QMX Star Trek General discussion thread

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I take it the last photo is part of the command chair base? Hope so!
I don't have any interest in those ones, but I would be very tempted to get Uhura, depending on how the headsculpt turns out. And I know they're limited by the bodies that are available out there, but it would be cool if they found a way to make her a bit curvier like she should be as well.
Really like the Scotty, Sulu still looks a little off IMO. I thought McCoy looked off at first too but think he turned out great.
Scotty and Khan are certain purchases for me. I hope Uhura isn't too far behind.
I've ordered a Barbie head for a placeholder Uhura. She'll probably look terrible on a standard 1/6 body but I need me a lady to go with the lads and the likeness is surprisingly good!
Seven is a must have for me. I honestly couldn't care less about Crusher. I've always felt that she was one of the most useless characters in Star Trek next to her son.
TOS Bridge Crew is coming together nicely. Looking forward to Uhura, and then will just need Chekov. Hope someone produces a 1:6 bridge dio and/or Galileo shuttlecraft. Also looking forward to more TNG, DS9 and whatever we get from VOY.
Curious that Chekov has not even been teased yet. It might also be nice to get some limited run Majel Barrett figures. Can have Number One, Chapel, or Lwaxana - just choose your wig!
TOS Bridge Crew is coming together nicely. Looking forward to Uhura, and then will just need Chekov. Hope someone produces a 1:6 bridge dio and/or Galileo shuttlecraft. Also looking forward to more TNG, DS9 and whatever we get from VOY.

Oh yeah, a 1/6 Galileo would look freakin awesome behind them.
Ok I wasn't totally sold at first, but after this latest fantastic episode, I'm really hoping QMX gets around to making some Discovery figures now. I really need a Lorca and Burnham on my shelf.
I think after Scotty I'm good with ToS. I don't need to have the whole bridge crew to be happy.
TOS im sticking with the 3 already out.

I'll also pick up TWOK kirk, spock, and khan.

TNG- all except guinan and wesley. And dr pulaski. And weird aliens (gorn, mogatu type stuff).

Then im done.
I will have to force myself to be strong a buy only the TOS characters, although Khan and Saavik are too tempting to resist. I've always viewed Chapel and Rand as deserving more credit that they ever get, which is one of the reasons I loved all the TMP promotional shots. If no official versions are going to be produced, I think I will, at the very least, commission Chapel, Rand, Decker, and Ilia. I'd better start saving now.
TOS Bridge Crew is coming together nicely. Looking forward to Uhura, and then will just need Chekov. Hope someone produces a 1:6 bridge dio and/or Galileo shuttlecraft. Also looking forward to more TNG, DS9 and whatever we get from VOY.

Stay tuned

Very nice to see this coming along. I'm in for anything from Wrath of Khan on. I'll probably get the TOS bridge crew.

I'm very happy to see Dr. Crusher. I would love Wesley in his Starfleet Academy uniform.
Very nice to see this coming along. I'm in for anything from Wrath of Khan on. I'll probably get the TOS bridge crew.

I'm very happy to see Dr. Crusher. I would love Wesley in his Starfleet Academy uniform.

TWOK is really my dream crew, favorite Trek movie, and always loved the Uniforms. So, will QMX be doing the rest of the crew in TWOK uniforms too? Any confirmation?

I’ve only ordered Picard, also haven’t paid much attention to what they are doing.