Hot Toys Wolf Predator Assembly Help

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Super Freak
Mar 18, 2009
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I was lucky to find a Hot Toys Wolf Predator on ebay. This is my first Pred. and I want to make sure I do not break anything. I know I need to use a hairdryer. Can I get suggestions on the delicate parts and what I need to look out for.
I used hot water for the feet, just ran the tap as hot as I could and shoved the feet on.

The netting will be a bit tricky and get caught on the various joint overlaps.

My best advice, plan what you will do with the whip first...and save it until last. The whip has quite the "memory" and if you bend it once a certain way, and then try for a different way, you might be displeased as to how hard it is to get the kinks out.

Don't put the head on without putting his collar on first.

The directions are spotty at best and leave many assumptions up to the assembler. Rely on the pics on the box.
I was lucky to find a Hot Toys Wolf Predator on ebay. This is my first Pred. and I want to make sure I do not break anything. I know I need to use a hairdryer. Can I get suggestions on the delicate parts and what I need to look out for.<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>

Follow the instructions (and the pics) and don't bend it too hard. You'll be ok.
This actually reminds me of a question I have about my own...maybe wookster can answer this.

The tubes that go from gun to back and from mask to back: I found the holes quite tight, what's the best way to hold the tiny pastic end pieces to insert them?

I was thinking about reaming out the hole a bit with a modellers set of mini drill bits and the hand tool. Then spot-gluing them in with a very mild glue.. any other ideas? Wookster?

Don't use tweezers as they could slip and you'll bend the spring near the end and ruin the look.
This actually reminds me of a question I have about my own...maybe wookster can answer this.

The tubes that go from gun to back and from mask to back: I found the holes quite tight, what's the best way to hold the tiny pastic end pieces to insert them?

I was thinking about reaming out the hole a bit with a modellers set of mini drill bits and the hand tool. Then spot-gluing them in with a very mild glue.. any other ideas? Wookster?

Don't use tweezers as they could slip and you'll bend the spring near the end and ruin the look.

I'm not that technical I'm afraid, most of mine fitted OK, but I used miniscule drops of Superglue-Gel to hold in place, and for the one hole that wasnt good, I just got a pin, held it with pliers over a gas flame till hot and pushed it in the hole and wiggled it around (OK. OK I know that sounds bad... but it's what I did!).
posing him to look awshum is the hardest part imo. well not hard but annoying. everything else is easy.
Thanks for the help. I'm really getting excited for this guy. I thought AVP:R was an OK movie. I thought Wolf was great, and he is my second fav. Predator with the original being #1.

I do wonder if I need to heat the loose parts (legs and arms) or the body or does it matter.
Got him in the mail yesterday. ...and he went together great. I didn't break anything on him. The netting was a little hard and the hair dryer helped a ton. It took me about 3 hours, but it is my first Predator and I was extra careful. Thanks for the advice everyone.

My only concern is the stand. It seems a little small for the Wolf. Is everyone using the Hot Toys stand, or did you switch to something else?
I just bought the Wolf Predator V1 from ebay and I need some help about what to do with the black string? Am I supposed to use it for something?
I just bought the Wolf Predator V1 from ebay and I need some help about what to do with the black string? Am I supposed to use it for something?

you use it to keep his netting down. tie it to the front bottom of the netting and then loop it down between legs and tie it to the back of his netting. it keeps it from riding up and making him look silly.
you use it to keep his netting down. tie it to the front bottom of the netting and then loop it down between legs and tie it to the back of his netting. it keeps it from riding up and making him look silly.

Thanks for the help, couldn't believe building the figure could a pain in the @$$. Especially putting the skirt on, had a small rip after I got it on. But it's worth all the trouble for being so freaking awesome and only $130 for it.
Thanks for the help, couldn't believe building the figure could a pain in the @$$. Especially putting the skirt on, had a small rip after I got it on. But it's worth all the trouble for being so freaking awesome and only $130 for it.

it's an awesome figure, my first HT Pred and shoot i think my 3rd or 4th HT figure period.