Jenny Canuck "Operation STOP Schicklegruber"

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Johnny Canuck

Jan 11, 2009
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Part of an ongoing storyline. Schicklegruber is the antagonist, an inept antagonist, anyways he must be stopped!

The previous history first.....................

Monty has a plan to end the war this year, after the German attack through the Ardennes in late 1944 the war has gone badly for the Allies.
With the vital port of Antwerp in German hands, the Canadians have been isolated in Holland for a year and a half. Only the steadfast support of the Dutch people and Allied airforces have kept them going.
The British and Americans have fallen back to Paris which has suffered repeated attacks by V3's and the earlier V1's and 2's.
The Great Dictator has succumbed to the Parkinsons that had visibly afflicted him for the last few years. Young Schiklegruber has weaseled his way into the leadership vacuum that developed after GD's death.
The Russians have been driven out of Poland, after the intervention of the 12th Army at the height of the battle before the Seelow Heights.
Monty wants Johnny. Jenny Canuck and "La Babes" to take out Schicklegruber in his lair at the centre of the Evil Empire.

Once Jenny arrives, Johnny and "La Babes" will be glad to oblige.

Well Johnny has the flu, and can't make it. Guess it'll be up to the girls! Monty needs "La Babes" now!

Jenny has a plan. It'll have to be believable. She has to get to Bowmanville and Camp X tonight.


A small demolition and.......... well they'll figure poor Jenny died doing her duty. Prefect!


Jenny has been trained by the RCMP's Super Secret Section since 1938 in exlposives and demolitions. She is quite the little expert.


This infernal machine will not be missed.................. Jenny quietly slipped away in the confusion after the explosion of the Maytag .


Jenny and "La Babes" met up at Camp X that night, a few quick hello's and they were hussled onto an awaiting squadron of stripped down Mosquitos. They smelled of oil and gas, no markings, nothing, not even running lights, the pilots were young and cocky; but said nothing.


con't below............
In their black camoflage the Mossy's would only carry one team member per aircraft.
Once at Gander Newfoundland they would load up on juice and leap frog to Britain. Iceland was their only refuge if trouble developed. Ireland hid well over the horizon as the fighter/bombers flashed across the Atlantic. But the fates were kind that night as all the planes in the flight landed safely in Dublin. There they refueled and continued on to Paris.

The team was to assemble and be briefed by Monty on the up coming mission.

Welsh born RAF Flight Sgt. Gwen Risk is the weapons specialist. Her favorite firearm is her Magnum. In North Africa she took out a Tiger I with 3 armour piercing rounds, but Mountbattan preferred that a 6 pdr be credited with the kill and that is how history will record it. But, Gwen knows the true story.



Sandra Packolack is of Polish descent, her grandparents live in Wilno Ontario. Her parents and family perished in Poland......... no proof, yet.
She seeks only the destruction of; in her own words the hated "Bosch".
Communications and navigation are her team specialties. She has superb night vision and prefers to stalk from the shadows.




Natasha Sevastopol is from the Ukraine. Her brothers perished in the siege of her namesake in 1941-42. She is a trained assass'in and is the team's medic.
She has stopped many an inquisitive guard with her good looks and two fingers to the throat.


Well, that's most of the team, next will be "The Mission"

Johnny Canuck.
The colors of the girls are all the more vibrant beside the sandy and dusty look of your displays, great contrast and amazing all the around. Mr. Canuck does it again!
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