How many wish Sideshow communicated more with it's fans?

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I don't visit this board as often as I used to, but I haven't seen any rude or condescending remarks as of late. I see some words of disappointment and maybe frustration, but nothing mean spirited. Are there any specific examples?
jlcmsu said:
Just check out any thread with the words "Boba Fett". :lol

People were very passionate about Boba Plastic, a long awaited PF that wasn't PF at all. You can't really blame the SW fans for being pissed that their grail was made of ABS. Mine was returned.

Aside from Boba, I feel the critisism of late was constructive. SS should be taking this information to build a better mousetrap.
kodiak8658 said:
People were very passionate about Boba Plastic, a long awaited PF that wasn't PF at all. You can't really blame the SW fans for being pissed that their grail was made of ABS. Mine was returned.

Aside from Boba, I feel the critisism of late was constructive. SS should be taking this information to build a better mousetrap.

No one blame's anyone for being bothered about Boba, the point is though, Sideshow will not take anyone serious if comments like "screwed the pooch" are tossed around instead of adult, calm, mature language is used. You can state dissappointment in a civil and thought out manner instead of tossing around comments that sum up to "boy you guys ****ed up again, makes me like Medicom and Hot Toys more and more". The boards need to be filled with RESPECT for Sideshow, for board administration, and for fellow board members, if people start drawing blood from one another over this stuff, it just creates a verbal war zone that drives everyone but those most heavily involved away.
LOTRFan said:
I think that their sporadic presence is due to their work on the next LOTR PF! :monkey5

*please let it be so*

Told you so! :rotfl
MaulFan said:
No one blame's anyone for being bothered about Boba, the point is though, Sideshow will not take anyone serious if comments like "screwed the pooch" are tossed around instead of adult, calm, mature language is used. You can state dissappointment in a civil and thought out manner instead of tossing around comments that sum up to "boy you guys ****ed up again, makes me like Medicom and Hot Toys more and more". The boards need to be filled with RESPECT for Sideshow, for board administration, and for fellow board members, if people start drawing blood from one another over this stuff, it just creates a verbal war zone that drives everyone but those most heavily involved away.

Well, I guess that's directed at me since I used the phrase "screwed the pooch". Excuse me for expressing an opinion, but that's how I feel about the way they handled the Boba Fett PF. What you don't take into account is that I have a Vader PF, 1/6 figures like Maul, Sith Anakin and Obi-Wan and other SS collectibles. I have no problem forking over money to them when I feel they produce a product that's worth the money, but when I feel they've done their customers a disservice I'll certainly speak my mind without reservation. They're not giving this stuff away for free, you know. I'm not going to drag the whole Fett debate back into this thread and get that hornet's nest stirred up again, but I(like many) feel they really dropped the ball on that piece and they deserved to be criticized harshly for it. If you disagree that's fine, but as long as this forum is a DISCUSSION FORUM then I think all opinions about Sideshow and their products should be allowed(even if some people don't like hearing it).
The point is that discussion and criticism is fine. But try and construct that criticism as you would for someone you know, rather than as an anonymous voice on a message board.
I love the podcasts and I think they're doing an excellent job with them. And there's always info at the SSC site... but I have noticed that their participation here has decreased.

I don't want to speak for any of them, but it must be hard to come here, read constant criticism and have people expect them to give us answers. I think they used to come here just to have fun with the rest of us. And it can't be easy when there are 6 different threads complaining about a certain piece.

I miss Dusty. :monkey2
I personally am amazed with the level of interaction we have with Sideshow here on SSF. I know they have been scarcer lately, but they are always on the boards reading. I also think the podcasts are about as informative as any of the tidbits they used to throw out here (bearing in my mind I wasn't a member yet back in the Golden Age of SSC-SSF interaction).

I also agree with MF that there are a few who throw messages out there which are not so much criticisms as they are insults. This especially got annoying when the Brant figure was announced.

