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I love the look on his face when he shouts traitor at Finn right before they fight.

It's the kind of rage expressed by someone who *knows* they could have prevented something disastrous but can't bear to admit it. He's so furious that his power told him that there was something "off" about FN-2187 on Jakku but he just didn't quite have either the wisdom or resolve to address it and now here he stands, the Starkiller Base crumbling around him, because of the inside information given by this "traitor" that Ren himself could have stopped.

Most of the movie is a series of events caused by Kylo's miscalculations that he is always *this* close to rectifying and sweeping under the rug. When he finally comes face to face with Finn again he wants to slaughter him a hundred times over as if that will somehow make up for the "gift" of allowing Finn to survive one millisecond off his ship.
That's the vast majority of the internet in a nutshell. Logic is rare in the online world.

Many people on the internet remind me of Ledger Joker's speech about being like a dog chasing cars who wouldn't know what to do if he actually caught one. Since 1999 people have been bellyaching about the prequels and how horrible they are and how tragic it is that SW died in 1983 and that there'll never be another movie like the originals. Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark.

And then holy crap, what do we have? A great SW film like the originals and some people suddenly don't have a clue as to what to do with it.
Some people just don't get him...

I read on this forum somewhere a person believe the StormTroopers were walking away from Kylos rage because they were disgusted with his tantrums.....if you think this...you just do not understand the movie or subtle expression. Clearly those troopers thought they would be on the receiving end of his rage...which shows he is feared by them.

Also...sometimes people just think its cool to be against the popular thing.....

Also some people just won't like any "new" Star Wars.
For the record, I loved Kylo Ren as a character. I had reservations going in, but both the excellent writing and Driver's incredible performance sold the character as a believable, damaged villain. Walking the line between whiny brat and tortured soul is extremely difficult to do, both for the actor and the scribe.

Absolutely no offense meant, but anyone that casually dismisses Kylo as a character may not have a firm grasp of pathos, writing, or development. To have this fearsome villain who at first one might assume is a generic baddie, and slowly see the cracks in his mask and psyche adds an incredible amount of depth and refreshing heart to a character that has his face obscured for most of his screen time. At his very core, he is being torn apart by two very distinct legacies of the dark and the light, which is something many people can relate to. His tantrums were superb. That he is feared both for his power and instability is great as it lends itself well to both humorous and serious moments.

He is different and, perhaps, different than what some may have wanted or expected. However, the lineage is clearly there. Well balanced in the subtlest of ways, if you stop and think about it.

I understand these comparisons to Vader are inevitable, if unnecessary. Were he just a complete clone of Vader, people would complain it's more of the same. Frankly, it would also be a bit boring and would not work as well in an energetic, emotion and character driven plot. Some would've been happy with a near silent and flat but visually arresting spectacle like Darth Maul, but that's not what this movie or Star Wars as a whole needs now.

Darth Vader is Darth Vader, and deserves more than to have his character retread cheaply. Now we have a new villain for a new trilogy, who has Vader in his blood and wants to be like him. More importantly, wants to be seen as being like him. This, too, is something a lot of people should be able to relate to. The irony being that he's more like his grandfather than he realizes - just Anakin, not Vader. He is everything Anakin should've been had Lucas been a better writer and director.

Driver did his legacy proud in TFA and I for one can't wait to see how the character develops in VIII and IX.

Wonderfully put! :goodpost :lecture
Also...sometimes people just think its cool to be against the popular thing.....

They also want to "beat the backlash" in being first to criticize whatever might be popular. "I hated Avatar before it was cool to hate it." Well news flash, a backlash against TFA isn't coming. Ever.

I don't know if it will overtake Avatar's global earnings but it certainly deserves to do so.
They also want to "beat the backlash" in being first to criticize whatever might be popular. "I hated Avatar before it was cool to hate it." Well news flash, a backlash against TFA isn't coming. Ever.

Eh, give it time. Some folks will hate stuff no matter what. Pretty much everything that has been at some point or another considered good, has been criticized to death for being overrated or something along these lines. Come next year, and Dorkly will be posting "My 10 Biggest Problems with TFA" lists every month...
Does Kylo's 'laser sword' NOT light up evenly through to the tip?

Curious about this as well. I assumed the HT sabers had an LED in the hilt/sword arm and the rest is light-piping through the plastic. If that's true then no, it can't light up evenly.
Finn asking Rey if she had a boyfriend is exactly what every guy of every color would ask if they were in a similar situation. Finn was so relatable, shockingly so for a SW character, and the boyfriend line got big laughs both times I saw the movie. Han's reaction to Finn's going off on Phasma made that exchange priceless.
Eh, give it time. Some folks will hate stuff no matter what. Pretty much everything that has been at some point or another considered good, has been criticized to death for being overrated or something along these lines. Come next year, and Dorkly will be posting "My 10 Biggest Problems with TFA" lists every month...

