Next 12": Darth Sidious?

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hairlesswookiee said:
man i hope not. im still not sure i like that "inclusive" edition idea. i like collecting LIMITED edition figures. but i hope we get a palpatine/sidious soon.

Imagine, a PF of Sidious with an Exclusive Intechagable Palpatine head :emperor

It is still limited, just not toooo limited as the other ones. I guess we will see next pre-order to see how it all goes down. :chew
Darth Rage said:
Gonna be much higher than that if he's the first inclusive edition.:rolleyes:

They can make 10 million of him as long as it comes out looking nice in the production piece.
I'm thinking the next figure will be Darth Maul although I would be VERY PLEASANTLY surprised to find out it is Darth Vader. If it is Emperor Palpatine, that's cool, too, tho. I just don't see them needing to institute this new policy for Palps who probably won't be any more desired than Han or Qui-Gon whereas either of the Darths would be in incredibly high demand - especially Vader.

And kinda sorta off topic, didn't that April Fool's Day lower half of Maul look like Hasbro's? If it was, then maybe Maul ISN'T the next in line?

- J!