Possible Future ReAction Funko Figures?

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Super Freak
Nov 27, 2008
Reaction score
I was just having a look at the list of licenses Funko seems to have according to what Entertainment Earth is selling and wondering what other figures you would like to see in the vintage ReAction style? The one that jumps out for me is Ghostbusters. Can they do those or MOTU since Mattel has those? Heres the full list they have.

101 Dalmatians (1), Ace Ventura (1), Adventure Time (16), Agents Of Shield (1), Aladdin (3), Alice In Wonderland (1), Alien VS. Predator (2), Anchorman (7), Aquaman (1), Assassins Creed (8), Avengers (1), Back To The Future (9), Batman (58), Beatles (1), Beauty And The Beast (6), Beavis And Butt-Head (5), Beetlejuice (3), Big Bang Theory (31), Big Lebowski (7), Brave (1), Buffy / Angel (6), Captain America (7), Childrens Hospital (1), Christmas (1), Christmas Story (4), Cinderella (5), Corporate Mascots (5), Crow (1), DC Comics (2), Deadpool (2), Despicable Me (9), Diablo (3), Diary Of A Wimpy Kid (1), Disney (5), Disney Fairies (2), Donald Duck (1), Duck Dynasty (11), Dumbo (2), Edward Scissorhands (1), Elf (2), Enders Game (2), Escape From New York (2), Evil Dead / Army Of Darkness (2), Fantasia (1), Fantastic Four (1), Finding Nemo (7), Firefly/Serenity (5), Flash (3), Forbidden Planet (1), G.I. Joe (2), Game Of Thrones (32), Ghost Rider (2), Ghostbusters (5), Goonies (11), Green Lantern (9), Gremlins (2), Halo (4), Hello Kitty (22), Hobbit / Lord Of The Rings (12), Holiday (2), Horror (6), Horror: Childs Play (1), Horror: Friday The 13Th (3), Horror: Halloween (3), Horror: House Of 1000 Corpses (1), Horror: Nightmare On Elm Street (3), Horror: Saw (1), Horror: Scream (2), Horror: Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1), How I Met Your Mother (1), Hulk (3), Incredibles (1), Iron Man (13), Jay And Silent Bob (3), John Wayne (3), Judge Dredd (1), Jungle Book (2), Kill Bill (4), Kiss (15), Lilo & Stitch (3), Little Mermaid (6), Lost In Space (3), Mars Attacks! (1), Marvel (2), Mary Poppins (2), Mass Effect (5), Masters Of The Universe (15), Michael Jackson (7), Mickey Mouse (12), Monsters, InC. (14), Mortal Kombat (1), Muppets (13), Music (1), My Little Pony (31), National Lampoon (1), Nightmare Before Christmas (31), Ozzy Osbourne (2), Peter Pan (4), Pirates Of The Caribbean (1), Planet Of The Apes (5), Plants VS. Zombies (3), Pocket God (4), Pop! Vinyl (2), Power Rangers (3), Predator (4), Psy (1), Public Enemy (1), Pulp Fiction (12), Ratatouille (1), Regular Show (7), Robocop (2), Rocketeer (2), Rocky (4), Rocky And Bullwinkle (4), Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (8), Run Dmc (2), Scarface (2), Silence Of The Lambs (2), Silver Surfer (2), Simpsons (4), Sleeping Beauty (8), Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs (9), Sonic The Hedgehog (7), Sons Of Anarchy (8), South Park (4), Space (1), Spider-Man (9), Spongebob Squarepants (6), Sports: Basketball (10), Sports: Wrestling (6), Star Trek (7), Star Wars (50), Starcraft (3), Superman (16), Supernatural (3), Ted (1), Teen Titans (5), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (18), Terminator (6), The Hangover (2), Thor (8), Thundercats (6), Toy Story (12), Uglydoll (17), Universal Monsters (8), Up (4), V For Vendetta (1), Walking Dead (50), Wall-E (4), Watchmen (2), Where The Wild Things Are (2), Winnie The Pooh (2), Wizard Of Oz (15), Wolverine (2), Wonder Woman (5), World Of Warcraft (2), Wreck-It Ralph (8), X-Men (5), Yo Gabba Gabba (3)
Quite a few on that list I would like to see if they were on par with the Alien ones they have done. Snake and the terminator ones aren’t doing it for me though.


Judge Dredd
Mars Attacks!
Ozzy Osbourne : Bark at the moon Ozzy would be really awesome in this style!
Quite a few on that list I would like to see if they were on par with the Alien ones they have done. Snake and the terminator ones aren’t doing it for me though.


Judge Dredd
Mars Attacks!
Ozzy Osbourne : Bark at the moon Ozzy would be really awesome in this style!

Agreed, someone else pointed out they look more like Happy Meal toys than vintage figures. Funko needs to realise theres a bit more to it than just a lack of detail. But Sarah Connor looks great.

I'm pretty sure The Crow was announced as a ReAction license.

Yea, he is listed for preorder with no preview pic yet.