On the whole, more communication with SSC can't be a bad thing, but I'll take what I can get. :duff
MaulFan said:
No one blame's anyone for being bothered about Boba, the point is though, Sideshow will not take anyone serious if comments like "screwed the pooch" are tossed around instead of adult, calm, mature language is used. You can state dissappointment in a civil and thought out manner instead of tossing around comments that sum up to "boy you guys ****ed up again, makes me like Medicom and Hot Toys more and more". The boards need to be filled with RESPECT for Sideshow, for board administration, and for fellow board members, if people start drawing blood from one another over this stuff, it just creates a verbal war zone that drives everyone but those most heavily involved away.

I got your point, did you get mine? I am the first to admit some of my comments are insulting to both SS and the other members here....but I'm working on that in my anger management sessions. :lol But SS as a company should welcome comments both good and bad, as long as the bad ones don't start mentioning mothers or pooches. :monkey3
kodiak8658 said:
I got your point, did you get mine? I am the first to admit some of my comments are insulting to both SS and the other members here....but I'm working on that in my anger management sessions. :lol But SS as a company should welcome comments both good and bad, as long as the bad ones don't start mentioning mothers or pooches. :monkey3

I do understand that they should be open to the negatives, I'm just trying to promote the idea that if we want them to pay attention to us and listen to our comments, the good the bad and the ugly, it'll only work if our wording comes off as an intelligent though process instead of some of the more heated responses you see at times. Passion is a good thing, but if we let it control us too much, we do things we regret at times or do things in ways that aren't the best.
Brent72 said:
Well, I guess that's directed at me since I used the phrase "screwed the pooch". Excuse me for expressing an opinion, but that's how I feel about the way they handled the Boba Fett PF. What you don't take into account is that I have a Vader PF, 1/6 figures like Maul, Sith Anakin and Obi-Wan and other SS collectibles. I have no problem forking over money to them when I feel they produce a product that's worth the money, but when I feel they've done their customers a disservice I'll certainly speak my mind without reservation. They're not giving this stuff away for free, you know. I'm not going to drag the whole Fett debate back into this thread and get that hornet's nest stirred up again, but I(like many) feel they really dropped the ball on that piece and they deserved to be criticized harshly for it. If you disagree that's fine, but as long as this forum is a DISCUSSION FORUM then I think all opinions about Sideshow and their products should be allowed(even if some people don't like hearing it).

First off, nothing is directed specifically at anyone in what I said, I only used the pooch example because the phrase stuck out, I couldn't even remember who said or cared to look it up.

Secondly, I don't care what your history is, what you own or don't, or anything of that nature, my point is relative to what's being discussed in this thread right now. It is being discussed whether people want to see more interraction from Sideshow in the forums and other areas or not, and I was commenting that the criticism needs to be worded more respectfully, intelligently and constructively so that Sideshow would feel welcome in the forums and respected as a company even when something they do isn't liked. By no means do I feel people can't be unhappy with things Sideshow does, again, I'm only stating my opinion that if the negative opinions are to carry weight when they find their way to Sideshow personnel, and not drive that personnel away from participation in areas like the forums, the presentation needs to be more properly handled.
JustinLuck said:
I'm not talking about customer service. I hear very good things about it. But remember when Sideshow first announced the Star Wars line? There were interviews from the designers and artists posted on Rebelscum. The Creative Director, Tom Gilliland gave a very nice interview in a podcast. Sideshow employees would participate in the forums. What happened to all this?

I also think Sideshow could renew interest if they shared with us the challenges of producing the 1/6 figures. We still don't know why the 1/6 bodies haven't been updated. And why is the long arm syndrome so apparent to us (including Maul which was said to be fixed), but not during pre-production? And is the reason Sideshow hasn't released any armored characters because they are perfecting the designs or because they are selling Medicom figures instead?

Educating fans about some of the difficulties of 1/6 scale production might help them better understand why things are done a certain way and therefore keep them around longer than if they are just left in the dark.

