Mattel: DC Universe Classics

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They have about three eras to cover for (finishing) Teen Titans.

Personally I want a full set of these Titans:


If I can get that group done as an SDCC exclusive or something I'd be happy. I like the modern Teen Titans as well as the New Teen Titans but this group has been sorely ignored for so long, that I want a one shot deal done in the same scale, newly sculpted.
I'm not knocking what you want there, but every incarnation of the team has actually been ignored. "Neglected" might be a better term...From the original core team we got an appropriate D!ck Grayson Robin (the "modern" version) for the titans and Wally West Kid Flash (too short, but he's there),but obviously not Garth, Roy as Speedy, or Donna in her classic outfit. We got a Perezish Raven, Cyborg, and Donna but no Jericho, Terra, "Disco" Nightwing, classic hair down to her ass Starfire, or Beast Boy in red and white. We got a '90s style Nightwing, but not Donna in her black outfit, Garth as Tempest, Roy as Arsenal, Argent, or Jesse Quick. We got a modern Starfire (albeit on the wrong buck for her) and Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle, but no sign of Connor in his T-shirt, A younger looking Raven in her less seventiesy [that's a word now] outfit, Ravager, Cassandra, Mia, Bart, Miss Martian, etc.
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Got wave 20 from entertainment earth, but haven't opened them yet. Anyone having QC issues?
If we got what we deserved we'd have a frickin' scythe for Nekron and a whole bunch more bells and whistles for this final wave. I love the wave, but we DESERVED more bang for our buck with this being the last wave. They shoulda gone out on a high note, but instead they gave us easy new head retools (Reverse Flash, Red Arrow) and easy or unnecessary repaints (White Lantern Flash, Sinestro though I love 'im). Which, to my mind, is just stringing us along for the sub. There better be awesomeness coming, Mattel. I want (but don't expect) the same attention to quality that MOTU gets, and I WANT A DAMN SCYTHE. Put it in a Weapons Pack and recast it later as an effing lantern construct if you have to. It would be a good place for ALL the missing accessories from this line.
If we got what we deserved we'd have a frickin' scythe for Nekron and a whole bunch more bells and whistles for this final wave. I love the wave, but we DESERVED more bang for our buck with this being the last wave. They shoulda gone out on a high note, but instead they gave us easy new head retools (Reverse Flash, Red Arrow) and easy or unnecessary repaints (White Lantern Flash, Sinestro though I love 'im). Which, to my mind, is just stringing us along for the sub. There better be awesomeness coming, Mattel. I want (but don't expect) the same attention to quality that MOTU gets, and I WANT A DAMN SCYTHE. Put it in a Weapons Pack and recast it later as an effing lantern construct if you have to. It would be a good place for ALL the missing accessories from this line.

I hope your not just voicing your opinion here, but letting Mattel know what you think on the Matty Collector twitter page, facebook page, and/or their forum.
Why do the collectors deserve anything special?

I'm not saying we deserve anything "special." Far from it. I'm just saying that for the price they're at now and the fact that collectors are probably the main ones supporting this line, the least they could have done was have the CNC come with his only accessory. Yeah, there's a lot of wishful thinking in my above post, but it just seems like we're getting less for our money, and the absence of Nekron's scythe is proof of that. Didn't mean to come off with a sense of entitlement there. I suppose at the end of the day we give them our money and they give us whatever they feel like giving us. I'm still bummed that the line has ended on such a mediocre note is all.
I didnt take it that way. Matter of fact, my post was more sarcastic than anything. I think when you boil it all down, this last wave, while having some wow factor, is really just par for the course. I think what swift is saying is that it didnt go out with a BANG! as it should have. Hell, we've been calling for answers all month long about Nekron and TG says zilch. I actually went on the MOTU thread, where he was trying to calm the masses yesterday, and asked that he pay a visit to DCUC no response there, but he did stay on that thread for a good part of the day and posted on FB today to all his adoring MOTU customers. That said, we dont "deserve" anything special, but it would be nice to not be the bald headed step child all the time that no one at Mattel gives a rats ass about. Just sayin...
My sets of DCUC 20 arrive today from BBTS..anyone else receiving theirs?
Not to mention that the New 52 caught Mattel with their pants down like everybody else. This line has an unprecedented breadth of characters, and now that I'm re-arranging the collection to accommodate the new arrivals (and taking out repaints/other versions of characters to make room), although they could have could out with a bang, it's a damn impressive collection for just five years' worth of toys.
Yall see this on Matty:

scythe = no sales
Matty Member
Posted January 07, 2012 07:52 AM
As a store owner and a collector I can tell you honestly that I skipped this wave after I found out that Nekron is incomplete. I will not order cases for this wave until Mattel can shed some light on Necron's accessory being offered:
Was it a problem with production, timing, cost, tooling, safety regulations? All the above, or just ignorance?

Collector Supreme

Posted January 11, 2012 01:01 PM Hide Post
Of course we wanted to include the scyth, but it was driving up the cost to much. But we are looking into other ways to release it such as a weapons pack or including it with another figure down the road. We didn't pull it to **** off fans. We had no choice when backed into the finaicals for the figure. Believe me, it wasn't something we wanted to do
But they could add those electric effects to Flash even though he wasn't originally shown with them? Or giving Red Arrow a few arrows that he can't even use since the bow has a permanent arrow in it? Give me a break. They chose to leave it out on purpose. This wave was about 90% repaints. Only a few new heads, that stringy cape on Hawk, and a surprising amount of new parts on Green arrow. But Sinestro was a straight repaint, same with Flash. Hawk, Dove, Reverse Flash, and Red Arrow just have that new head and are just repaints other than that. This wave was CHEAP for Matty to produce. Them not being able to tool that scythe is just BS. What if he wasn't a character with an accessory? What would they have done the? Not make his head?
Realistically if they weren't going to make the scythe they might as well have skipped the character. It's like making Green Lantern without a ring or classic Superman without a cape.
Got my Hawk and Dove in the mail from BBTS yesterday. Perfect paint jobs on both. Overall, I think both are better than DCD's offerings. Great figures and will look great on my Birds of Prey shelf (if Matty ever gets around to making a Huntress).
But they could add those electric effects to Flash even though he wasn't originally shown with them?

Yes, but Geoff Johns, Scott's lunch buddy, wanted them to fully render flash out in all his white lantern goodness....:pfft: