Masters of the Universe Classics

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Just got Catra,
Great figure!
Soft hand doesn't bother me that much, there's no "tear" at all in mine, no clue what was that about... there's not even any mold residue... the only thing is the soft sword...
Other than that, great looking figure!!

I thought there was nothing wrong with the figure? :dunno

nobody said the figure didn't "look" good ;)
but it's not even twist ties. twist ties i can tolerate. it's those stupid clear rubber bands. exactly what purpose do they serve? after you cut them you still have to wrestle with the figure to free it from the tray.

The clear rubber bands actually come in handy from time to time. especially on figures that can't hold all their weapons. I used them on both Teela and Pre eternia he-man as make shift scabbards for their swords. Works great and not that noticeable.
Well big thanks to Kuzeh, I got my Skeletor today. The only thing I have to say is what an amazing figure. This is my first Motu Classic and again wow. Im just so amazed at how well they updated this figure with great articulation and just a great overall sculpt in detail. For how simple they are, there so detailed, even down to the packaging. I really love the compact packaging and no over bearing giant package. Just enough to carry the figure on, Mattel knocked it out of the park. Hopefully I'll snap a few shots myself of my skeletor when I get a chance and slap them up in this thread. I do want to do that cape mod as well, i just think it gives Skeletor that Grim reaper look, making him seem even more menacing.
Soon i'll have Merman and Webstor as well on there way from Utoyfan. :)
If the sword is bent up at all, and you actually care about it, toss it in a cup of hot water and that should sort you out.

No, it's not bent at all... so, unless it comes warped inside the package, there's really no issues with it...

i once knew a girl who had soft hands. *sigh* good times.:duff

Well big thanks to Kuzeh, I got my Skeletor today. The only thing I have to say is what an amazing figure. This is my first Motu Classic and again wow. Im just so amazed at how well they updated this figure with great articulation and just a great overall sculpt in detail. For how simple they are, there so detailed, even down to the packaging. I really love the compact packaging and no over bearing giant package. Just enough to carry the figure on, Mattel knocked it out of the park. Hopefully I'll snap a few shots myself of my skeletor when I get a chance and slap them up in this thread. I do want to do that cape mod as well, i just think it gives Skeletor that Grim reaper look, making him seem even more menacing.
Soon i'll have Merman and Webstor as well on there way from Utoyfan. :)

You're welcome my friend!
Welcome to the amazing world of MOTU!
Keep an eye on the re-releases so you can get figures like He-Man, Man At Arms and all of the main guys!
They are awesome!!
Yeah i'll have to keep an eye out for re-releases as you said. I really only want bad guys, but I will agree, He-Man and Man At Arms look awesome.

Without going back thru this huge thread, who does the sculpts on these guys. I know Four Horsemen were doing the 2000's MOTU, but do they still have anything to do with the sculpting?
I really only want bad guys…

Agreed. I know I don't have room for tons of these so I'm trying to stick to just Evil Horde; Skeletor, Panthor, and Evil-Lyn aside. I must admit though, it is not easy. I really want Mer-Man, Scareglow, and Webstor. I will be making an exception though for the two Horde affiliated Snake-Men; Rattlor and Tung Lashor.
I'm a completeist I try to pick up as many as I can afford. There were a few I deliberately missed out on because I didn't think they looked good (triklops:slap) BUt after seeing them in person I regret not picking them up now.

@Armoredfoe I love Skeletor's look. I usually don't mix and match parts but I put BA Skelly's head on the Skeletor body that comes in the 2 pack with lex and I think it looks awesome. That head has a great paint job, and the body from the TRU 2 pack has much more detail painted on. Yeah sure there are some issues like *sigh* soft hands or reversed shoulders but 3 or four problems in the dozens of figures released is pretty good imo. This is a great line welcome to it.
Yeah my skeletor has a loose ankle joint, but not a big deal in my opinion. I know every toy isnt going to be perfect, I still love this skeletor.

Im not really a completeist and tend to usually only collect bad guys anyways.

As for the Horsemen doing the sculpting, Im glad there still attached to this license because they do great work.
the only one I have a similar issue with is my beastman, his knees are a little loose so he crouches a little but actually it works cuz it's beastman.
My Grizzlor has somewhat loose knees which is the first loose anything I have come across but it has almost no impact on posing. These guys are light enough it usually doesn't matter. Hordak I can see it being a problem as he seems to much top heavier than your average MOTUC.
Yeah my next step was going to be nail polish or super glue to his ankle, but at the same time it doesnt really hinder him at all. When I pose him he stands fine, I actually posed him on my desk as a test to see if he would stand thru the night and when I woke up he was still standing strong.

Something else Im curious on do you guys open the figures do you keep the packaging. I sliced the bottom with an exacto blade and slid the inside tray out so I dont damage the package so if even need be I can put him back. Just curious what others methods were or if they just trash it.
I've been keeping it, but that's just out of habit as I keep my 1/6 scale and statue packaging because I rotate my collection and that stuff can't just be thrown in a bin.