I'd like to hear an official interview about some of the things you've mentioned just to hear exactly what's happening and why it seems to be taking so long for SSC to produce armoured characters.

I think as a company Sideshow do communicate with fans very well, with the weekly newsletters, previews, competitions etc.

The Sideshow employees joining in on the boards IMO is just an nice extra, they're obviously fans of the stuff they produce and enjoy conversing with the collectors but I don't think that should necessarily be expected of them.

But yeah I'd like to hear an official interview from them on some of the things you mentioned in your first post Justin:D

Oh and when it comes to fan communication, I'll be the first to admit that SSC owns Medicom on that front.
The Sideshow employees joining in on the boards IMO is just an nice extra, they're obviously fans of the stuff they produce and enjoy conversing with the collectors but I don't think that should necessarily be expected of them.

But yeah I'd like to hear an official interview from them on some of the things you mentioned in your first post Justin:D

Oh and when it comes to fan communication, I'll be the first to admit that SSC owns Medicom on that front.

Wouldn't a SDCC Q & A session between collectors and a SS spokesperson be killer??? Do it on a live podcast so those of us that can't attend, will be able to view.
In comparison to other companies SS does a phenomenal job of both keeping fans in the loop and making us feel like a part of the collecting experience--- not in the driver's seat certainly but also not hanging on the back bumper with our fingertips as gravel rips our knees to shreds (How's that for an image?).

Sure 15 months is horrendous to keep LOTR PF collectors in the dark--- but honestly, every Thursday there's news. Podcasts are continual. Members of SS post here regularly.

I think there's a great deal of communication and for that reason I'm very happy to send my hard earned money towards their products. Other companies should be so lucky:D .
They've done live Q&A in the sSC Chatrooms at various events - not only with SSC personnel, but with actors, guest sculptors, etc. I'm sure they'll do something similar again.
Hi fans,

You know, I feel I've tried to communicate with you, but the more things I say to you, the more I feel I'm just talking to a brick wall. Remember that time I saw you looking at that other collectibles company, and called you out on it? I wasn't saying you were going to cheat, or anything, but right away, you call me jealous, and say I was accusing you of cheating. Or how about that time I came home, and found that clamshell in the trash for an action figure. An action figure, of all things? I thought we have moved passed those, but you know what? I accepted it. But when you saw me with bobble heads, did I get the same acceptance? No.

I love you. Really, I do. But there doesn't seem to be a lack of communication. There seems to be a lack of compromise. You asked for no twist ties. I gave it to you. I asked you to accept ABS in a Premium Format, and you threw it back in my face. I'm trying here, ya know.

Maybe it's time we took a little time apart. Maybe then we can realize what it is we're missing between us.

I don't know.

Heartbroken but hopeful,


shaithis77 said:
Hi fans,

You know, I feel I've tried to communicate with you, but the more things I say to you, the more I feel I'm just talking to a brick wall. Remember that time I saw you looking at that other collectibles company, and called you out on it? I wasn't saying you were going to cheat, or anything, but right away, you call me jealous, and say I was accusing you of cheating. Or how about that time I came home, and found that clamshell in the trash for an action figure. An action figure, of all things? I thought we have moved passed those, but you know what? I accepted it. But when you saw me with bobble heads, did I get the same acceptance? No.

I love you. Really, I do. But there doesn't seem to be a lack of communication. There seems to be a lack of compromise. You asked for no twist ties. I gave it to you. I asked you to accept ABS in a Premium Format, and you threw it back in my face. I'm trying here, ya know.

Maybe it's time we took a little time apart. Maybe then we can realize what it is we're missing between us.

I don't know.

Heartbroken but hopeful,



You're a very funny guy Brock! I'm gonna have to have drink with you at SDCC... :rotfl
Brock, you broke my heart when you said there was no licensing for Blade Runner. :monkey2

But really it is good to hear from you! :D