Not really OT: Do your "friends" ever put you down?

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I never get put down. My fiance and her sister will joke with me and call me a nerd from time to time, but they just like poking fun at me.

It also depends on what your friends say and really mean. If they are just ribbing you that's one thing, but if they are seriously putting you down for it then as someone else said, they are not real friends and I would not hang with people like that.
I thought that this was a really cool idea for a thread. I had a friend, who had been a close friend of mine since grade school ask me after college, why I didn't sell my stuff, get rid of it, and get the money for it. He just didn't understand what my interests were, and when it was clear that he wasn't going to try to share in my interests, we went our seperate ways. Don't get me wrong, he is a great guy and was a great friend, but if someone doesn't want to take the time to understand what I like and what makes me happy, maybe we are better off as people who just see each other every now and again. I am now hanging out with a group of friends, all of whom collect toys, read comics, or a movie buffs, and it's great to be with people who share similar interests.

Besides, my friends here wouldn't put me down for collecting toys, would ya?:D
I can't say that I have any friends that do that. That's because I don't spend much time with anyone who does that. My friends are my friends because they accept me as I am and vice versa. If that doesn't happen then you're probably not my friend and I'm probably not yours.

My friends from school never collected, but I'm still close to a couple of them. One gets a kick out of my collection, and we're both eccentric in our own ways, so we're close.

Almost everyone has something they're passionate about, whether it's figures, dvds, antiques, etc... I've met very few people who didn't have an interest in something, a hobby....

I have made many friends through the hobby.

My parents don't say anything about my collection, they pretty much just accept it as a part of me. My mom thinks a lot of my figures are cool. And I always show her pictures of new figures and get her opinion on whether or not she thinks the likeness is good, etc.... I have other relatives that would frown on it, but they would frown on anything and I don't associate with them.

And if there's a significant other out there for me in the future (who knows, who cares), then he'll have to accept my collection. And if he has a collection, then I'll accept his. I'll never stop collecting to please someone else, and I wouldn't want someone to do it to please me.
i started collecting lotr under the age of 21 and needless to say the parents were pretty against it but over the years they have grown used to it and accept that i'm doing it cos it is something that i like. they still nag about it though but more because of space than money now.

most people who are not into collecting will usually not understand this hobby and will most likely tend to have the impression that those who do, are nerd/geeks. i dont have friends who put me down for my hobby though, over time i believe your friends if really are your good friends will grow to appreciate your hobby and find your collectibles and stuff rather cool. i do have friends telling me they didn't expect that i'm into this kind of hobby cos i don't really look like a nerd/geek but that's about it.

i have people friends who are not into collecting come to my place and admiring the lotr stuff that i have. and i would like to say as long as you really enjoy your hobby, don't let what others' negative comments hurt you and stop you from pursuing your hobby.
No I have NEVER had a friend out right make fun of me, but I have gotten the strange stare and "you payed who much for that" kind of thing. Often they freak out on how much I spend on my collection, but thats a far as it goes. They dont really think, or at least they dont freely admit it, that my collection or hobby is foolish, but they do trip out on the cost of my stuff. Never as much so when I bought the Darkness 1:1 bust. That totally floored a few of my friends. They always compliment my stuff, then I tell them how much I have spent and they cant believe it. They all think my collection is cool but they ALWAYS say "Damn, I would never pay that much" and stuff like that.

I have one friend who loves dogs and has payed as much as $800 for one. I tell him the exact same thing. There is no way in Hell I'm paying $800 for a "stupid" dog, then me mocks me for paying $800 for a "stupid" devil head. So we have an understanding there.

Plus my friends know I would wip their ass if they made fun of me:lol
King Darkness said:
No I have NEVER had a friend out right make fun of me, but I have gotten the strange stare and "you payed who much for that" kind of thing. Often they freak out on how much I spend on my collection, but thats a far as it goes. They dont really think, or at least they dont freely admit it, that my collection or hobby is foolish, but they do trip out on the cost of my stuff. Never as much so when I bought the Darkness 1:1 bust. That totally floored a few of my friends. They always compliment my stuff, then I tell them how much I have spent and they cant believe it. They all think my collection is cool but they ALWAYS say "Damn, I would never pay that much" and stuff like that.

I have one friend who loves dogs and has payed as much as $800 for one. I tell him the exact same thing. There is no way in Hell I'm paying $800 for a "stupid" dog, then me mocks me for paying $800 for a "stupid" devil head. So we have an understanding there.

Plus my friends know I would wip their ass if they made fun of me:lol
$800.00 for a dog, crazy, $800.00 for Darkness, a great deal.:D
King Darkness said:
There is no way in Hell I'm paying $800 for a "stupid" dog, then me mocks me for paying $800 for a "stupid" devil head. So we have an understanding there.

