Official Asajj Ventress Image Thread

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Great job Maulfan! I can't wait to see the continuing of the Anakin/Asajj duel:maul

Thanks Amir, and everyone else. As for the continuing tales, I'm thinking Anakin's not alone, some of the other Jedi will be making an appearance.

JediBear, you shouldn't be so harsh on yourself, you take really nice pictures and everyone's come too anticipate the VT outdoor shots, keep em coming, could work well for the jungles of Yavin IV or parts unknown :)
I love this piece. I have her displayed with her regular head (the CW one is not my favorite), and she is just awesome. Perhaps later at some point if I come across another one at a decent price, I'll pick her up to display with her CW head.

I modified mine a bit. For me the closer she looks to the Animated CW the better....



An interesting take on this figure ! Good to see some originality coming through- well done !

A little helpful tip for you, run some thin pva glue along the ends of the "ribbon" on the belt. This will stop the ends fraying and it dries clear.
An interesting take on this figure ! Good to see some originality coming through- well done !

A little helpful tip for you, run some thin pva glue along the ends of the "ribbon" on the belt. This will stop the ends fraying and it dries clear.
Thanks...the ribbon belt in temporary though, until I make the belt I really want on the figure.
That belt really does a lot for Asajj. What a great I idea. Keep us posted on whever else you do to her... I may do the same. :rock
Thanks...the ribbon belt in temporary though, until I make the belt I really want on the figure.

I think that really works well. Great custom work! I like the mouth too; much meaner looking.

Maybe you can find a ribbon of material that actually has the pattern she had on it. That would make it perfect.
Nice paint job. Makes her look 'darker'. I love the wrappings around the arms.
She finally made it up here to the far north...
Just time for a couple quick ones before work...(they always arrive right before work :))


Nice so far JediBear, but try some shots with just nature like your recent Plo Koon shots, I think that'll have a nice Yavin IV CW Cartoon environment and she'll look good in that.