LEGO Star Wars: The Clone Wars

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Indeed! I love the Lego games. They're fun, simple, and relaxing which is a nice break from some games that just totally make me pay attention.

That's why i loved the complete saga, it was FUN, however i was so pumped for the clone wars game til i played the demo and it seemed to be in reverse, let me explain...

In the Complete Saga and Batman there was tons of action interrupted every now and then by a puzzle, in Clone Wars there was a ton of puzzles they were interrupted by a bit of action, and the puzzles were fricking annoying, the force to move things was all wonky and very un-precise,.

It should be a 8/2 ratio of action/puzzles instead of 2/8 ratio. it's just NOT FUN getting though a puzzle and being rewarded by another confusing puzzle, unable to progress in the game.

(P.S who the hell is Robinio, i couldn't finish the level in the demo cos there was nothing to interact with except the robinio console.)
Haven't messed with the Demo but I'm fairly certain it will be quite fun once it hits. Actually, the Batman game has been the least fun Lego game I've played. Just didn't care for how it was put together.
I've like pretty much all of them for different reasons. Indy II took some getting used to, but it was still good. I think I like the Harry Potter one the best.
The character list for HP is huge. Thats part of the fun for me, finding all the characters. HP is unique for the spells part, though I think they need to refine that because after a while you have like 20 "fighting" spells available without a good way to choose which one to use. Not that it matters which one you use for the most part. Thats probably something to refine with the second one as well. Have more situational spell casting.
Sounds cool. I'll get it because I'm sure its fun, I like HP, and I want the achievements.
I have 100% of the trophies on that game (Indy II as well). Lego games are pretty easy (and fun) to get all the trophies.
I've got 'em all, and have all their achievements except for three on Lego Star Wars II: The Original Saga. They had some ridiculously hard achievements on that game, including completing levels without losing a single heart (without using any cheats).

Personally, I found the Harry Potter game to be the best in the series so far. Tons of characters with different powers, a HUGE hub world to explore in-between levels, and tons of unlockable bonuses through exploration.

Although the demo for the Clone Wars didn't "wow" me at first, I found myself enjoying the vehicle level despite myself. I'll definitely pick it up.
The Clone Wars game demo really wowed my wife and I last night.

1)it was dang hard. it will be really tough to get the Master Jedi without the multiplier.

2)its by far the most cinematic of all the games. beautiful graphics. really amazing.

3)i loved the way it isolated the 2 players for a while. really puts all players to the test rather than allow 1 person to do all the puzzles.

4)landing your spaceship while the other player is still flying...thats just awesome.
Haven't made up my mind about this one yet. Played the rest so it's probably something I'll get eventually.
Really want to get this, but the last lego game I had I never even finished (Harry Potter) maybe becasue I am not really into the potter movies that much...

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