New Star Wars Hot Toys?

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So the guessing game becomes less of WHO they're going to make, and more of WHEN are they going to make 'em.

With Luke and the announcement of Anakin, Han and AOTC human, that's half their SW repeat line-up already.
Nice thinking but I don't see HT backing down the price of a Bespin Han to $150. They'll figure out a way to make it tempting at $250-$300. Two outfits, requiring you to spend more money on an extra body, etc.

I agree that SS prices are essentially merging with HT's. But I'm talking about the price to 'replace' what I already have. Granted a much better version, but still... HT Han is gonna cost 5 times what SS Bespin Han cost at the time. It will be 12 times better so I guess that's something.

I just prefer new stuff I guess over replacing/upgrading what I have.

Unless they give us two han figures. One with Bespin jacket the other with his Hoth snow suit.
Nice to know Han will be out sooner than later.

Betting the Episode II character is Arena Padme. Hot Toys is only gonna do humans -- she's the missing link from Sideshow.[/QUOT

Was it said that hot toys is only going to do humans?

It was said in an HT interview (link somewhere above :dunno) that they are only doing figures Sideshow has already released.

Sideshow has not released Arena Padme. This means HT won't release one either.
We actually don't know a whole lot. From what was reported by the folks who spoke with SSC last year the tidbits were that HT could only do humans, characters already done by Sideshow and would not compete with Sideshow directly.

Neither Sideshow or Hot Toys have confirmed anything really but if we go by that Dooku, Padme wouldn't fit.
I have a feeling some of the meaning could be lost in translation also.

If Sideshow has done a Padme or something before, Hot Toys might be able to do a different version one. Or if they have done a Leia, they might be able to do a different version and so on. At least I hope that's the case.
Yeah, hoping that's the case, too. And it may well be that Sideshow doesn't really want to tackle certain characters and is OK with Hot Toys doing so for them, or working in conjunction with Hot Toys like they've done with the clones.
Yeah, maybe for Chewbacca SSC and HT can split the cost of development, HT then builds it from the ground up, SSC releases it and then splits the profits as well.
Unless they give us two han figures. One with Bespin jacket the other with his Hoth snow suit.

That's my orignal theory to make Han a $300 figure, but someone said since Sideshow didn't make Hoth Han HT couldn't do it.

Who knows? We'll know better once Han is actually announced and we can see more direction of the line.
It'd be interesting to know the exact details of that stipulation.

Technically Sideshow never made a "Battle Damaged Bespin Luke."

So maybe HT can make a Bespin Han with some snow boots and a parka as "extra" accessories. He actually first wore his "Bespin" attire on Hoth anyway.
As long as it isn't another Darth Maul I'm cool with it. I'd really like to see Hot Toys go further into the crazy alien Jedi characters, but that's just my rabid fascination to see if/how they pull them off.
Looking forward to Han and Anakin. :rock

Not so excited for the AOTC character though. If its Obi-Wan I'd prefer HT released the more iconic ROTS or Original Trilogy version. And since we're getting Luke and Han as the first two figures, no female character should come before Leia PERIOD! :lecture
Rots anakin would be cool. Despite the bashing I love the look of anakin in ep3 and hot toys could get the sculpt right as we hope they will with han although I would prefer anh version as I only want one han. Padme is another I only have one version of and whilst I like my custom I would like a great arena

And a rotj like please.
Old Ben and Lando are the reasons why I hate PERS so much. I see nothing about either of them that needs improvment, and they'll both stick out for lack of it.

They could be painted better, but what can't? They are close enough in quality to the Bespin Luke prototype for me.

Those are two of my very favorite. Greedo and Hammerhead as well.
Anakin lends himself to the same two-figure pack idea: clean, good Ani and a BD Sith-eyed Anakin.

Han, well, Bespin and Hoth of course is what we all want, but if they have to stick to what's been done then maybe the guys who said ANH/ESB Han are on the money. But then why didn't we get a ANH/ESB Luke?

I don't think we can cross the streams like that.