1/6 MMS152 - Superman: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I thought Superman was supposed possess messianic overtones? The creators (who were Jewish, so I don't see where Singer has to "own up" to anything) have owned up to that long long ago.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure


You might recall I posted the Zombie Last Supper and Boba Christ pictures. That said, I can see where Signer went for it.

* He sacrifices himself and comes back to life

Did he die? Or did it just show that we don't understand his physiology? For hundreds of years comatose people were thought dead because we couldn't feel a pulse or hear a heartbeat and as a result were buried alive.

* He falls to earth in a Christ on the cross pose
Debatable. His arms were extended forward, not out to the sides.

* The trinity overtones of Father (Superman), son (Lois' kid) and Holy Ghost (Jor-el)
Loose comparison. I've had discussions with people about aspects of my father being transposed to me in relation to my son. Am I like Jesus too?! :huh

* the wound in the side
Stabbed in the back. Right side, above kidney. Christ was pierced in the left side, above the lower rib. Try again.

* Superman 'blesses' the kid at the end of the film
Reaching. I saw a father overwhelmed with emotions realizing he was no longer alone on the planet anymore and now had someone to relate to as a Kryptonian.

* the visual of him looking down on earth seeing and hearing all. It's just like god. Or Santa. You choose.
Because Jesus does this often in the Bible, right? :lol
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

The similartities were not that extreme. He falls, he creates cross like pose. The son etc.

We are talking about a man sent to earth by a powerful father to be looked after by a Martha/Mary and a Jonathan/Joseph to protect the world from evil and is very very very good and never lies. He is almost too good. Just like JC.

Dude, the jesus comparason boat has sailed long ago. You are on it even if you are unaware of being on it. :)

Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I'm well aware of it, I just think it's reaching. Bored theologists looking for ways to milk a book deal, etc. :huh :lol

Not sure what the relevance of a book deal has do with anything but fair enough!
I think I get what you are saying though! :)
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Not sure what the relevance of a book deal has do with anything but fair enough!
I think I get what you are saying though! :)


1. of, pertaining to, or engaged in diplomacy: diplomatic officials.
2. skilled in dealing with sensitive matters or people; tactful.
3. of or pertaining to diplomatics.

Give me #2 Alex.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Looks pretty Christ-ish to me.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

For a brief second, yes. Then he turns into a ball when he falls. I'd guess any dude in the same situation would make that pose. Except his head isn't bent forward and feet not together. You guys are really ____ing reaching with this ____. :lol
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

When I go to a comic book based movie like Superman the farthest thing on my mind to see is someone's fascination with other religions.

It just shows you why Singer just does not get the superman character by comparing him to jesus christ. Superman does not want to be acknowledged as god, far from it. That was the whole point when Superman talked with "Ion" (kyle Rayner's other character) about being god and having churches devoted to him. At the most, Superman just wants to be an inspiration for mankind. I think Singer loved and knew more about the original movie more than the actual character.
At least with Star Wars, it was subtle.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

When I go to a comic book based movie like Superman the farthest thing on my mind to see is someone's fascination with other religions.

It just shows you why Singer just does not get the superman character by comparing him to jesus christ. Superman does not want to be acknowledged as god, far from it. That was the whole point when Superman talked with "Ion" (kyle Rayner's other character) about being god and having churches devoted to him. At the most, Superman just wants to be an inspiration for mankind. I think Singer loved and knew more about the original movie more than the actual character.
At least with Star Wars, it was subtle.

But Jesus didn't want all that sheet either, and simply wanted to be an inspiration for how people could be if they weren't such... well, people.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

From an interview with Singer himself -

Many moviegoers criticized the third act, in which Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey) stabs Superman with a shard of kryptonite, but then the two characters don’t appear onscreen again for the rest of the movie. In defending the scene, Singer said he tried to insert a religious analogy his storytelling, which was probably too “heavy” for a summer movie.

Brian Singer:
“I’ve always felt that the origin of Superman is the story of Moses — the child sent on a ship to fulfill a destiny,” said Singer, a producer on the upcoming X-Men: First Class. “And this was a story about Christ — it’s all about sacrifice: The world, I hear their cries. So what happens? He gets the knife in the side and later he falls to the earth in the shape of a crucifix. It was kind of nailing you on the head, but I enjoyed that, because I’ve always found the myth of Christ compelling and moving. So I hoped to do my own take, which is heavy s— for a summer movie.”

source: https://filmdrunk.uproxx.com/2011/04/bryan-singer-explains-why-superman-returns-wasnt-good
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I don't have any strong feelings about Superman Returns.

There have been some strong arguments in favor of it here, but none as strong as this:

Superman Returns sucks, here's why.

^^^Didn't read a word past that, and it made me want to love Superman returns. :)
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

^^^Didn't read a word past that, and it made me want to love Superman returns. :)

yea, even though I already like Superman Returns, everytime someone bashes it, it just makes me like it even more.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I'm not going to try and debate the religious aspect of SR - You guys seem to have that covered except to say that I remember growing up as a kid and just enjoying the story for the fantasy that it was. I never saw the Religious links, even in the movies, until I was much older. Maybe that's the way it should be.
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

^^^Didn't read a word past that, and it made me want to love Superman returns. :)

You're such a ______ Maglor. There have been times where I've liked you and thought you were alright but then you always got to turn around and be a ******.

From now on, any time I see the handle Maglor, I'll know that that guy is just talking out of his ass. Won't even have to read a word of your posts to hate you.
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I don't think Superman is Jesus. I'm just saying Brian Singer does.

As far as I'm concerned they are both unique works of fiction.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

The Messianic reference is incontrovertibly overt. They are not reaching. You are being obtuse.

And you're still naive and conceded. :dunno

You're such a ______ Maglor. There have been times where I've liked you and thought you were alright but then you always got to turn around and be a ******.

From now on, any time I see the handle Maglor, I'll know that that guy is just talking out of his ass. Won't even have to read a word of your posts to hate you.

:lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly::goodpost:

People who run around with an unearned arrogance and a serious false sense of sophistication often just front for serious self confidence issues and a lack of intelligence.