Medicom Darth Maul

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I'm in WAY too late to really contribute much to this thread, but I'll put my two cents in anyhow.

My first impressions weren't so great - I thought the belt was crap, the saber blades ridiculous, and that the neck would only be hidden well if you shoved cheap toilet paper into his garments.

The instant I opened mine, however... I fell in love. I'm w/ Krayt Dragon on this one - a brilliant figure upon which people have been a little too hard. I generally criticize Medicom every time I get the chance, primarily for their lack of variety or risky ambition, but their Star Wars figures never cease to blow me out of the water...

I REALLY liked the SS version upon its initial release, but I also forced myself to like the sculpt/paint apps more than I actually did. I can paint as well as the next customizer, but I generally don't DO customizing b'cause I'm NEVER satisfied w/ my own work (the curse of being an artist :monkey2).

A year and a half ago I would have felt that the price point was ridiculous - but I've drowned my logic in so many horrible purchases over the past year (OOP HOT TOYS products, Sideshow, MEdi, etc...) that the price ultimately makes hardly a difference to me any longer. The ONE area in which I was most concerned was also put to rest - I'm an obsessive Film Accuracy junky, and when something's even a BIT off I can go haywire... I've done more studying of the props, outfit, scale, makeup variations... than I care to admit, and Medicom did their homework and THEN some... even the Saber hilt is a TAD more accurate than Sideshow's, and the fact that one of the two damaged sabers doesn't have the belt clip also shows an unprecidented attention to detail on their part. I'm all about the details, and while SS's belt may be higher quality and look shinier and more leathery, MEDIcom's is completely accurate to the source material.

I pretty much feel like I got my money's worth, and SS's figures are only going up in price anyhow (at an ALARMING rate, I might add...) - but I see the price as a personal gripe at times, though this figure shouldn't have been any more than $130 (and some of you would be outraged at THAT as well), I have too much appreciation to the attention to small details.:maul:

I'm still going to display him w/ SIDESHOW's sabers, though, unless I can get an extra pair of blades to stick on MEDICOM's hilt... those blades are my only real gripe - just TOO thick (by a hair, though...):rolleyes:
One of the Reasons Darth Krayt Is so awesome in my Book Alice,. is that He realizes that the rule of two, while it served at the time, is a mistake. He does away with it, and Forms A Cabal of Sith. Treating them Like Mideval Knights, and they all know that eventualy one of them Will Rize up and slay him, when the time is right, having a group makes him more cautious, and also lends strength to the group, mking them a more formidable opponent.
if you've never Read the Star Wars: Legacy comic series, I Realy Suggest you do so. They're some of the Best SW EU comics around. I think Even Chavez, with his vilan-centric Mindset, Would Like the Hero, Cade Skywalker.

I mean Come on, He's a Space Pirate, A Bounty Hunter, A Failed jedi, Addicted to Deathsticks, and is More scum than Lando, ANH Han, and Boba Fett Combined. He Does try to be a good guy, but usualy ends of stryaing a bit :)
Case in point,
Cover from a recent issue

Cade Skywalker was a lucky guy...he got to join the sith and sleep with Darth Talon...

I'm in WAY too late to really contribute much to this thread, but I'll put my two cents in anyhow.

My first impressions weren't so great - I thought the belt was crap, the saber blades ridiculous, and that the neck would only be hidden well if you shoved cheap toilet paper into his garments.

The instant I opened mine, however... I fell in love. I'm w/ Krayt Dragon on this one - a brilliant figure upon which people have been a little too hard. I generally criticize Medicom every time I get the chance, primarily for their lack of variety or risky ambition, but their Star Wars figures never cease to blow me out of the water...

I REALLY liked the SS version upon its initial release, but I also forced myself to like the sculpt/paint apps more than I actually did.

I'm in WAY too late to really contribute much to this thread, but I'll put my two cents in anyhow.

My first impressions weren't so great - I thought the belt was crap, the saber blades ridiculous, and that the neck would only be hidden well if you shoved cheap toilet paper into his garments.

