Paypal Account Hacked

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chris rankin

Super Freak
Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
I woke up this morning to a pleasant surprise in my e-mail inbox that I have just paid 2 people a total of 1200 euros out of my Paypal account.

WTF how does that even happen? Paypal have made 2 seperate transactions to 2 different people amounting to 1200 euros. Does anyone have any idea how this is possible. I have now changed my password and security questions and disputed both the transactions.

Man I am so angry that this can even happen :mad:
How does it happen, easy. One to many people use the same email address and password for way to many sites, so when a small site gets hacked they try those combinations. Tons of people had all kinds of stuff hacked after Sony got hacked. Every friend I had who got hacked from that had same email and password for that site and Sony site.

Hacking personal accts isn't all that hard.
No matter what you do, it can happen to you.

This is one reason why Paypal will never get my bank account numbers and it's the only site that has my credit card number because it has too.

When I shop online, I put my credit card numbers in each time. I don't let the site remember them. I'd rather let it take a few extra minutes than to store my credit card number. If they get hacked, they may have my address, but no card numbers.
I woke up this morning to a pleasant surprise in my e-mail inbox that I have just paid 2 people a total of 1200 euros out of my Paypal account.

WTF how does that even happen? Paypal have made 2 seperate transactions to 2 different people amounting to 1200 euros. Does anyone have any idea how this is possible. I have now changed my password and security questions and disputed both the transactions.

Man I am so angry that this can even happen :mad:

It's possible you got infected by malware like Zeus bot at some point either through drive-by-download (visiting an infected or seeded site) or by downloading and executing an attachment (possibly in a phishing e-mail).

Once such a bot has infected a host, it can take screenshots and use keyloggers to capture key strokes. The goal here is to obtain account information for banks and sites like paypal. The information is sent to the command and control.

Another possible method is that your e-mail account was compromised. Possibly in a similar scenario. You may have also used too weak a password which was quite easy to crack using rainbow bridges and brute force attempts. Once your e-mail is compromised, you're in trouble. Most sites use a "Forgot my password" feature that works by sending an e-mail with a link to your personal e-mail. If the criminal has access to your e-mail address, you can see where it would go from here.

Many ways to skin a cat.

Use strong passwords that mix upper and lower case characters, numbers and special characters. Make it at the very least, 10 characters long. Don't repeat characters in your password and do not use dictionary words or names.

Change your passwords reguarly.

Be wary of any link you click. Never trust unsolicited e-mails... Ever.
had the same problem on Nov30th. Destroy your card and get a new one. Change password and email to paypal account like i did.
Thanks guys for all the useful tips. I thought I had everything covered as I have virus software, firewalls and I never open any e-mail that I don't recognise and my virus software has an e-mail scanner.

I got e-mail confirmation this morning that they resolved both cases and reversed the charges which is great, I also called them to make sure everything was ok. They have kept the limitations on my account as they have to leave it for seven days for the payments to fully complete but as soon as they lift them I will be closing the account and won't be using them again.

I am now paranoid and have changed all my passwords on everything that uses one and also deleted the e-mail account and ran my virus scanner to make sure there isn't anything on my computer.
Thanks guys for all the useful tips. I thought I had everything covered as I have virus software, firewalls and I never open any e-mail that I don't recognise and my virus software has an e-mail scanner.

I got e-mail confirmation this morning that they resolved both cases and reversed the charges which is great, I also called them to make sure everything was ok. They have kept the limitations on my account as they have to leave it for seven days for the payments to fully complete but as soon as they lift them I will be closing the account and won't be using them again.

I am now paranoid and have changed all my passwords on everything that uses one and also deleted the e-mail account and ran my virus scanner to make sure there isn't anything on my computer.

do you use only one email for everything?

you could even use different web browsers for different things, like using Firefox of stuff like ebay but using Chrome for other things, that has been recommended too.

I must have at least 5 emails if not more, different ones for different stuff.
Something that happened that pissed me off is that signing in with Hot Topic I started to get like 15 spam mails a day, it was like right after I sign on with them online, I don't know why but now I had to close that email account. :monkey4
do you use only one email for everything?

you could even use different web browsers for different things, like using Firefox of stuff like ebay but using Chrome for other things, that has been recommended too.