Truer words were never spoken!
decadentdave said:
btw - I am in my mid-thirties and my house looks like my room when I was six years old. And no, I am not a virgin. :D

Well Said. My co workers give me grief but when they see any of my figures they always want to play with them or tell me about what they had growing up. Really it keeps me young. I have a 21 month old so who absolutely loves them.
King Darkness said:
No I have NEVER had a friend out right make fun of me, but I have gotten the strange stare and "you payed who much for that" kind of thing. Often they freak out on how much I spend on my collection, but thats a far as it goes. They dont really think, or at least they dont freely admit it, that my collection or hobby is foolish, but they do trip out on the cost of my stuff. Never as much so when I bought the Darkness 1:1 bust. That totally floored a few of my friends. They always compliment my stuff, then I tell them how much I have spent and they cant believe it. They all think my collection is cool but they ALWAYS say "Damn, I would never pay that much" and stuff like that.

I have one friend who loves dogs and has payed as much as $800 for one. I tell him the exact same thing. There is no way in Hell I'm paying $800 for a "stupid" dog, then me mocks me for paying $800 for a "stupid" devil head. So we have an understanding there.

Plus my friends know I would wip their ass if they made fun of me:lol

I guess he or she didnt take into account feeding the animal or taking it to the vet for the next 85 dog years...........Remind your friend that your Devil head will never run away, have mongrel pups or die got the bargain IMHO:D
King Darkness said:
No I have NEVER had a friend out right make fun of me, but I have gotten the strange stare and "you payed who much for that" kind of thing. Often they freak out on how much I spend on my collection, but thats a far as it goes. They dont really think, or at least they dont freely admit it, that my collection or hobby is foolish, but they do trip out on the cost of my stuff. Never as much so when I bought the Darkness 1:1 bust. That totally floored a few of my friends. They always compliment my stuff, then I tell them how much I have spent and they cant believe it. They all think my collection is cool but they ALWAYS say "Damn, I would never pay that much" and stuff like that.

I have one friend who loves dogs and has payed as much as $800 for one. I tell him the exact same thing. There is no way in Hell I'm paying $800 for a "stupid" dog, then me mocks me for paying $800 for a "stupid" devil head. So we have an understanding there.

Plus my friends know I would wip their ass if they made fun of me:lol

Wow what an idiotic thing to say, 800 for a stupid dog? My dogs have brought just as much joy and fun as my toys if not more. While I think making fun of someone for buying a toy is stupid I think what you said is extremely stupid.

Any way, a lot of my friends are geeks so no they don't make fun of me, I suggest getting new friends.
lol, love seeing how defensive people get over there collecting.
Though i am a closet geek, only my close friends know that i collect statues, my fiance collects too, muppet show, little apple dolls, SHOES!!!
My mates rip it outta me sometimes, (seen clerks 2 yet anyone? How many times you do Towers? love it!!!)
though im not the typical geek, im a policeman, i go to the gym, im a long distance runner, and i never ned to wrap up extra warm on those cold nights with an inhaler.
I collect what i love, and love what i collect!
now, im off to bed as it is WAY after dark!!!
Titan7170 said:
I guess he or she didnt take into account feeding the animal or taking it to the vet for the next 85 dog years...........Remind your friend that your Devil head will never run away, have mongrel pups or die got the bargain IMHO:D


Thats great.I'll be sure to tell him at work tonight!!!!
i make my own money to buy the figures and I make the money by making custom figures or sculpting.
and i always tell them, whatvere I MAKE FROM this hobby, I'll spend it on the hobby.
I'm thinking of moving my collection downstairs into my sculpting "corner" because frankly, I'm the only one who enjoys it and its not worth it to have people thinking I'm a freak haha even though it isn't a big deal, I'd rather show only my best in my room and enjoy the rest in my hobby-corner in the basement haha.
Have a huge room of toys is disturbing and unusally whether you like it or not and there are only us esoteric collectors who will ever embrace it, so lets not try to fight against the world about this hobby.
My friends & family get a kick out of my collection, which is proudly displayed in my living room. (statues, props, 1/4 scale, 1:1 scale) Both of my brothers collect stuff as well, I have been a bad/good influence.:D I refer to myself as a "geek" more than my friends do. I wear the name with honor.

Being a martial artist, muscle car, and weapons collector as well, I am always around people that truly understand a collector's mentality. Although I don't collect for investment purposes, if times get bad, I can liquidate items to raise funds. There are many other hobbies that would be considered far more a "waste" of time and funds.

If your bills are paid, and you aren't hurting anyone, enjoy collecting! It's your life, be happy and proud of what you accomplish. Your true friends will support this, even if they don't understand.