My Obi-Wan PF Pics

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abake said:
Isn't it just a matter of downsizing that sculpt for the 12" figure?
One of the VIP's (I don't remember who) said that they weren't going to downsize PF sculpts to use for 12", they would all be new sculpts. I don't see how they could downsize them anyways.
I don't know how the process works, but I've heard that McFarlane uses it. All their figures are sculpted in big formats, around 12"-18" and then they are just downsized for production runs, only a few being produced in the original big format.

EDIT: Anyway, it's a shame they are not reusing that Ben sculpt, because it's pretty much perfect IMHO.
That'd be interesting to know how they shrink it...maybe scans of the sculpt or something? Or is that like making a copy of a copy? The sculpt is excellent, caused me to break down and buy one. *sigh* There's only two I don't own/have on order. Someone help me! Anyways, I'm sure the 12" Ben will be quite equal to this one.
I'm glad that we get to see a new sculpt for every figure released. There are always things that can be improved to achieve greater likeness of a character. The PF sculpt looks great, but it is by no means perfect.
Agent0028 said:
That'd be interesting to know how they shrink it...maybe scans of the sculpt or something? Or is that like making a copy of a copy? The sculpt is excellent, caused me to break down and buy one. *sigh* There's only two I don't own/have on order. Someone help me! Anyways, I'm sure the 12" Ben will be quite equal to this one.

I think the way it works is that a cast is made of the original sculpture (or the parts that make up the figure, as some of McF's figures actually have some degree of articulation) and then that cast is digitized, which is then resized freely and another cast is produced.
Does that make any sense?:google
HighElven said:
Yo, jlcmsu, in your pics he looks cross eyed. I guess that is just the less than good photo?

Hey,High Elven whats the deal between you and Josh????
HighElven said:
Yo, jlcmsu, in your pics he looks cross eyed. I guess that is just the less than good photo?

Haven't had anyone else say anything bad about the photos so it must be just you. :D
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I received my obi today(awesome piece!). the only thing that is wrong with it is the button that turns the lightsaber on seems to be pushed in where i have to use my fingertips to turn it on. it doesn't seem to move any further and my vader is currently at SS for repairs so I hate to go through that again. Anyone else have the problem..any thoughts on returning it or keeping it. i'm leaning towards keeping it because it seems to work fine but i am a little worried that it being in that far it might stop right after the time-frame ends where i can send it back.
Mini-Rock said:
Well, after seeing Tom's and Josh's pics with Vader and Ben displayed together, I've decided to go ahead and order a case big enough to house both; so, tomorrow, I'll be ordering a 40"w X 18"d X 24"h case for the two. If anyone wants a great deal on an 18x18x24 case for just Vader, let me know.

YEAH MINI!!!! That's the way to go dude!!!! I will be doing the same soon since I just got shipment notification for my Obi!
button that turns the lightsaber on seems to be pushed in where i have to use my fingertips to turn it on.

I think that's normal - mine's pretty much the same way.

I'm curious - the base on Obi is exactly like Vader's and packed the same way, yet I've seen nothing about scratches or stains. Was Vader just a fluke?
The bases do seem to be exactly the same, and packed the same, but I have heard no complaints about scratches or stains. I know that mine was fine. Also, my button doesn't stick out as far as Vader's either. Weird.
ferlin said:
When will the 5th wave come to europe the one over 1000?

Remember, they don't ship in strictly numerical order. The very first wave to ship included numbers in the 500's. So you really do never know what you're going to end up with. I received a lower number than people whose order shipped before mine. While I still believe that the earlier shipments tend to have a slightly better chance of low numbers, there is no guarantee. It's really just random. If the first crate to show up at Sideshow has the 700's in it, they're not going to let it sit there and wait to start shipping until lower numbers start showing up in the warehouse. The first ones off the truck get stamped and shipped out, whatever the numbers may be. So don't give up hope!

The good news is that this piece is amazing, whatever the number on the bottom says!
Quick Question for those that recieved their Obi's.

But 1st, I LOVE my 1/4 Vader & judging from the pics, it looks as though
the 1/4 Obi WILL be the BEST PF yet...

Now, what do those of you that have the Obi think of his head size compared
to Vaders hemlet? Can Obi's head technically fit inside the helmet? Does it
look big enough?

I thought the Vader pics made the helmet look too small, but once I had it in
hand, I thought it was just fine (although technically it was about 8 - 10%
smaller than it should've been, but in person, it's too good to even notice).

Thoughts? Pics?

Super Serg said:
Quick Question for those that recieved their Obi's.

But 1st, I LOVE my 1/4 Vader & judging from the pics, it looks as though
the 1/4 Obi WILL be the BEST PF yet...

Now, what do those of you that have the Obi think of his head size compared
to Vaders hemlet? Can Obi's head technically fit inside the helmet? Does it
look big enough?

I thought the Vader pics made the helmet look too small, but once I had it in
hand, I thought it was just fine (although technically it was about 8 - 10%
smaller than it should've been, but in person, it's too good to even notice).

Thoughts? Pics?


why would obi-wan wear the helmet? wow you are really picky. :) you have to remember anakin's head shrunk from being cooked. :rolleyes: