QMX Star Trek General discussion thread

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QMX on the whole seems to be quite the mess internally as it currently stands. I wonder how the rights would potentially shift should Nanjin leave. He's speaking on doing it externally from QMX, so he must have some stake in it.

I was sensing that he was talking about a custom run...I think the license is with QMX but I could be wrong...

Unfortunately, other than the Big 3 , I don’t think
the supporting cast for TOS will sell well.

If you look further, even McCoy was probably not
a big seller which is odd

I can see both sides to the dilemma
TOS was a show in the 60’s and that series
was for the truly hardcore fans or for the fans
who grew up in that era.

If you look at even the Bonds made by BC, they
also are struggling when they launched Connery
Goldfinger first followed by Moore era

Bond of today are into only Daniel Craig
Like Bond,I wondered if the line would
have more legs if TNG was released first
over TOS

But for sure, a sad day for ST fans. I think
QMX beancounters are looking at Pickard, Khan
and MCCoy and probably gun shy to put in
5,000 or 6,000 orders on a Figure now

Maybe I am wrong but just a guess

Star Trek has a niche following and is obviously not going to command the kind of attention that Marvel or Star Wars commands which is unfortunate relative to its importance and over-all quality. I think most traditional Star Trek fans are more into props, costumes, and replicas...Star Wars turned its fans into toy buyers because it got them when they were young. As far as the entire crew remaining profitable I think that ship sailed when Kirk and Spock sold out...no one wants the crew minus Kirk and Spock...if QMX had found a way to keep those two available I think McCoy, Scotty, and even the Captain's Chair would be selling quite differently.
Yup, sad to hear. Thanks Nanjin (and QMX) for the great Trek figs that were released.

But now I'm just hoping Sideshow can scoop up whatever factories QMX was using. The quality is excellent.
As I said many times before the line is OVER- Nanjin is seeing this and coming to grip with the fact the rest of his figures he created for Trek won't be produced by QMX(I think).
QMX should drop the license and let another company try but really don't know.

Best of luck Nanjin - your work is wonderful and we appreciated the glimpses of the heartfelt work you did
Nanjin! Oh wow I don’t know what to say. Nanjin has been the heart and soul of 1/6th Trek for as long as I can remember. Real, real sad news.

Nanjin, just know that your figures have already touched generations of fans. I was able to share them with my Dad, who introduced Trek to me, my wife, who I never knew was a big GN fan until after we were married and my kids. Tou first custom figure were the stepping board for their introduction to Terk. Please let us know where your journey continues because if you put you heart into it like you did with Trek and want to follow you on your next adventure.
I can’t understand why don’t QMX just
Pump more Kirk out to save the line

It seems the only figure any casual fans want
is Kirk . If Kirk is rerun, then the others might
be saved. Not sure if Scotty delayed is a good or
bad sign
The problem is Star Trek and that 6 people on the planet care about it I’m afraid. QMX could have probably done better, but they tried. They were lucky to have nanjin who I hope continues his legacy independently when the dust settles and the wounds heal in time. There would be no Star Trek 1/6 figures official or independent without that man period..
Oh this is just so sad. QMX has the license
and now it might be a very long time before
someone else will get these figures made.

I was starting to get worry when TWOK was never
released and then Scotty got pushed back past Dec

I am a big ST fan and quite honestly, Scotty might
even be a tough sale after the initial few hundred die hard
fans buy Scotty . If McCoy is still available and Pickard is still around
Scotty might not be a big seller unless you are
again a die hard fan :(

So sad to see TWOK might now never see
the end of the rainbow.
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I think it's a bit early to declare the entire line dead, especially after the Q&A in which the CEO sounded pretty confident that more Trek figures would be coming. It's probably just more that QMX and Nanjin had very different styles and expectations for the line, with Nanjin wanting to be a lot more ambitious and delve a lot deeper than they were comfortable going.

I'm still somewhat hopeful that we'll see at least a few more figures though.
As someone who was never big into Trek (but saw it as a pretty popular property) I am surprised at how poor the line seemed to do; like I couldn't believe Picard was discounted to $100 that one time. He's the main guy on one of the most popular series. I don't know what you gotta do to sell figures out here.
The sales on this line make perfect sense and the mistake would be viewing it as if it is Star Wars or Marvel. Someone out there may never want a Luke or a Han and is happy to have just a Boba Fett or a Darth Vader...someone out there is happy just having a Thor or a Black Panther. Kirk and Spock obviously sold well enough to be sold out and commanding very high prices on the secondary market...higher than most sold out Star Wars and Marvel figures...once they were gone the sales of the rest went with them. If the Ghostbusters had not been released simultaneously how many Winstons could one expect to sell to customers a year later who missed out on Venkman...?
One of the problems is that it’s hard to complete a trek line. I mean even I don’t want a nurse chapel and I’m a big trek fan and the thought of dropping 150 on a Beverly crusher or whatever is also a stretch for me even if I’d do it. It’s hard to expect a line like this to go deep.

But it’s sad not to see the whole original crew, at least the big three in the TWOK uniforms and a few of my TNG faves like Worf, Geordi and Riker.

Im pretty grateful for what I did get. One day I hope to have a great TNG and OS complete crew and a few DS9 and TWOK figures one way or another. I hope nanjin doesn’t give up his quest.
Another problem with Trek is that the studios just keep dropping the ball woth it. The 2009 movie was a huge hit. It’s 10 years later and how many of those movies have we had? 3. How many marvel movies were made in 10 years and look how much in the zeitgeist that franchise is.

Trek is handled poorly there’s no two ways about it.

Network or cable TV is also a huge issue. This is the golden age of TV... and yet trek is failing to be innovative. Same re hashed stories on the same procedural format.

Think of what could be done for a trek without boarders...

Who knows maybe Quentin Tarantino can save it.

Regardles, let’s not pretend us old trekkies are relics of the past.