The instant I opened mine, however... I fell in love. I'm w/ Krayt Dragon on this one - a brilliant figure upon which people have been a little too hard. I generally criticize Medicom every time I get the chance, primarily for their lack of variety or risky ambition, but their Star Wars figures never cease to blow me out of the water...

I REALLY liked the SS version upon its initial release, but I also forced myself to like the sculpt/paint apps more than I actually did. I can paint as well as the next customizer, but I generally don't DO customizing b'cause I'm NEVER satisfied w/ my own work (the curse of being an artist :monkey2).

A year and a half ago I would have felt that the price point was ridiculous - but I've drowned my logic in so many horrible purchases over the past year (OOP HOT TOYS products, Sideshow, MEdi, etc...) that the price ultimately makes hardly a difference to me any longer. The ONE area in which I was most concerned was also put to rest - I'm an obsessive Film Accuracy junky, and when something's even a BIT off I can go haywire... I've done more studying of the props, outfit, scale, makeup variations... than I care to admit, and Medicom did their homework and THEN some... even the Saber hilt is a TAD more accurate than Sideshow's, and the fact that one of the two damaged sabers doesn't have the belt clip also shows an unprecidented attention to detail on their part. I'm all about the details, and while SS's belt may be higher quality and look shinier and more leathery, MEDIcom's is completely accurate to the source material.

I pretty much feel like I got my money's worth, and SS's figures are only going up in price anyhow (at an ALARMING rate, I might add...) - but I see the price as a personal gripe at times, though this figure shouldn't have been any more than $130 (and some of you would be outraged at THAT as well), I have too much appreciation to the attention to small details.:maul:

I'm still going to display him w/ SIDESHOW's sabers, though, unless I can get an extra pair of blades to stick on MEDICOM's hilt... those blades are my only real gripe - just TOO thick (by a hair, though...):rolleyes:

I'm thinking about changing sabers as well.I hope I don't have to buy a whole SS Maul figure to get them though.
One of the Reasons Darth Krayt Is so awesome in my Book Alice,. is that He realizes that the rule of two, while it served at the time, is a mistake. He does away with it, and Forms A Cabal of Sith. Treating them Like Mideval Knights, and they all know that eventualy one of them Will Rize up and slay him, when the time is right, having a group makes him more cautious, and also lends strength to the group, mking them a more formidable opponent.
if you've never Read the Star Wars: Legacy comic series, I Realy Suggest you do so. They're some of the Best SW EU comics around. I think Even Chavez, with his vilan-centric Mindset, Would Like the Hero, Cade Skywalker.

I mean Come on, He's a Space Pirate, A Bounty Hunter, A Failed jedi, Addicted to Deathsticks, and is More scum than Lando, ANH Han, and Boba Fett Combined. He Does try to be a good guy, but usualy ends of stryaing a bit :)
Case in point,
Cover from a recent issue
Sounds good.Just last weekend I had a coulpe of those comics in my hand, and I really did like them. Black hard cover and all, pretty classy. But over here they cost like $27 a copy... Perhaps if I could get them cheaper.
The black hard covers are special 30th anniversary comics which have no connection between each other, randomly selected to be hard cover bound. Get the Legacy graphic novels instead, 2 volumes are currently available: Broken and Shards...pretty cool.
The black hard covers are special 30th anniversary comics which have no connection between each other, randomly selected to be hard cover bound. Get the Legacy graphic novels instead, 2 volumes are currently available: Broken and Shards...pretty cool.
Yes, that's right, there where 2 white cover ones too. They had more pages, but where more expencive also. :D $30 I think.

maul could have came back inthe EU stories.. hell to me Boba Fett wasn't all that cool but the fans screamed and the authors wrote him adventures *G*
To me Maul should ruin Vader in a saber battle but inthe use of force powers it's Vader.

I'm planning on down a stop animation medi-com luke vs medi com maul. So maybe in a month or 2 it'll be something awesome.. right now i only have 6 Star wars figures 3 medicom which i have posted pixcs of .. and 3 sideshow.. Ajaa, Plo and Mual. so it wouldn't be cameo heavy.. I'm thinking of having my stop ani continue after the emp death maybe even pull in vader for a bit and have skywalkers verses maul action since it seemed it always took 2 "jedi" to handle a sith.