I must have at least 5 emails if not more, different ones for different stuff.
Something that happened that pissed me off is that signing in with Hot Topic I started to get like 15 spam mails a day, it was like right after I sign on with them online, I don't know why but now I had to close that email account. :monkey4

I have 2 e-mails but yes I use 1 of them as my main e-mail. I have now changed my e-mails and passwords but like I said I thought I had every angle covered but I still got ripped off.
Thanks guys for all the useful tips. I thought I had everything covered as I have virus software, firewalls and I never open any e-mail that I don't recognise and my virus software has an e-mail scanner.

I got e-mail confirmation this morning that they resolved both cases and reversed the charges which is great, I also called them to make sure everything was ok. They have kept the limitations on my account as they have to leave it for seven days for the payments to fully complete but as soon as they lift them I will be closing the account and won't be using them again.

I am now paranoid and have changed all my passwords on everything that uses one and also deleted the e-mail account and ran my virus scanner to make sure there isn't anything on my computer.

Virus Scanners are not 100% protection. Far from it. Anti-Virus software work through the use of signatures, which are a compilation of known malware to look for. It is very possible to create malware that no anti-virus solution recognizes. Never the less, ensure you always keep your virus scanner up to date.

Today criminals have powerful suites called exploit kits. One popular one is called the Blackhole exploit kit. Criminals license the software and rent a server. The Blackhole exploit kit allows them to easily create exploit code and also provides them the means to distributing the exploits. Because the exploit code is written dynamically and also uses custom encryption algorithms and obfuscation techniques, anti-virus solutions, more often than not, are useless.

Generally criminals will use the Blackhole exploit kit to seed (covertly insert) a malicious web page on a legitimate web site. Upon visiting the malicious page, a hidden iFrame is launched which scans your host to find vulnerabilities. When it detects known vulnerabilities, it will silently drop malware onto the host in order to exploit those vulnerabilities. Some of these exploits can be severe, such as giving the criminal complete control of your host, elevating their privileges, capturing keystrokes etc...

In order for exploits to work, there has to be a vulnerability. Vulnerabilities are software holes in software such as Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader, Microsoft Office, Windows O/S, Java etc... Your #1 defense is to ensure you are always running the latest and greatest version of any software running on your host. This will limit the number of publicly disclosed vulnerabilities that can be exploited on your host. Microsoft has come a long way in improving the security of their products. Every month they release a suite of patches. It is highly recommended to always update as soon as possible. Today Adobe are one of the worst when it comes to security. Ensure you are always up to date on their products.

Java is now a favorite among criminals to exploit. Ask yourself if you even need Java. If you have websites where Java is required, activate it for one browser and disable it for another. Do most of your browsing with the browser that has Java disabled. If you come accross a website where you need java, you can use that other browser for those circumstances. also ensure Java is always up to date.

When vulnerabilities are discovered, they eventually become publicly disclosed. Once that is the case, every exploit kit and vulnerability scanner are updated with the exploit code.

Another tip I highly recommend is to change the default password of the administrator account on your O/S. By default there is no password. Most people never realize to change this. Criminals know this and it makes it all to easy, if they can secure a remote connection to your host, they can log in as administrator and obtain complete control of your host. A difficult password here can save some headaches.
You may wish to consider two-factor authentication for Paypal.

Two-factor authentication means in order to authenticate yourself you need
1) Something you know (password)
2) Something you have (authenticator token).

This would make it exponentially harder for criminals to gain unauthorized access to someone's paypal account. The tokens generate numbers using an algorithm based off it's unique serial number and the time and date. The token is synchronized with a server so it knows what a valid response would be at the time the user chooses to log in.

You can also use your smart phone as the "token" by having the security code texted to you. I would prefer having the physical device in your posession though.

Anyhow, this way if a criminal knows your e-mail address and password, they still won't get access without the dynamically generated security code provided by your token.
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I woke up this morning to a pleasant surprise in my e-mail inbox that I have just paid 2 people a total of 1200 euros out of my Paypal account.

