Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

Terrible, terrible poster. Gotta be fake.

Superman with his back to us, no S anywhere. Not identifying who anyone is. Random guy in the sky about to eat a plane flying away from us, and 2 helicopters with missles as if thats somehow threatening to Superman? Also is that Iron Monger with Pepper Pots at the bottom?

Think were talking about this one now :) (other is for sure fake)

Re: The Man of Steel

Whatever you keep trying to post isn't showing up. Link works tho. Good looking S there.
Re: The Man of Steel

..hate it.
Unless he a new Robot Superman. I think they may have taken "man of steel" a bit too literally.

What's alien about some dodgy cg steel?

Re: The Man of Steel

Love the symbol, hate the poster. But the poster definitely looks fake. Something you would see on a straight to video scifi film.
Re: The Man of Steel

I like the basic Golden Age S, but the white swirly lines over it are dumb. Odd since I don't see them on the suit S itself.
Re: The Man of Steel

Love the retro symbol and the dimensionalization of the "S" works better than the same attempt with Returns. Despite the lack of shorts I think I'm going to like this film way more.
Re: The Man of Steel

I can already sense the hate coming :lol

'oh why can't Superman just be like Superman.. why does it have to be edgy and dark' :lol

Personally, I'm really looking forward to this

When asked what people will love about Snyder's film, Sprayberry said that "when Zack [Snyder] and I were talking about it the first time, he was saying how Superman, they want to give it a more edgy feel like 'The Dark Knight' but also make it more realistic and emotional so it’s not just the all-american superhero that saves everyone. He has dilemmas and love and struggles throughout the whole movie, especially when he's a kid."
Re: The Man of Steel

Not just Superman... I just don't get why *EVERYTHING* has to be "edgy and dark" nowadays.

Thanks a lot, Nolan! Well, let's be honest, with Snyder involved the chances of this movie being good to begin with was about nil. This more or less confirms what I thought, and that's WB/DC don't know how to market their franchises outside of Batman.
Re: The Man of Steel

Not just Superman... I just don't get why *EVERYTHING* has to be "edgy and dark" nowadays.

Well, Superman does seem to be a tough character to write for. How do you make him struggle as he is pretty much a God ???? I personally think he is an interesting character and his dilemmas lay with his Human side, but I can see how people can say "he's boring and dull". I personally would like to see a Superman film that keeps the spirit of the character alive (protection of mankind) while having him kick some ass :lol
Re: The Man of Steel

Superman should never be like Batman in any regard, they are opposite sides of the coin. Superman does have darkness, mostly within himself and dealing with his own personal issues of being a man lost within a home he so sorely want to be a part of but the difference is that Batman embraces the dark, intends to own it, master it, harness it while Superman fights it, brings light and hope to it.

It's still too early to say they fumbled it but relating it to Batman is a bit of a cop out IMHO.
Re: The Man of Steel

Well, Superman does seem to be a tough character to write for. How do you make him struggle as he is pretty much a God ???? I personally think he is an interesting character and his dilemmas lay with his Human side, but I can see how people can say "he's boring and dull". I personally would like to see a Superman film that keeps the spirit of the character alive (protection of mankind) while having him kick some ass :lol


The ultra-powerful Superman with comedic Clark Kent from the CR movies just doesn't cut it for me. Those films have aged badly IMO.

I'd much rather see a more serious film and a Superman that has some character issues.