Masters of the Universe Classics

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They're not sold out though. Hover Robots are "almost gone" and the zoids are "no longer available".

I wasn't too impressed with the zoids either.

They were marked as sold out, at some point today they changed it. In any case, I'm sure they will pop up on matty again. They always do.
Ok, no need to shout :1-1: I remember picking up the full 30th anniversary sub on Black Friday a few years ago, saved a fortune on postage and customs :)
Not too fussed on the Zoids selling out. The unpainted accessories are really starting to get to me. Maybe I'll pick them up some other time.
This just in from Skeletor's Love Child:

"I know you guys have been wondering about King Hssss and now that I have some concrete answers I can share what’s going on.

Yes, the new torso was scheduled to be released with Buzz Saw Hordak. However, when we tried to combine the two we found out that it wouldn’t be possible to do so due to costs. We tried a few different options (alternate packaging, higher price point, etc.), but none of these choices made sense (business or common).

So here’s what we’ve decided to do: King Hssss will still be released in 2015 but he will arrive as a complete figure. Accessories, alternate head, another set of legs…it will all be there. After reviewing all the different factors that went into making this product this was the only thing that made sense as well as the right thing to do. We know that promises were made regarding how you were supposed to receive this figure but ultimately…it just wasn’t possible. It didn’t sit well with any of us to force you to pay a premium for this item so we decided to put the power in your hands.

As a sub holder you will not be locked in to purchasing this figure. King Hssss will be offered during the month of November as an add on item. If you want him, he’ll be available during Early Access; if not, you won’t be obligated to purchase. All remaining stock not purchased will be offered during our November All Access sale.

There will be pictures posted of the bendy headed Snake Men leader at a later date, but I didn’t want to wait any longer to give you a heads up.

Transparently Yours,

Skeletor’s Love Child"

How is this an incentive for ANYONE to want to sub up for 2016? LOL! I mean, this is clearly a breach of contract and a bait and switch. Not to mention the 3rd or 4th time matty has pretty much said "FU" to the loyal sub holders since SDCC. Wow, Just amazing! I am so glad it's almost over, for me anyway. ;)
"I know you guys have been wondering about King Hssss and now that I have some concrete answers I can share what’s going on.

Yes, the new torso was scheduled to be released with Buzz Saw Hordak. However, when we tried to combine the two we found out that it wouldn’t be possible to do so due to costs. We tried a few different options (alternate packaging, higher price point, etc.), but none of these choices made sense (business or common).

So here’s what we’ve decided to do: King Hssss will still be released in 2015 but he will arrive as a complete figure. Accessories, alternate head, another set of legs…it will all be there. After reviewing all the different factors that went into making this product this was the only thing that made sense as well as the right thing to do. We know that promises were made regarding how you were supposed to receive this figure but ultimately…it just wasn’t possible. It didn’t sit well with any of us to force you to pay a premium for this item so we decided to put the power in your hands.

As a sub holder you will not be locked in to purchasing this figure. King Hssss will be offered during the month of November as an add on item. If you want him, he’ll be available during Early Access; if not, you won’t be obligated to purchase. All remaining stock not purchased will be offered during our November All Access sale.

There will be pictures posted of the bendy headed Snake Men leader at a later date, but I didn’t want to wait any longer to give you a heads up.

Transparently Yours,

Skeletor’s Love Child"

Yeah!! Now we get to pay for something that we were expecting for free!!
So we have to buy the figure twice after we were told it was part of the Sub....Thanks Matty,you're so kind
And I though Scott was a bad liar. COST??? LOL!

- Buzz Saw Hordak would have came as a complete figure with a crossbow, buzz saw (in his chest), and the snake torso,

- NEW King Hsss will come with accessories, alternate head, another set of legs, etc.

How does the Buzz Saw Hordak Scenario not cost out, but the NEW King Hsss one does?

Answer: Cost has nothing to do with it. They saw a better opportunity to make more money with the snake torso by including him with an out of sub figure using already tooled parts, and the whole thing will probably come in an over-sized package design which will bring the price even higher.

I really do hope this resonates with most fans and they reconsider buying anymore subs. Mattel is just a grossly dishonest company. I hope this will be the last straw for many.
Let's see...

1. We were told multiple times it would be in the sub now we get the "privilege" of paying for this extra out of sub item

2. We get to pay extra shipping since it is a separate item which is probably at least an extra $12

3. We are spending $500 per sub, but they couldn't cost in a $13 (Half an item) for us for supporting MOTUC for all of these years

4. If the cost didn't work out in the beginning, then why didn't they just raise the price in the first place

5. We get to pay extra for their mistakes

If they had just thrown an extra $10 on in the first place that wouldn't have been a big deal. Now we get to pay an extra ~$40 for something that should have been included from the beginning.
Yep. Stinks to high heaven. The wording was annoying too. We don't want to force you to pay a premium (read: we can't actually legally do that) so we decided to make you pay WAY more! Plus shipping! Yayyyyy!

I was strongly considering getting into the upcoming Thundercats line. This latest example of Mattel's lack of integrity has made me officially decide not to.
I really do hope this resonates with most fans and they reconsider buying anymore subs. Mattel is just a grossly dishonest company. I hope this will be the last straw for many.

100% agree

but alas people will still buy subs anyway even after we were told during the 2015 subscription sign up period that subscribers would receive the King Hiss torso with another they have flat out LIED!

Now we are expected to drop another $40+ to rebuy the same figure just to get the Snake Torso which we should of gotten in the 2 pack in the first place.
This is actually a BREACH OF CONTRACT

Toyguru Clearly tells us were are getting the Snake form with another figure and we will get it IF YOU SUB!


I am usually pretty lenient on Mattel and the ridiculous things they do but this one is completely wrong on their part. We were told that it would be part of the sub, even if they had to eat the cost it should continue to be a sub item.

Completely wrong and messed up on their part.
I honestly don't care about the snake torso, never did. I think it looks awesome as hell, but don't feel I need it. I took the 200X King Hsss and the vintage style King Hsss and made a hybrid because it just looks better to me. I have the original snake torso and I'm perfectly happy with it.

Regardless, I feel for the subbers man. I totally understand why some are pissed about this and rightfully so.

That little ending part, "Transparently yours" was just "F"d up man. IMO, that was sheer trolling right there. It's like, I'm going to lie to you, and when I'm done, I'm going to be a total A$$whole, and really rub it in your faces.
That little ending part, "Transparently yours" was just "F"d up man. IMO, that was sheer trolling right there. It's like, I'm going to lie to you, and when I'm done, I'm going to be a total A$$whole, and really rub it in your faces.

All I see when reading their "Transparently yours" comment is a middle finger to all the subscribers who bought every single sub since the beginning
Mhmmm... Transparency isn't necessarily a good thing... Particularly in this case... It's pretty messed up that they changed the tune for the torso... Seriously... WTF?
Now the new team will face the wrath of MOTU fans!!! [emoji33]
I'm stunned that they'd make such a contentious move during the sub drive :thud: It also makes the new policy of "transparency" a joke, as they must have known this at SDCC, since it supposedly takes so long to produce figures and all...

Subbers are rightfully pissed both here and on the org. Although from a completely selfish perspective it's good for me as I wanted a 200X King Hiss but skipped the 2 pack.
The thing I don't understand, is there are tons of people on other boards saying they are okay with this, so long as both Hordak and NEW King Hsss are packed with accessories.

Besides completely disregarding the fact that they were just swindled, are they forgetting that the whole reason for doing this was allegedly because of cost? LOL!