WTF how does that even happen? Paypal have made 2 seperate transactions to 2 different people amounting to 1200 euros. Does anyone have any idea how this is possible. I have now changed my password and security questions and disputed both the transactions.

Man I am so angry that this can even happen :mad:

:horror:horror I want to give an advice... keep your money in home..
don't use the §ucking banks.. (banks are the disaster of the world)
every time you need to pay something on web just charge a prepaid card for only the total amount needed for the transaction/s..
so your paypal account will be forever empty and nobody can steal your money...for example: you have to pay a figure for 160usd to a member here, just use a prepaid card
(no credit card) to associate your paypal account and load 160usd for paying...that's all...
I use this way for all my web transactions (ebay included) from 4 years and all is gone super perfect.
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I'm not sure that is sound or realistic advice. Most people don't accept credit cards. Paypal is still a relatively safe method. In this case they fully resolved the OPs issue.
I'm not sure that is sound or realistic advice. Most people don't accept credit cards. Paypal is still a relatively safe method. In this case they fully resolved the OPs issue.

you have misunderstand what I mean have to join a brand new prepaid card to your paypal account and use it only for your web have to charge it only for the total money amount requested for your pretty simple..
I don't know if in other countryes does it exist but (in italy we have some pre-paid creditcards to associate at our bank's account and we can charge on it only the money needed for the trade) I have this pre-paid card to my paypal account associated and it is always empty.If I need to buy something, I purchase my item after a few minutes /hours I reload only the total money I need for in the card...and I pay it with my paypal account..
then my card is empty nobody can steal anything..:lecture

is no sense to keep money in the paypal account, is too risky..
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Thanks guys for all the useful tips. I thought I had everything covered as I have virus software, firewalls and I never open any e-mail that I don't recognise and my virus software has an e-mail scanner.

I got e-mail confirmation this morning that they resolved both cases and reversed the charges which is great, I also called them to make sure everything was ok. They have kept the limitations on my account as they have to leave it for seven days for the payments to fully complete but as soon as they lift them I will be closing the account and won't be using them again.

I am now paranoid and have changed all my passwords on everything that uses one and also deleted the e-mail account and ran my virus scanner to make sure there isn't anything on my computer.

Glad they resolved it. I constantly monitor my accounts everyday. The suggestions that people gave is a good method. I also have alerts that if any charges over a certain amount are put on my cards, I am notified immediately. That way if a certain amount is charged, right awayI get a message so I can tell if I charged it or not.

Also remember Banks and Paypal never send emails or texts asking for personal account information, they only if need be mail you a problem if they need your account information, so if you get an authorized email from PayPal saying they need you to log into the link provided to get account information chances are it is 99.99% a hacker's doing. :lecture

Hackers also send authentic style PayPal emails, addressed dear Paypal customer, right there is false. PayPal will always label your actual name on an email like after you get an email confirming a purchase. Ex dear John Smith you have just purchased etc. Of course it doesn't hurt to give them a call just to verify it.

It's easy to set up these alerts with your bank. You can do it online if you bank online as well.

I also never leave money in my Paypal account, if any money is returned to me, I send it right back to my accounts.
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you have misunderstand what I mean have to join a brand new prepaid card to your paypal account and use it only for your web have to charge it only for the total money amount requested for your pretty simple..
I don't know if in other countryes does it exist but (in italy we have some pre-paid creditcards to associate at our bank's account and we can charge on it only the money needed for the trade) I have this pre-paid card to my paypal account associated and it is always empty.If I need to buy something, I purchase my item after a few minutes /hours I reload only the total money I need for in the card...and I pay it with my paypal account..
then my card is empty nobody can steal anything..:lecture

is no sense to keep money in the paypal account, is too risky..

Sorry I thought you were advocating not using paypal
Sound advice guys, thanks a lot. I never have any money in my pay-pal account as anything that goes in gets transferred to my bank account straight away. I have (had) my bank account associated with my pay-pal account and also a credit card as a backup payment. I am still waiting for the money to go into my account and once that's done my account will be closed. :peace