend that on collecting.

At least that's how I prioritise financially, bills first and foremost, life and going out and then collectibles with all remaining cash.
I think the healthy way to collect is to make sure the bills are all paid and you have some money to do other things with. Like maintaining a decent social life with friends and your partner and then if you've any other cash left spend that on collecting.

At least that's how I prioritise financially, bills first and foremost, life and going out and then collectibles with all remaining cash.

Well said!! That is the exact philosophy I follow myself. :clap :clap
I think the healthy way to collect is to make sure the bills are all paid and you have some money to do other things with. Like maintaining a decent social life with friends and your partner and then if you've any other cash left spend that on collecting.

At least that's how I prioritise financially, bills first and foremost, life and going out and then collectibles with all remaining cash.

I agree. Sadly my uncle could not. :(
To the original question...I don't think my collection is cluttered, but sometimes I do feel I'm getting too much stuff. I have 3 Marvel PF's (with Cap on the way), 7 SW PF's with Maul on the way, and 3 Uni Monster PF's. Mostly I have them all lined up together, and sometimes I do feel like having the number takes away from the individual detail of having one. It's like people look at them and then move on where if it were just a couple really nice ones people may take more time looking at it. But I don't really have any evidence one way or another, and more often than not its me admiring them so... :lol
When does a "collection" become "clutter"?

Answer: a "collection" become "clutter" when the collection has taken over your house like it has mine!:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl I need to go to SCA!:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl Does anyone here know what SCA stands for?:rotfl