Oh there will always be people who bemoan it's success. That's a given. Weirdos who say Shawshank is overrated or whatever. I'm talking a big, unified backlash like with Titanic or Avatar. Not gonna happen with TFA. The praise in favor of it is too widespread and too intelligently articulated.
Finn asking Rey if she had a boyfriend is exactly what every guy of every color would ask if they were in a similar situation. Finn was so relatable, shockingly so for a SW character, and the boyfriend line got big laughs both times I saw the movie. Han's reaction to Finn's going off on Phasma makes that exchange priceless.
I know, right? He wasn't reletable in the sense of being the unpopular kid, or the misunderstood teen, he was a genuinely likeable guy who acted pretty much how a real person would. He's not in for senseless killing and he's not some uber-powerful Jedi/Sith. He's a guy who knows what's goign but, even though he isn't a Skywalker or a Solo or the Resistance's best Pilot, still does the noble thing.

I'd like to see him get some more feats though. An impossible shot with a blaster would be nice, or something along those lines. But most of all, I want more interactions with Poe. Their scenes were gold.
Truth be told, the whole theater laughed at that scene. And yeah, I didn't see anything wrong with that either. If I'm being honest, while I liked all of the new characters (I have some pet-peeves with Rey, but I still liked her), Finn might be my favourite. He's kinda like an akward and reluctant hero who still has skills. Plus, he was genuinely funny. My only complaint is that he didn't do much in terms of "feats".

He's one of the more grounded characters and has more in common with Han Solo from ANH than some viewers give him credit for.

  • Regular guy.
  • Good with a blaster.
  • Looks out for himself but has a conscience.

He also has some of ANH Luke's naivete.

Not bad for a character that was indoctrinated into an ultra-conformist, fascist military culture at an early age.
Oh there will always be people who bemoan it's success. That's a given. Weirdos who say Shawshank is overrated or whatever. I'm talking a big, unified backlash like with Titanic or Avatar. Not gonna happen with TFA. The praise in favor of it is too widespread and intelligently articulated.

I suppose that's true, but I've seen folks say that the Dark Knight is worse than TASM 2, so who knows? The internet is a dark and mysterious place... As for Avatar, I tried to see it, what, 5 times? I could never get past the first hour or so. We didn't have 3D theaters here at the time, so the whole hype didn't play a role on me. I tried to watch it on my Pc later, but the whole point of it was the 3D. I don't consider it an awful film, but I could just never get into it.
He's one of the more grounded characters and has more in common with Han Solo from ANH than some viewers give him credit for.

  • Regular guy.
  • Good with a blaster.
  • Looks out for himself but has a conscience.

He also has some of ANH Luke's naivete.

Not bad for a character that was indoctrinated into an ultra-conformist, fascist military culture at an early age.

Nah man, he's a wuss for not gunning down innocent villagers. Haven't you read the net's view?!? But yeah, truth be told, he was great. Good dialogue, good delivery, all around a great guy to watch. Not a hero, not a villain, not a Chosen One, just a guy trying to survive, but not a coward who'd run away from a battle if the cause was noble. I like that in a character.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Avatar's backlash was undeserved or anything. :lol


Eh, for a space rip-off of "Dancing with the Wolves" it did alright. Not TASM 2 or Genisys bad. Somewhere along Salvation to Spider-Man 3 bad... :monkey3
My favorite exchange in the whole movie was when they were in the snow and Finn told Han that they should "use the Force" to disable the base and Han was all "WHAT?? That's NOT how it works!!" It was hilarious in light of Han's emphatic "it's all true" speech because we did get to see that there was still a point in the old smuggler where pragmatism won out over "mumbo jumbo." And then while they're debating the fate of the galaxy Chewie has to call attention to the fact that it's cold. I'm literally chucking as I type this. Priceless.
My favorite exchange in the whole movie was when they were in the snow and Finn told Han that they should "use the Force" to disable the base and Han was all "WHAT?? That's NOT how it works!!" It was hilarious in light of Han's emphatic "it's all true" speech because we did get to see that there was still a point in the old smuggler where pragmatism won out over "mumbo jumbo." And then while they're debating the fate of the galaxy Chewie has to call attention to the fact that it's cold. I'm literally chucking as I type this. Priceless.

Honestly, the character interactions were gold I this movie. Genuinely funny and not in a corny, MCU-risqué way. The old guard had some touching moments while the new folks had some great chemistry. The jokes weren't forced and did fit each character's "type". Han's a pragmatist but he has seen things, he's not blind. Finn is a down to earth guy who finally meets an interesting girl (I imagine Stormtrooper school wasn't big on relationships) so him hitting on Rey is natural. Rey's nerdgasm over Han and Luke was also great. Poe's was damn likeable as well. I'd love to see more Poe X Finn X BB-8 scenes in 8.

Very nice detailing I've never seen before.